Superman's Ending Manual

Chapter 100 Little Red Riding Hood, Invasion of the Magical Girls' Alliance

After Captain Gliwa died, the huge pirate ship still floated under the dark blue sky, moving slowly forward in the sea of ​​clouds.

The five people stood by the railing on the side, silently checking their respective dungeon rewards.

[We will leave the dungeon in one minute. The dungeon rewards have been delivered to each player's bag. Please confirm receipt...]

[You have obtained the standard clearance reward for dungeon No. 10: 1. 8,000 mall coins; 2. 5,000 experience points; 3. D-level equipment - enhanced version of pirate musket, or D-level equipment - enhanced version of pirate long sword (choose one of the two)]

"Musket." Ke Mingye thought without hesitation.

[D-level equipment "Enhanced version of pirate musket" has been added to your bag. ]

[Your level has been upgraded to Lv.8, and as a reward, you have obtained an attribute point that can be freely allocated. 】

[Current level progress - Lv.8: (4500 points/5000 points)]

[Currently held mall coins: 9400]

[Completed daily task 2: "Challenge any copy once", get reward: 1 freely allocated attribute point]

Ke Mingye put both attributes on "nerve reaction". This is a temporary make-up lesson. After all, on July 4, this family will be hunted down by the Ninja Clan.

Ninjas are good at assassination and will inevitably use some tricks that are difficult to react to, just like Ke Xiaomo's hiding in the shadow. If the reaction attribute is not enough, they will only be killed like pigs.

So stack up the "nerve reaction" attribute as soon as possible, so that you won't be so passive when you really fight, and at least there is room for counterattack.

[Congratulations, your "nerve reaction" attribute has changed: 14 points → 16 points]

"Can I ask you a question?" Paranoia suddenly turned his head and asked Ke Mingye next to him.

"I don't think it will work."

Ke Mingye yawned and answered at the same time. I don't know what he is going to do.

"But this question has to be asked."

"Then ask it."

"What is your magic girl code name?" Paranoia whispered.

Ke Mingye was silent for two seconds and sighed: "No, buddy, I have said that I used a disposable prop card to change, once it is gone, what code name do I need?"

Fanquan said slowly: "You two brothers can post a prize guessing contest online. There are two magic girls in a team of three men and two women. What is the gender of these two magic girls?"

"Male." Cai Bing answered.

"Male." Qing Meng answered.

Fanquan adjusted his glasses: "No, you two are cheating if you answer."

Pianqi lowered his head and sneered, saying disdainfully: "Humph, you don't understand Mr. Pianqi at all. Most of the great men in history have androgynous souls."

Ke Mingye almost vomited blood: "Stop playing tricks, can you please not compare me with Weird Man?"

"Why should you care about the eyes of these vulgar people? You are betraying the bond between us magical girls."

Pianqi's eyes suddenly became sharp, and he said seriously.

"Weird Man, stop it." Ke Mingye sighed, "Do players have a voice blocking function? Can you block him?"

Cai Bing turned his head and glanced at Ke Mingye, teasing lightly: "By the way, buddy, you also become a magical girl, and you still call him 'Weird Man' every day, do you have the nerve?"

"Mine." Ke Mingye said.

"It's okay, call him Weird Spider Man in the future." Fanquan suggested.

"I have no objection." Qingmeng turned her head to look at Ke Mingye, "I've been paying attention to the boss, but I didn't see the scene of Spider Man's transformation. What a pity. Can you show me that again, that..." She paused: "Magic girl transformation."

"I said it's a one-time prop, what can I do?" Ke Mingye looked at her with contempt.

"Hehe... It seems that it's still up to Mr. Paranoia to take action."

As he said that, Paranoia sneered twice, took out the blood-red knife from his sleeve, and was about to lick it, but the blade was stuck by a spider web and pulled into Ke Mingye's hand.

"Do you believe I will throw you off the boat?" Ke Mingye asked.

"Then you have to give me my knife, right?" Paranoia asked back.


Ke Mingye handed him the knife with spider webs, but the spider silk was still in his hand.

"Hehe, you've been fooled, magic girl, transform..."

Before he finished speaking, Paranoia's mouth was stuck by a spider web that shot over. He grabbed his mouth hard, and couldn't say the last word.

Ke Mingye pulled the spider silk casually and grabbed the blood-red knife again.

"I'll return it to you after the dungeon is out." He said casually.

Paranoia couldn't tear the spider web off his mouth, so he had to give up, turned around and lay on the railing, lowered his head, and looked deeply at the corrupt amusement park.

His eyes seemed to say: "Being betrayed by a colleague who is a magical girl is really sad..."

"By the way, cultural people." Ke Mingye called Fanquan.

"What's wrong?" Fanquan asked.

"Let's talk alone."


After that, the two moved past the collapsed mast and crow's nest and came to the bow.

"How is my battle suit?" Ke Mingye got straight to the point.

"July 3, that is, I can give it to you in nine days."

July 3, just the day before the attack of the Ninja Sect? Ke Mingye thought, but my father and mother are traveling, so it doesn’t matter if they are late.

