Superman Attack

: gang fight

Thanks for the Elegy of Innocence 1888, the street, waiting for happiness, 300, csy_yanxin, 200, jonesw, sleepless sleep, kanonkanon, faint love, lai jacket, csy_yanxin 100


The small KFC was a mess, a dozen black suits and forty floral shirts were fighting, and tables and benches were flying everywhere. A black suit took a plate as a hidden weapon, and flew out with a swish, just in the face of a flower shirt, the Orleans grilled wings on the plate smeared a lot of sauce on the flower shirt's face. The flowered shirt was furious, and it happened that he had a chili bag in his hand, tore it open and slapped it on the face of the black suit. The chili powder was flying all over the sky, and the poor black suit screamed and fell down, covering his eyes.

The customers were frightened and rushed out of the door. A beautiful woman ran too fast and her skirt was accidentally hung on the stool. She didn't care to save the skirt, she just wanted to run out as soon as possible, so she lucked her dantian and pulled it hard. The only thing I heard was a tearing sound, the skirt turned into two pieces of rags, and the beauty flung out her snow-white thighs without looking back.

A flowered shirt next to him laughed loudly: "Haha, the purple fat time..." Before he could finish the words, a black suit dancing with a chair patted him on the head, and the flowery shirt fell to the ground without humming.

The KFC staff were also terrified. Several girls got under the table, and the male staff shivered. No one dared to stop them. Only the manager was in a hurry and seemed to want to chase people with a broom. A flowered shirt flicked his hand and slapped him on the face. The manager was instantly stunned and retreated behind the counter for a long time, daring not to come out.

Qianqian's face was a little pale, Lin Bai used his body as her shield to protect her and retreated to the toilet: "Qianqian, let's go back into the toilet, don't come out until it's quiet outside."

Qianqian nodded desperately, she is a kind and gentle girl, she has never seen such a violent scene before, her heart was so frightened that she was so frightened that she didn't fall to the ground and cry out, all because Lin Bai stood in front of her. Although Lin Bai is not tall, nor mighty, has no money, and looks like a scum with only five combat abilities, as long as he is in Qianqian, he will feel at ease. Maybe when the time of world destruction comes, as long as there is Lin Bai standing in front of her, she can face it calmly.

Suddenly, a spoon flew over and flew straight to Qianqian's forehead. Lin Bai reached out and scooped it in the air, but he didn't catch it. He failed in sports performance and killed someone... The spoon hit Qianqian's forehead with a "snap" sound. Although the skin was not broken, it turned Qianqian's forehead red.

Qianqian covered her forehead with her hands and called out, "Aiya!"

Lin Bai was instantly furious. He is actually a person who doesn't get angry easily. If he was beaten this time, he might just endure it. You must know that the most important skill Diaosi needs to master is patience. Being crushed by life, taking a step back to calm the waves and enduring the vast sky for a while, Diaosi can't afford to fight, nor can she be angry! People without strength will most easily hurt themselves every time they fight.

However, Qianqian was injured!

From the age of six, as long as Qianqian was injured, Lin Bai would go berserk, and Diaosi's philosophy of life was thrown out of the sky in an instant.

Lin Bai roared furiously with red eyes: "Fuck you, Mumma Le Gobi, who threw this spoon away?"

A flowered shirt scolded from a distance, "Who dares to scold Lao Tzu? Grandpa threw the spoon, so some kind of come over to fight."

"Very good, you wait for Lao Tzu, don't run if you have any ideas." Lin Bai shoved Qianqian into the toilet and took out a red pill, which was the secret medicine of "weird power and chaos".

Qianqian said in surprise, "Xiao Bai, what are you going to do?"

Lin Bai said angrily: "It's none of our business, I wanted to hide, but this **** Jinzhu Gang dared to hurt you, it's not Xiaobai if you don't retaliate this revenge! I want to go out and chop them up. ."

Qianqian took his hand desperately: "Don't go, you are not good at fighting since you were a child, you have low strength, slow speed, and poor reflexes, and there are many opponents, so you are the only one, how can you beat them? I have nothing to do with them. It's just a piece of red skin, just blow it a few times, come and help me blow it?"

She put her forehead in front of Lin Bai's mouth, and the action was very cute. If she changed it to normal, Lin Bai was afraid that her heart would melt. But seeing a red mark on her forehead, anger continued to flow out from the seven orifices.

Lin Bai threw the "strange force" into his mouth: "Wait for me in the toilet, and don't come out until it's quiet outside."

"Don't go!" Qianqian wanted to persuade her like this, but seeing Lin Baihong staring at her with her eyes, she knew it couldn't be stopped. When she was in the fifth grade of elementary school, she was slapped by a boy in junior high school. Lin Bai had such eyes at that time. As a result, Lin Bai was surrounded by five people and bit her so hard that the boy who hit her knelt on the ground and apologized. . When she was in the first grade of junior high school, she was beaten by the head teacher and her hand was swollen. Lin Bai rushed into the office and slapped the teacher.

