Superman Attack

: Allison Barbershop

Thanks to the difficult road of picking up the morality, the reward is 1888, the Yingque and the wolf are rewarded 588 year after year, Xiaoxunmeng loves Xiaomengmeng, I love the night, wanggi, kanonkanon, jonesw rewarded 100


Lin Bai stretched out his hand to the Demon King: "I want ten thousand dollars."

"What do you want to do?" The Demon Queen asked curiously.

"Go to Jiajia's place to get a haircut."

"Don't think that this king doesn't know. Although Jiajia's shop is called a beauty salon, she doesn't know how to do hairstyles at all." The Demon King smiled and said, "You want to pay 10,000 yuan to go to her? Actually, you don't need to bring money. , she'll sleep with you too, and promise not to be five minutes."

Lin Bai hummed, "Don't worry about it, it's okay to give me the money anyway, or I'll fight with you if you don't."

"Oh, this king is so scared." The Demon King's eyes were full of ridicule, but the ridicule turned into ridicule, and the ten thousand yuan was handed to Lin Bai. I don't know what she was thinking all day long, Lin Bai would never guess. reveal her true thoughts.

Holding the money, he swaggered out the door, and was about to cross the street when he saw Qianqian walking back from a distance with a schoolbag on her back. She was wearing a sports suit, she looked youthful, lively and sunny. She was the pearl of this old street and a neighbor. Our hope, in the past ten years, everyone has been saying that if Laojie can produce a promising child, that person must be Qianqian.

Thirty-two father-in-law can't do it, that scumbag is useless. Neither can Lin Bai. He was a skinny child since he was a child, and he never got good grades in school. Only Qianqian has the hope of getting ahead. When she was there, the streets at dusk seemed to be as bright as day, and all the neighbors waved to her. Seeing Lin Bai walking across the street with a stack of money, she yelled "Yeah" and covered her mouth, her brilliance dimmed by three points.

"Go home and go to bed, children don't care about adults." Lin Bai hummed.

"I'm only three years younger than you...I'm not a child anymore." Qianqian said loudly: "You are friends, you can't go to her with money, it will break her heart, anyone can go to Sister Jiajia, only you can not go."

"Don't be in a hurry, go home and watch through the window." Lin Bai pushed her back into the room and forbid her to come out again, so he walked outside Jiajia Beauty Salon again.

Jiajia stood at the door of the store and looked at him and the money in his hand: "Have you decided to take care of your sister?"

Lin Bai snorted coldly: "If I want a bag, I'll find a female college student to take care of it, a ghost bag | foster mother Sang."

Jiajia smiled and said, "That's why I'm going to prostitute my sister. If she doesn't charge you for money, she can give you a red envelope when she is a virgin."

"It's all nonsense." Lin Bai knew that Jiajia was trying to scare her away by telling a dirty joke, but this time she miscalculated, and it was rare that she made up her mind this time, and no one could scare him away. In fact, in the past few years, he has thought about saving Jiajia from the sea of ​​misery countless times, but at that time he was incapable. Now that he is capable, it is time to take action.

Lin Bai moved a chair out, stuck it at Jiajia's gate, and sat down with his **** horizontal. This way of sitting was a bit reckless, and no one else could get in. Raising the money in Yang's hand: "One thousand yuan to change the signboard for you, and replace 'Jiajia Beauty and Hair Salon' with 'Jiajia Barber Shop', and the other 9,000 yuan is for my hairdo."

"Sister doesn't know how to do hairstyles."

"I don't care if you can do it or not. To use people's money to eliminate disasters, you have to meet the needs of customers. I want to make a hairstyle like Chen Xi, a popular male movie star."

Lin Bai didn't know why he specified Chen Xi's hairstyle, maybe because he thought he was awesome, and he could actually make the goddess Zhang Zhizhi look like 18 different things. Diaosi could only dream when she was awake. I don't even dare to think about it, so Chen Xi must be very cool, and his hairstyle must be the best. If he does that hairstyle himself, maybe some female stars will like it?

Jiajia smiled bitterly: "Xiaobai, sister Xinyi, who you want to help, has taken it, but she really doesn't know how to do hairstyles. If this shop is turned into a barber shop, no one will come to the door again. Can you help me forever?"

"I dare not say that I can help you for the rest of your life, but for as long as you can help." Lin Bai said earnestly, "While I can still help you, you desperately want to change your career and do some other business. I'm the dumbest and most incompetent. I don't know how to do business, but you should know a little bit. Now give me a haircut. It doesn't matter if you don't know how to do it, take your time, it's better to do it all night , you don't have time for anything else."

The five-minute bald middle-aged man just walked to the door last time. Hearing Lin Bai's words, he quickly turned his head and ran away without a shadow.

Jiajia smiled bitterly and said, "Look, my sister's old customers were scared away by you like this. I don't think they dared to come for several days."

"Can he send you nine thousand yuan in a few days?" Lin Bai hummed, "I'm the big customer now. If I didn't take good care of the uncle, I smashed your broken shop."

Jiajia took out a comb and a hair dryer. Although the store was called "Beauty Salon", it only had these two tools for making hair, which was really unprofessional. She combed Lin Bai's hair awkwardly, using the hair dryer to whistle. Blow wildly. How to do the hairstyle? I didn't even think about it. I had no choice but to spray some hairspray and styling water, and then continue to brush and blow. After an hour passed, Lin Bai's hair not only failed to make a hairstyle, but even more messy.

"It's okay, give me a hair wash and do it again." Lin Bai spent time with her today. In the past hour, several groups of customers came to the door, and they all fled in embarrassment with his bull's eyes.