He said, “So soon?”

Anti-dog said: "Because the style of the battle suit is very simple and has no technical content, it will be given to you soon. But don't expect too much, it is just a tight-fitting suit with a voice changer."

"It's okay, at least it's very efficient. I thought it would take a month."

"In fact, it can be faster, but the people we are looking for are in other cities. After they make the uniforms, it will take some time to deliver them."

"Okay, see you then."

After saying that, Ke Mingye walked back to the side with Fan Quan, and the hot wind at noon blew his forehead. Looking up, the huge sun disk flickers in and out of sight among the clouds.

The shape of the clouds and mist is like a galloping horse or a rolling whale. It covers the sky in the amusement park, but cannot block the scorching sunshine.

Paranoid walked towards him with his phone and raised the screen. I saw a line of text written above the search engine box of the browser: "I order you to unblock Mr. Bigot's mouth."

"The spider silk will melt by itself, and the dungeon will be released in 30 seconds, so there is no difference."

Ke Mingye patted him on the shoulder, walked past Paranoid, and whispered in Cai Bing's ear: "Hacker girl, I may need your help later. Let's meet on July 3 and add a friend." ”

"Can't we add it here?"

Cai Bing paused and whispered: "Oh, I forgot that you are not here in person, so I can't add you."

"When did your relationship become so good?"

Qingmeng raised his eyes and asked while removing the magazine of the submachine gun.

It makes sense to assemble firearms repeatedly. After a few days, her general skill "Firearm Mastery" has been upgraded to D level, and the power of firearm bullets will be slightly increased.

"Who doesn't like magical girls? They are all sisters. How about promoting a relationship?" Zai Bing lowered his eyes and replied while playing Minesweeper on his mobile phone.

Anti-dog came over and adjusted his glasses: "There are two women on the ship, two magical girls. Unknown to others, they thought I was having some weird party on the pirate ship."

“There’s no end to this joke, right?”

Ke Mingye leaned against the railing, raised his face to bathe in the sunshine, and sighed deeply.

"So what help do you need from me?" Cai Bing asked him.

"We'll talk about it then," Ke Mingye said.

Since he wants to enter the Super League Association in his own right, there is no need to build a false resident profile for him;

But if you want to join the Magical Girls League as Magical Girl Little Red Riding Hood, you still need a piece of false resident information.

Xi Ziyue was not vigilant enough, but "Ice Witch" Lilai, one of the three giants of the Alliance, was not so casual. If she casually checked Little Red Riding Hood's information and found that there was no such person, it would be over.

Ke Mingye thought that the best background for Little Red Riding Hood would be a slum orphan who had nothing to do and did not go to school.

Then find a marginal person with a similar identity and replace her information and that's fine.

And the only one who can do this is Cai Bing.

"July 3rd, right?" Zai Bing confirmed to him.

Ke Mingye nodded and whispered: "Anti-dog will meet with me that day. For the battle uniforms, you can come with him."


[You will be leaving the dungeon in 5 seconds, please be prepared. 】

Ke Mingye closed his eyes and when he came to his senses, he was already standing in an alley in Hongge Food Street, with an old-fashioned tavern directly in front of him.

He put his hands into the pockets of his jumpsuit, took off his equipment in his suitcase, then found a sewer entrance, opened the manhole cover, jumped in and blew himself up.

On the other side, the second floor of the Cooper family residence.

Ke Mingye slowly opened his eyes from the bed, ending this pleasant "nap".

I looked up at the clock and saw that it was already half past three in the afternoon. A hand-held fan was placed beside the bed, and the fan blades were slowly turning, blowing cool air on his face to drive away the heat.


He sneezed, rubbed the bridge of his nose and turned off the fan, then opened the skill sales page. After a rough scan, there are only two or three skills worth looking at.

[①: Phase transfer (E-level skill, selling price: 5200 mall coins) (select a target character within eight meters, and your position will be instantly exchanged with the opponent's)]

[⑨: Meditation recovery (D-level skill, selling price: 9250 mall coins) (slowly restore your health and stamina through meditation, 5% of your stamina and 3% of your health every five minutes) )]

[⑩: Portrait Concealment Technique (E-level skill, selling price: 5100 mall coins)]

"They all look good," he thought, "but I'd better choose this one. It can be used offensively and defensively, and it can also catch people by surprise. It's a magic weapon."

With this in mind, Ke Mingye stretched out his finger and clicked on skill No. 1.

Then, click "Confirm Purchase" in the pop-up anti-accidental touch panel.

[Congratulations, you have successfully purchased the E-level skill "Phase Shift". This skill has been loaded into your skill slot No. 6. There are currently 4 vacant skill slots left. 】

"Then you can lie down for a while."

Ke Mingye lay back on the bed, put his arms behind his head, and murmured to himself.

"It's July 3rd... I really want to know what style they will make of my uniform."

Unknowingly, it’s the last day for double monthly passes. If you can collect 1,150 monthly passes before the 8th, then add more and more——!

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