When he showed such a look, Qianqian could only back down: "Okay, I'll hide, you...don't try too hard." She knew that it was useless to say that, as long as Lin Bai's eyes were red, he would definitely try his best. , but if you don't say it, you will feel uneasy.

Lin Bai pushed open the toilet door and walked out. He closed the door and locked her inside. Qianqian didn't open the door and go out, because she didn't dare to watch, she couldn't imagine the scene where Lin Bai beat dozens of floral shirts by himself, he would definitely be beaten badly, he would bleed, maybe he would vomit blood, she just had to watch You will faint at a glance. By the way... call the police! No, no need to call the police, my colleagues must have called the police, I should have called the hospital for an ambulance.

Qianqian dialed the 120 emergency number with trembling hands...

Lin Bai was standing at the door of the toilet. On the wall above his head was the word WC, which was very impressive. The "weird power and chaos" had been completely absorbed by his body. He squeezed his fist and felt a powerful force rising up in his body... When I was a child, I watched a cartoon, there was a Sheriff Bresta in it, and he could use the "bear power", Lin Bai felt it now You have the power of a bear, or... a power greater than that of a bear.

He was holding a spoon in his hand, the one that injured Qianqian. He still remembered the floral shirt he was talking about, so he walked towards the man step by step.

The people around them were still fighting each other, but the black suits had clearly lost their way. The one-eyed brother was grinning and cornering the old man Liu and his granddaughter who had a cold. The remaining black suits desperately tried to protect the boss. Under the absolute numerical disadvantage, the army has already collapsed.

A flowered shirt saw Lin Bai, wondering who this guy was? Why dare to go to the middle of the battlefield? Didn't you see KFC staff and customers hiding in the shadows? Could this man have come out to find death? He picked up a chair and smashed it hard at Lin Bai's head.

Lin Bai raised his left hand and went up, with a loud "bang", the chair was knocked out, and the person who took the chair and patted Lin Bai's head flew out, hit the table, and then slowly slipped to the ground, Eyes have turned white.

"Idiot who throws a spoon, hurry up and die." Lin Bai roared angrily.

When he roared, old man Liu and his granddaughter who had a cold turned their eyes around at the same time.

Old man Liu was in a very bad mood. In fact, he was not afraid that he would be captured by the underworld and would pay a ransom. As long as the person was fine, he could recover the money slowly. I am more worried about my beautiful granddaughter. She is only 20 years old. She is a young and beautiful two-year-old. If she falls into the hands of these **** from the Jinzhu Gang, God knows what will happen. Ruined her life. And my granddaughter has a cold, and being taken as a hostage by a bad guy is not good for treating a cold.

The granddaughter who had a cold obviously knew this too. She was holding her grandfather's arm and her whole body was trembling. When did the eldest young lady, who was raised and raised, ever see such a scene? As for whether it was because of the trembling or the sudden cold and sudden swaying because of the cold, it is not clear.

Just when the grandparents were most desperate and helpless, Lin Bai stood up.

Old man Liu's eyes lit up: "The genius doctor has taken action, that's great!"

The granddaughter who had a cold coughed lightly: "Can a genius doctor beat so many people?"

"A genius doctor knows how to use internal power to treat diseases, but how can he not understand internal power to hurt people?"

"Wow, yes!"

The grandfather and grandson instantly ignited hope, and the one-eyed brother who was forcing them towards them didn't seem so scary anymore.

However, the fighting method of the master doctor was obviously beyond the expectations of the grandparents and grandsons, because the master doctor also did not have the demeanor of a martial arts master. The spoon you threw, you bastard, I'm going to put this spoon on your forehead."

"Bah" from the flower Lin Bai took a stride forward and rushed over.

The flower shirt that stood closest was naturally blocking the front.

Lin Bai raised his fist and hit a very simple straight punch. He is not a boxer, nor is he a fighter, he is just a little Diaosi, he doesn't have great fighting skills, he just punches straight. The flower shirt snorted disdainfully, stretched out her hand, trying to square Lin Bai's fist, then twisted it around, and then smashed Lin Bai to the ground.

But... just as Hua Shirt's hand was on the grid, he heard the sound of his arm breaking. Lin Bai's fist was carrying a huge force, and the force was overwhelming, how could his arm stop it? Not only his hands could not stop him, but his ribs also couldn't stop him. Three or four of them were broken with a click. Then he was pushed up and flew backwards several meters. With a loud bang, he hit the wall and shook the wall. The dust rustled down.

The surrounding floral shirts were startled and screamed together. The one-eyed brother turned his head abruptly and looked at Lin Bai with disbelief.

However, the old man Liu was so happy that he slapped his thigh sharply, grabbed his granddaughter's hand and said with a smile, "See? , In fact, at the moment of contact, the energy from the dantian is exhaled, and the internal strength is like overwhelming mountains. It's amazing, it's a pity... Grandpa only learned the form of Taijiquan, but he didn't have the basic skills of the inner family, alas..."

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