Superman at Hogwarts - Chapter 182 [Changes and Constancy]

Hermione and Kerry went to a pet shop together, which is a store that specializes in selling magical animals.

The inside of the store is very small, like a narrow alley, maybe only two meters wide.

The walls of the store are densely covered with cages of all sizes, the air exudes a stench of corruption, and the store is so noisy that it seems like it is next to a highway.

The animals in the cages are all making all kinds of weird noises, making the store look like a chicken farm. All kinds of messy animals are piled up in the room.

This store is not where Kerry bought the ghost cat, and it is obvious that the two have different focuses.

There are obviously more magical animals here, rather than pets like owls or cats. Of course, you can also buy them back as ordinary pets, there is not much difference.

After Hermione walked into the store, she looked at everything with curiosity.

"Purple coral lizard, it is said that his eyes can see through the soul, and his feces are a very good medicine."Hermione pointed to a purple lizard, and then she pointed her finger at the tortoise next to it:"Double-horned tortoise, it is said that this tortoise can bring good luck, and its eggs are very nutritious!"

Hermione chattered and talked about more than 20 kinds of animals one after another, which made the shop owner a little stunned.

At this time, Kerry noticed that there was an ugly cat squatting on a cage. This cat has ginger-colored hair, which is soft and fluffy. It feels very comfortable to touch, but his feet are a little inward-turned, his face is dull, and he has a weird face like a persimmon. Kerry suddenly had an idea. This cat seemed to be the cat that Hermione adopted in the original book.


"What breed is this cat?" Kerry asked

"To be honest, I don't know. It looks like the offspring of a pet cat and a lynx. A Kneazle?" the boss replied.

"Hermione, what do you think of this cat?"Kerry asked

"Not bad!"Sure enough, Hermione's aesthetics have never changed. In the eyes of others, this is an ugly pet cat, but in Hermione's opinion, this cat seems to be pretty good.

"Do you want me to buy it?" Hermione asked

"There is an old Chinese saying that goes,"If a pear tree grows on a wide road and no one picks it, it must be bitter!" Kerry explained,"This means that if there is a lonely plum tree growing next to a wide road, with a full tree, and no one picks it or eats it, then the pears on this tree must be very bitter or very unpalatable.""

"I think this cat looks just like that pear tree!" Kerry replied,"But we can't be so narrow-minded. These are all amazing animals. This cat is so ugly, but it's placed with these weird animals, so it must have something special. Am I right, boss?"

""That's right! Mr. Little Wizard!" The owner of the pet shop showed a relieved smile, as if someone finally understood him.

Then he explained:"This cat has a very magical ability. He can understand human commands! He can understand English. Maybe he has some abilities that I haven't discovered, but just this point, he surpasses more than 90% of the magical animals in this shop. He has been here for a long time, but no one wants him."

Hermione found it very interesting to hear this. He shouted to the ugly big cat:"Come into my arms."

A magical scene appeared. As Hermione said this, the ugly big cat slipped into Hermione's arms. This scene made Kerry thoughtful, and he couldn't help but recall what happened in the past two years.

Hermione, who was beside Kerry, hugged the big yellow cat, and suddenly showed a surprised smile, and said to Kerry:"I like it!"

"I think he's pretty good, too!" Kerry said.

Soon Hermione paid all the fees, and the big orange cat went straight into Hermione's arms and didn't come out.

Kerry smiled and took the luggage from Hermione. Hermione gently held the big orange cat in her hands.

""It looks great!" Kerry commented.

After finishing shopping, the two quickly returned to Hermione's home.


On the other side, Harry Potter was spending a pleasant evening with the Weasley family.

Mr. and Mrs. Weasley sat at one end of the dining table.

On the left were Ginny and Ron, and on the right were the twin brothers. Now six people were sitting at a square dining table.

""Ron, stop fiddling with your mouse on the table! Everyone's eating!" Mrs. Weasley yelled.

"This mouse seems to be having trouble acclimatizing. He has been looking listless since returning from Egypt! I heard that the lifespan of a mouse is only two or three years at most. Why does Scabbers live so long? I remember that the biology book once said that the lifespan of animals is much shorter than that of humans."Ron put the mouse in his pocket and complained to his mother.

He specifically mentioned the lifespan of the mouse just to remind his mother that he hadn't changed his pet for two years, and this pet was already very old.

After hearing about the lifespan of the mouse, Scabbers in Ron's hand seemed a little panicked. He seemed very afraid that they would throw him out. He thought it was nice to live with Ron.

The Weasley family's dinner was not going too smoothly. Harry felt vaguely that Mrs. and Mr. Weasley seemed to be hiding something from him.

When dinner was almost over, Mr. Weasley said to everyone present:"Let's go tomorrow morning.���Get up at the right time. The Ministry of Magic has prepared two cars for us, and we will take them to 9¾ Station."

Everyone, including Harry, looked up at Mr. Weasley.

Especially the little girl, Ginny, who realized something was wrong at the first moment.

The conditions of the Weasley family were not unknown. How could the Ministry of Magic send two cars to pick up these little troublemakers?

"Of course it was because of Harry Potter! Because of the existence of the magical boy, so many people believed in him, so the Ministry of Magic decided to send a car this semester to serve Harry.

Harry Potter looked at the twin brothers and Ron. Their young faces were full of anxiety.


That night, Kerry stayed at Hermione's house.

There were only three people at night, Mrs. Granger, Hermione and Kerry. The three of them had a big meal at Hermione's house.

