Hogwarts' Little Superman - Chapter 040 [Studying Magic Scientifically]

After Mr. Tom finished speaking, there was no fierce opposition or approval. Unexpectedly, everyone's reaction was very flat.

The second person to come on stage proposed another theory. He believed that humans were like plants. The reason for the formation of obscurus was that they were not exposed to the correct sunlight and rain. This was the real reason for the formation of obscurus.

Then, like a group of performing artists, everyone put forward their own opinions. When these discussions were almost over, it was already past three o'clock in the afternoon. At this time, only Professor McGonagall and Kerry did not give a speech.

After Professor McGonagall came on stage, she completely speculated on the possibility of the formation of obscurus from the perspective of student training - in other words, Professor McGonagall believed that the reason for the formation of obscurus should be more psychological factors. This is the professional understanding caused by Professor McGonagall's profession.

To sum up the whole meeting, it can be summed up in one sentence - everyone is independent, no one will cooperate with others, some people's opinions are outrageous to the extreme, but other wizards seem to have become accustomed to it and did not oppose or support it.

Kerry complained in his heart: This is simply a disaster!

""Let's welcome our new members!" Professor McGonagall finally said. She pulled Kerry onto the podium.

Kerry thought about it and decided to try to save them. So after introducing himself, Kerry stood on the stage and said,"I think our magic research needs drastic reforms now!"

"We should not call ourselves wizards, we should call ourselves [arcanists]. What is an arcanist?

There was once a wizard nicknamed Squid who once said that we arcanists should take it as our responsibility to study the truth of the world!

We are the discoverers of truth!

But look at everyone here... I'm not targeting anyone, I'm saying that everyone here is rubbish!"

After saying this, Kerry waited for the wizards below to react. Indeed, their reactions were very intense, and almost all of them glared at him, but it seemed that all the wizards had good tempers. Fortunately, no one attacked Kerry, and only a few wizards wanted to drive him off the stage with curses.

Professor McGonagall was stunned. She had never expected that her student would be like this, but in the blink of an eye, she showed an excited expression. I like such a reckless student!

Kerry turned around and wrote huge words on the blackboard with chalk. One word:——【Truth.

Kerry said softly:"What is the truth of the world?

Why do we have magic power? Why can we use spells? How can we get more powerful spells and magic power? How can we reduce the magic power and change the corresponding spells?"

"Spells are not all equal in power, so how should we categorize them? Should we just compile a dictionary based on the order of their words and call it a spell book?"

"No! We shouldn't do this!" Kerry said to the wizards in the audience almost in a roar.

"We are not wizards, we are arcanists! We want to explore the truth of this world!"

"We study this world, summarize the laws of the world, explore this world, and challenge the future!"

Kerry paused for several dozen seconds. The wizards in the audience were divided into three types. One type looked at him with vigor, another type looked completely furious, and the third type was looking at him with a look of astonishment. Who am I? Where am I?

"Next, I will describe how a normal project should be produced!"

"First, we observe the operating rules of a certain thing, then we write down the corresponding rules, and then we deduce and guess based on the rules, and infer the causes and processes of the emergence of these rules!"

"In this process, we have to establish several, even hundreds of possible causes to explore, and then after preliminary theoretical speculation, we choose the most likely speculation to verify.

For example, one of our friends believes that the human body is like a container, and as long as there is a suitable anti-magic material, the magic power can be extracted. Then you should not build a pump first, which is the stupidest thing to do!

You should speculate that if the human body is a container, then what is the material of this container? Why can't I build a container similar to the human body?"

"The human body does not have dragon skin! The human body does not have anti-magic materials! So how does the human body preserve magic?

So from this point of view, this view can be directly rejected - human organs do not have the characteristics of containers! The proposition is wrong, this project is over!"

"Observe, summarize, guess, infer, and conduct experiments: prove or disprove it and get the correct experimental conclusion!"

"When we study the truth, we should not hold meetings with this ridiculous dragon skin magic pump, but should use rigorous and scientific experimental equipment to complete our propositions!"

"We are not wizards! I hope that all the wizards in our association can become true arcanists!"

"I hope that one day, we can shout out loud: the truth is in our hands!"

Kerry then told all the wizards what a scientific"paper" should have - the paper of the entire magical world is more like an essay than a paper.

Kerry talked about how a research topic should be established, how to apply, how to create, how to experiment, how to draw conclusions, and so on.

Professor McGonagall didn't sound very impressed at first, until she got to the part of experimental management, she suddenly felt her soul was shocked - isn't this her daily management work?

In her long-term teaching management, she unconsciously created scientific teaching methods, but Professor McGonagall herself didn't know it until Kerry told her the relevant content today, and Professor McGonagall suddenly realized it!

It turns out that I am also an arcane master! - Professor McGonagall said to herself.

A wizard named Collins suddenly shouted:"I understand! You are really awesome! I understand my future path!"

"Collins, what are you kidding?" Wizard Tom blushed on the other side:"Can you take the words of a ten-year-old child seriously?"

Seeing that the crowd had split, Kerry had achieved his goal and said softly:"I think it would be better for us to set up a new association ourselves - called the [Arcane Association】!"

As soon as these words came out, there was an immediate and intense reaction from the crowd. Several wizards were about to use magic to teach Kerry a lesson, while others were very supportive.

At this moment, in a corner of Hogsmeade Village, a white-bearded old man was sitting in a warm room, watching the"live broadcast" in the mirror with a smile on his face.

Beside the old man was a familiar old wand and a phoenix.

"Looks like I have to prepare that painting quickly.……"

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