Superboy at Hogwarts - Chapter 046 [Becoming the King of Centaurs]

All the Centaurs chased after Kree, and no one even cared about the corpses of the unicorns and centaurs

"Run!"Harry appeared beside the bonfire. He wanted to rush to the four people to save them, but Hermione and the other four people immediately untied their hands and feet.

"Your rope?" Harry was stunned.

"Kerry just saved us, let's go! Let's get out of here first!" Hermione said

"No! Kerry is in danger, we have to save him!"Harry was the first to object.

"Believe me!" Hermione rubbed her sore hands and said,"Kerry must not be in any danger. He is more powerful than you think!"

If there is anyone present who knows Kerry, it must be Hermione!

Harry, Ron and the other four looked at each other, communicated a few words, and decided to follow Hermione's arrangement and go back to find the professor to save Kerry.

Hermione looked a little depressed, but full of excitement.

Hermione was not worried about Kerry's safety, because she saw with her own eyes that Kerry lifted the body of the mountain monster with one hand.

That kind of power must be at least more than one ton of power, and the centaurs were just a group of very ordinary magical animals.

They didn't know much about magic, and their physical strength was only slightly stronger than that of ordinary Muggles.

Hermione felt that as long as Kerry was not a fool, he would never be caught.

Harry rode a flying broom in front, followed by Hermione, Ron and Seamus. The four quickly left the Forbidden Forest and returned to Hogwarts Castle.


Kerry actually led the centaurs to the deepest part of the forbidden forest, but he stopped halfway, facing the centaurs, and sat quietly on a stone.

"Are you a Kryptonian?"The leader of the Centaurs rushed over first. He was at least two feet taller than the other Centaurs. He didn't look like a Centaur, but more like an invincible warrior.

"No, I am a Kryptonian, not a Kryptonian.】!"Kerry explained:"The reason I’m here is because someone is impersonating me and doing something bad!"

"Kill him!""Kill him!" The surrounding centaurs began to roar.

The chief raised his hand to stop the roar and said forcefully:"Now, no matter whether it was you who did it or not, come back with us! If it wasn't you, we will release you."

"Release me?" Kerry chuckled and said,"What right do you have to arrest me?"

"Depend on it!" The patriarch raised the spear in his hand and pointed it towards Kerry.

Kerry took the initiative to walk towards the patriarch:"I especially like dealing with magical creatures like you - do you know why?"

"What's the meaning?"

"Because your intelligence is not high enough, you believe in the law of power very much!"Kerry laughed again:"And I - definitely have the power to crush you!" Kerry jumped forward, easily snatched the spear from the chief's hand, and threw it at a tree behind the centaur group.

In the shocked eyes of all the centaurs, a thunderous roar sounded, accompanied by the roar, the huge tree behind the centaurs exploded!

All the wood chips and fragments splashed all over the field!

The effect was better than Kerry expected! The tree should have been an empty trunk, but the supersonic spear directly blew up the entire trunk.

With a squeak that made people's gums numb, the towering tree slowly fell backwards...

The whole audience was silent!

It seemed that the sound of the wind in the woods could be heard.

The centaur chief couldn't believe his eyes! In the night, the centaurs were staring at the tree in amazement - how powerful magic could cause such a consequence?

"I think we can have a good talk now!" Kerry patted the Centaur Chief on the shoulder and said,"Isn't it?"

"Unless you can kill me!" The chieftain was obviously unconvinced, and immediately took out a scimitar and slashed at Keri.

Keri did not move at all, and the scimitar rushed towards Keri at an extremely fast speed. The first moment it touched Keri's skin, it flashed with crackling sparks.

Then there was a crisp sound, and the scimitar died...

Keri put his hands on the front hooves of the horse of the two-and-a-half-meter-tall chief, raised it high, and swung it hard, like an arrow from a string, hitting the bushes next to him - this was a deliberately chosen position, Keri did not want to kill him, but only wanted to subdue this group of centaurs.

"Clang……"The centaur leader fainted. Other centaurs wanted to rush to help him, but Kerry knocked them all to the ground with one punch!

Kerry's hands had an astonishing strength of 28 tons at this moment! What does this mean? He could lift about ten of the largest African elephants or forty cows with one hand!

The weight of a centaur is at best equivalent to the weight of a heavy horse, less than a ton. How dare they fight against the superhuman bloodline?

After Kerry knocked down dozens of centaurs in the field, the remaining ten centaurs were afraid to charge again - what kind of monster is this!

All the centaurs who were still awake felt powerless in their hearts...

What kind of powerful character is this?

The leader woke up from the bushes at this time. He couldn't believe the scene in front of him. More than forty centaurs groaned and fell to the ground. It was a mess as if a sacred dragon had just walked by - this number of people could launch a charge against a thousand infantry - but in Kerry's hands, it seemed like forty cockroaches!

"Stop fighting! I am willing to surrender!"The Centaur leader changed his attitude in a flash.

"If it had been like this, it would have been over long ago!" Kerry shrugged and said,"Now let's go back to the unicorn. I have something to ask you!"

An hour later, Kerry arrived at the Centaur settlement - there were densely packed sheds filled with the old, weak, sick and disabled. The middle-aged Centaurs were responsible for forming warriors, both men and women.

The unicorn's body was placed in the middle of the settlement square, and next to it, covered by leaves, was the dead Centaur woman - Wu Linna.

"I will become���Our new king! Who is against it now and who is in favor?" Keri arrogantly sat at the highest point and asked the hundreds of centaurs in the square.

"I agree!"Almost all the Centaurs agreed.

"Of course I...……"An old centaur was about to speak when the young centaur next to her covered her mouth.

"If no one objects, then I now officially declare that the Centaurs will become the mount troops of Krypton, and everyone present here will be members of the Kryptonian Affiliated Corps!" After saying this, Kerry added:"You are short of food and drink now, I will give you 10,000 gold galleons first, at least to solve your food problem first!"

Give a sweet date after a stick! Kerry knows this well.

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