Hogwarts' Little Superman - Chapter 093 [Blessing of Love]

After the four bodyguard wizards came out, none of them gave Kerry any good looks...

If they knew that the enemy was Voldemort, no one would definitely sign the contract. But they had also felt the great magic power of Kerry, so no one dared to break the contract - in the face of such a powerful magic, the consequence of breaking the contract can only be one word.——【Death Sacrifice!

However, after Kerry gave each person 500 gold galleons, their faces looked better.

Collins and Kerry chatted alone for a while. Kerry wanted to make a sniper rifle, just like the Barrett M82, but it fired magic. Collins felt that there seemed to be some similar methods, but it was impossible to make it exactly the same as a sniper rifle. At the end of the conversation, Collins said that he would take time to visit Kerry's family in half a month.

"Of course you are welcome!" Kerry left the manor with four wizard bodyguards.


When Kerry finally got home, it was already 10 o'clock in the evening.

The four of them were waiting for Kerry's return in the hall, and Kerry also met his little sister for the first time.——【Ellie Feynman.

Ellie was a little sleepy at the moment, but she was quietly held in Alice's arms, wearing a loose baby outfit. She was already two and a half months old, and would be three months soon. On her chubby face, you could vaguely see the shadow of Mr. Henry, so she must be his biological child.

"My dear sister!" Kerry took out his wand:"I think I should give her a wizard's blessing, right?"

"Of course!" Alice said yes and looked at Chris with expectation.

"I will use an extremely ancient protective spell to share my blessing with my sister!" Kerry explained:"This is a super spell written in ancient Runic!"

"【Love's Gift】:!@#¥%……&*"Kerry recited a long spell of 127 syllables.

As he slowly spoke those inexplicable syllables, the sound of wind chimes suddenly rang out in the hall, as if penetrating time and space. It was such a mysterious and amazing sound.

Along with the sound and Kerry's syllables, a strong wave of magic power was brewing from Kerry's body - it was so huge that Kerry's body even shook a little!

The magic power controlled by Kerry at this moment exceeded 100,000 calories! Equivalent to ten Dumbledores!

On the sofa in the corner of the hall, the four wizard bodyguards were all shocked. They couldn't help but stand up and stare at Kerry ten meters away in a trance. Their souls were trembling!

If the spell signed in the contract was still within their understanding, but they didn't understand it because such a spell appeared on the young wizard, then the spell in front of them was completely beyond their imagination!

Williams couldn't help but have a thought in his heart: If this is not God, then what is God!

God of the world! God of wizards!

The spell that Kerry cast was the same protective spell that Lily Potter and James Potter used for Harry Potter. It required powerful magic. Lily and James might have done it by working together, but Kerry alone could release more powerful magic, much more than the sum of the two of them.

Finally, a ray of light that seemed to come from another dimension appeared from the end of the wand. It was so dreamy and beautiful, like a butterfly, flying to her sister Ellie.

In an instant, those fragile rays of light that were originally like starlight exploded into a golden light as bright as the sun at the moment of contact, illuminating the entire room.

Not to mention the four wizards, even Kerry's parents and the housekeeper who didn't understand magic at all realized that this was definitely not an ordinary spell, and it was full of holiness and greatness!

Alice even burst into tears on the spot - she had never expected Kerry to love her sister so much. She had been worried about something bad before they actually met.

"It's a nice gift for meeting you!" Kerry said with a smile. Alice gently put her sister down and gave Kerry a big hug.

"It's really great!" Kerry's father and mother also hugged Kerry.


At about eight o'clock the next morning, an owl suddenly appeared outside the house.——"Coo...coo……"

Kerry calmly opened the envelope:

"Mr. Feynman:

We have received a report that at 22:19 last night, you cast an unknown (defaced) spell in your residence. As you know, underage wizards are not allowed to use magic outside of school. If you do this again, you may be expelled from the school (Act on the Reasonable Restraint of Underage Wizards).》 , 1875, Article 3).

Also remember that according to Article 13 of the International Statute of Wizarding Secrecy, any magical activity that may attract the attention of non-magical members (Muggles) is a serious violation of the law.

Have a great summer!

Mafalda Hopkirk,

Ministry of Magic, Improper Use of Magic Office"

Kerry tore the envelope to pieces, and said calmly in his heart: Those who break the rules are the real Gryffindors! Which little lion didn't come out of nowhere!

Besides, Dumbledore will take care of it. Thinking of this, Kerry couldn't help but feel a little sympathy for Dumbledore. No wonder this guy had to fake his death to get away. If it were him, he probably wouldn't be able to stand it. Dumbledore could endure it for half his life, almost decades, which is already admirable.


Hundreds of kilometers away in the Biological Research Institute.

Albus Dumbledore, Aberforth Dumbledore, and Severus Snape stood in a row, looking at the���The little light's eyes were full of excitement and surprise.

"Are we really resurrecting souls?" Aberforth asked

"Strictly speaking, it is only a small part of the soul, the part that belongs to the personality and subconsciousness, not the whole soul, and does not include any memory or magic, nor any thinking. It is precisely because of this that it is possible to exist in the world."Albus explained to his brother.

At this time, Dumbledore was holding the Philosopher's Stone - it could not revive a person's soul like the Resurrection Stone, but it also had incredible abilities. The four small bright spots in front of him were the credit of the Philosopher's Stone.

"Are you saying that the person we resurrected is really our sister?" Aberforth was still confused.

"At least I am sure that she will carry the purest blood of our Dumbledore family!" Albus Dumbledore replied.

Snape, who was standing by, did not say anything, but touched the two small spots of light and moved them into the prepared box.

"Let us look forward to it!" Aberforth smiled and said:"May Merlin bless them!"

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