Hermione's house was very big, and she was an only child, so she easily gave Kerry a guest room.

Mrs. Granger was guarding against Kerry like a thief, and she asked Hermione to stay with her at night and sleep in the same bed.

Kerry and Hermione looked at each other and shrugged helplessly.

But things did not go as planned. In the first half of the night, Hermione still sneaked over. The two teenage boys and girls kissed over and over again. If Hermione was not too young and Kerry's self-control was very strong, maybe they would do something that can only be done after the age of 18 tonight.

A group of young couples chatted quietly on the bed, recalling all the interesting things in this summer vacation. The moonlight outside the window shone in quietly, making Hermione's face extremely bright. It was not until Mrs. Granger kicked the door open that Hermione slipped out in disgrace.

When Hermione left Kerry's bed, it was already 11 o'clock in the evening.

In the second half of the night, Kerry calmed down and listened to the movements around him. He carefully recalled everything that happened in the past two years and carefully compared it with the original plot in his memory.

The endings of the characters are similar. The only difference is that although the relationship between Malfoy and Harry Potter is biased towards hatred, it is not to the extent of irreconcilable.

Now the person who is irreconcilable with Malfoy is Kerry - I feel a little proud, what's going on?

Dumbledore is the same as in the original, old and single. The only difference is that he has two more children.

Now these two children are not raised by Dumbledore. The girl should be raised by Dumbledore's younger brother, Aberforth Dumbledore. According to age, his children should be at least eight or nine months old.

The mysterious boy should be in Grindelwald's hands. Although the composition of this child is a bit against the sky, Kerry still wants to bless him and hope that he will have a better life in the future.

The character with the biggest difference from the original should be Snape.

Snape in the original book is still immersed in the tragedy of Lily's death at this time. Of course, he also loves Harry very much.

But���Now Snape is holding two children in his arms, and his greasy hair has regained its youthful luster. It is incredible no matter how you look at it - the old bat has become a bat dad.

And from the situation of the last visit, the two children should have been given some kind of magical potion since they were born, and their growth rate in one month is equivalent to the growth rate of a normal baby in one year.

Fortunately, the potion master around these two children is Snape, who is a real potion master, otherwise, if they grow so fast at such a young age, they will definitely die from growth hormone and physical development problems.

Snape hardly stays in his office now. He will sneak back to the cottage in Hogsmeade Village after work. The two children are taken care of by a nanny, and Snape is happy to see it.

In addition to Snape, the biggest difference among humans may be Cedric.

Cedric in the original book only met Harry in the third and fourth grades. After a while, they became good friends, but it is a pity that Cedric was killed by Voldemort. This is called one of the biggest regrets of the Harry Potter series.

But now Cedric has become an attacker of the 91st team, and he has mastered all his skills. Kerry can even imagine that if he continues to train in this way, by the time Kerry is in the fourth year and the Goblet of Fire incident really happens, Cedric may have the ability to fight back.

Of course, when Kerry recalled these things, he automatically ignored Ginny and Hermione.

Strictly speaking, Hermione is the one who has changed the most. Now Hermione has 1% of superhuman superpowers. It is no longer an adjective but a declarative sentence to smash a person with one punch. In an emergency, Kerry can also lend her 50% of superpowers temporarily. This is so convenient!

Another person is Ginny. In the original book, she experienced more like a shy girl, but from the author's description of her, this girl has a strong magical talent. She is also very smart and has very strong physical athletic ability. It is a SSR-level character card.

Maybe it is slightly worse than Hermione, but not too much. The two are at the same level and have different focuses.

In addition to Ginny, Lockhart's fate was also changed. In the original book, he should have become a mental patient or an idiot, but in reality, Lockhart directly turned into a corpse. There is nothing too special on the human side, but the difference is a bit big when it comes to magical creatures. The mermaid tribe has become a little depressed because of Voldemort's attack last semester. This depression will be followed by an outbreak. The mermaids will never be slaves!

The Centaur tribe was bought by the Kree's financial offensive and became the loyal followers of the First Legion of Krypton. But these Centaurs did not do nothing, they still did many things they could, such as leading those strange spiders to the playground.���

The most embarrassing thing about the Fantastic Beasts is the house elves.

In the original book, Harry Potter will use a simple trick at the end to make Dobby the elf free.

But now because the basilisk died too early, Dobby's last visit to school should be when Harry was in the hospital. Since then, it seems that there has been no news about Dobby.

This is really a headache, because Dobby, the elf, will have a pivotal role in the next few books. But now Kerry can't even see Dobby. Even if he wants to pay to buy Dobby, the Malfoy family may not agree - headache! The next morning, the sun was still bright.

King's Cross Station in London was crowded with people.

Kerry took Hermione to walk on the platform, and behind them was Mrs. Granger, who looked innocent and dissatisfied.

Kerry saw the Weasley family from a distance. What's gratifying is that Harry Potter is also with the Weasley family, and in addition to Harry, Ginny's smiling face is also reflected in Kerry's eyes.

Ginny rushed over quickly, chattering. She and Hermione had been separated for several weeks. The two of them shared their summer vacations on the platform.

One said how many people he had knocked over with a potion, and the other said that he had beaten twice as many people to death with his fists.

In this way, amidst the chattering and laughter, the crowd crossed the platform and arrived in front of the Hogwarts Express.

The Weasley couple looked at Ginny and their faces were also very ugly.

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