After washing his hair and coming back, the situation did not improve. An hour later, Lin Bai turned into a chicken coop again. How did Chen Xi's handsome and invincible hairstyle come out? This is simply a myth!

Jiajia's movements became slower and slower, and then she threw away the comb and the hair dryer. She couldn't make a hairstyle at all. Even if she did it all night, the final result would only be a chicken coop. Tears suddenly flowed uncontrollably, and she never cried when the Jinzhu Gang threatened her most viciously. Ever since she started her career in beauty salons a few years ago, she has told herself that Jiajia will never cry in front of others.

"Sister changed career. She no longer has a beauty salon. I'll change career tomorrow." Jiajia was sobbing.

"That's right!" Lin Bai smiled.

"That's right!" Qianqian, who was peeking from the window, cried.

"That's right!" There were many old neighbors watching across the window.

"It's all idiots, why don't you come and ask the king? All you need is a magic trick and everything will be solved. Jiajia will be the richest man in Shuangqing tomorrow, or even the richest man in the whole world. Diaosi's solution to the problem. Seriously, Diao." The witch got into the bed and fell asleep as soon as her head touched the pillow. In this old street full of idiots, she sleeps very peacefully and is not easy to wake up. In the demon world where there are too many smart people, she has to wake up a dozen times every night...

However, the devil queen woke up once in the middle of the night because Lin Bai went home with a chicken coop head and watched a love action movie starring Zhang Zhizhi, and suddenly burst into a frenzy and threw herself on her bed, her evil hands attacked towards her two peaks. In order not to let him succeed, he had no choice but to wake up and use black chains to bind Lin Bai like a silkworm cocoon. In the demon world, anyone who dares to attack her at night has only one way to die. In the human world, she is so kind, so she is so moved by herself.

The next day, it was almost noon when Lin Bai woke up. He slept late last night and watched some shabby love action movies, so he was **** by the Demon King all night, and his whole body was tingling when he woke up. I went downstairs and pushed open the rolling shutter door. I was about to raise my **** across the street and say that line I have to say every day, only to realize that Jiajia Beauty and Hairdressing has disappeared, at least the signboard is gone, and there is a brand new signboard on the door. : "Jiajia Barbershop."

Jiajia had already woken up. Today, she dresses very modestly. She doesn't dress up like a vixen anymore, but she still has thick makeup on her face. She doesn't dare to look at people with her true face. Seeing Lin Bai, she immediately raised her **** and said with a smile, "It's not a loss for you to open the door so late."

"Fuck, these are my lines."

So a new day began, eating high-priced western food that the devil called back, reviewing the letters and words learned yesterday, and learning a few more new ones. Someone came to repair the computer today. Lin Bai felt very excited. He hadn't done essential work for several days, which was really not easy.

Father-in-law Thirty-two came to fix the computer. His keyboard was broken, and he was hammered with a fist. He wrote what happened yesterday morning into a novel called "Overlord Flower and Xiaobai". After uploading it, it was highly sought after by readers. It is said that 500 readers collected it on the first day alone. The excited thirty-two father-in-law smashed the keyboard with one punch. Of course, his hand was also rotten at the same time. He was wrapped in thick bandages. It seemed that it would take at least a few days to break. Will run away because of the break.

Lin Bai spent an hour and a half to repair his keyboard. He didn't use dark regeneration magic. It took him a full hour and a half, and finally got 20 yuan.

Holding the twenty dollars with sweat, a sense of pride surged in my heart. I earned this money myself, and it has nothing to do with the Demon King or Supergirl. No one will give this money.

As soon as I thought of this, the Demon King floated by, snatched away twenty dollars like a fly, stuffed it between the two peaks, and got stuck in that ditch. Deliberately looking at Lin Bai with provocative eyes, like a female mantis seducing a male mantis, whoever gets hooked will die.

"You bastard! You're robbing 20 yuan? You're crazy. If you want to grab it, come and grab the money in my pocket. The 500 yuan you gave me last time hasn't been used up." Lin Bai started to get mad: "That's it. Twenty dollars full of my sweat and hard work, full of my hope, don't put it in such a filthy place."

"This king's chest is very filthy?" The demon king is also on even threw out the brownie chocolate cake: "Who climbed up this king's bed in the middle of the night last night and reached out to touch the filth The thing? I didn't sleep well enough to cause this king to sleep."

Speaking of this, Lin Bai felt guilty and had to be defeated. He used to live alone in this dilapidated house, there was no temptation, but his heart was relatively peaceful, but recently he has a headache. I drifted around, I slept next door at night, and I didn't like locking the door. The most terrible thing was that there was still Zhang Zhizhi's love movie in the mobile hard disk. Seeing that the spring is coming to an end, once summer comes, women will wear less clothes, I'm afraid it will be even worse.

"God bless the Justice League, hurry up and send a few supermen to capture the Demon King, Amitabha Buddha, Amitabha Buddha, Hallelujah." Lin Bai prayed to the sky, in fact, he was praying to the Marvel world, because he was not too Knowing exactly what the culture and customs of the Marvel world is, I had to combine Chinese and Western together, and finally sat down at the table obediently and continued to learn the Demon language.

The Jiajia barber shop across the street was not visited all day, because everyone on the street knew that she knew nothing, and cutting her hair would risk losing her ears or getting a piece of scalp torn off. In the evening, the bald middle-aged man came again, and was kicked out by Jiajia just as he was about to enter the door. So Lin Bai asked the Demon King for another 10,000 yuan, walked over slowly, and sat down in front of the door: "Jiajia, come and give me Chen Xi's hairstyle."

"Isn't it? Do you want his hairstyle again?" Jiajia felt a lot of pressure: "Can you do something simple? How about a midsection?"

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