Superman's Ending Manual

Chapter 14 Wheel Rewards

[Notification email 4 - Obituary: Last night, players "Wilmer Hogg" and "Sean Cameron" whose birthplace was New York, USA, were captured by "Ke Yinzhi", an S-level executor of the Abnormal Control Bureau, and tortured to death. ]

"Wait, why does the name of this executor look so familiar?"

Ke Mingye stared at the name "Ke Yinzhi" on the email for two or three seconds before he realized that he had been focusing on the wrong thing from the beginning when he read the email...

The key point is not the two American players who were captured, but the name of the person who captured the two players.

The next second, he realized it belatedly and cursed in his heart.

"Fuck, isn't this guy my eldest brother?"

Ke Yinzhi, the eldest son of the family, is 21 years old this year. Based on what Ke Mingye knows about him, this person has been so outstanding since he was a child that it is frightening, and he is now attending university in Qifan City, China.

When his thoughts came to this point, Ke Mingye wanted to tell himself that his elder brother was studying in China, and the executor in the intelligence was in New York, USA, so it should just be a coincidence.

But soon, he slapped himself in his heart and gave up the idea of ​​escaping reality.

"Come on, how can it be so coincidental? How many people in China would have a name as difficult to pronounce as "Ke Yinzhi", let alone Chinese people."

Ke Mingye held his forehead and pondered for two seconds, then sighed softly.

He was sure that the S-level executor affiliated with the Abnormal Control Bureau in the email had a 99% chance of being his elder brother.

He was originally curious about what his elder brother, who had not returned home even though the university was on vacation, was doing there. Now the truth was revealed in a way he least wanted to hear - it turned out that Ke Yinzhi was a dog of the Abnormal Control Bureau and was busy running around the world to carry out missions. Unfortunately, he also caught two players yesterday.

Now, Ke Mingye finally saw the full picture of this family.

As he expected, there was no normal person in this family. And their eldest brother was a pervert among perverts. In just a few days, he caught the players lurking in New York.

No matter what means Ke Yinzhi used to catch the two players, it was undoubtedly a thunderbolt for Ke Mingye.

"My birth point design is too good. Why don't I find a pistol and shoot it in the head before my eldest brother comes home to check if this game has a Remake function."

Ke Mingye thought happily while putting down the book used for disguise - the reason why he kept using this book to cover his face was that he was worried that his second brother Ke Xiaomo was watching him in a shadow in the room at this moment, trying to find out the weirdness of him.

He got out of bed, put on his shoes, washed up in the bathroom, and looked back to see that the row of rooms on the second floor were still closed, without any movement.

The brothers and sisters in the family were all lazy dogs. Getting up at six o'clock was no different from eating shit for them, so Ke Mingye didn't plan to wake them up.

Before leaving, Ke Mingye did not forget to carry his schoolbag. Ke Youqing and Bo Wenna got up late and had no time to prepare breakfast, so they usually gave their children breakfast and lunch expenses the night before. Ke Mingye just found a roadside stall on the way to school to solve the breakfast problem.

After leaving home, he took the elevator to the first floor. As the elevator door opened, he looked out through the corridor and saw a deserted street. The doors of every store were closed, only the supermarket opposite was still open, and the electronic sign printed with "7-Seven" flickered in the morning light.

Looking up, he saw a slightly depressing dark blue sky with no clouds.

Fortunately, the air in the early morning was still fresh.

"Can I really survive..."

"I can only take it one step at a time."

Ke Mingye murmured softly, walked forward along the empty street, picked up his mobile phone, pretended to look at his mobile phone, and opened the taskbar.

[Daily Task 1: Run 3,000 meters in the morning. (This task must be completed before 8 a.m.)]

[Reward for this task: Get a chance to win a lucky draw.]

[Daily Task 2: Do 100 push-ups.]

[Reward for this task: Get a freely assignable attribute point.]

[Daily Task 3: None (Every day there is a 10% chance of refreshing a special daily task. Once this task is completed, the reward will be richer than the ordinary daily task)]

[Note: The daily task will be refreshed at 0:00 the next day. Please try to complete the task before the time limit ends.]

After reading the task content, Ke Mingye deposited his schoolbag with the supermarket owner and ran along the road section of the old Jingmai Street District.

He kept running and running, running without leaving any effort until the sky turned from the oppressive dark blue to a pure white, and the sweat soaked the school uniform, and then he stopped.

Ke Mingye put his hands on his slightly bent knees, bent down and gasped heavily.

After a long while, he raised his eyes from his sweat-soaked hair and looked at the task prompt floating in front of him.

[You have completed daily task 1 and have obtained a chance to draw a lottery. Do you want to draw it now? ]

"Draw it."

As soon as the voice fell, a round turntable slowly unfolded in front of him. The interlaced red lines divided the turntable into six areas, and each area was marked with text and icons.

From area 1 to area 6, the prizes are as follows.

[1. C-level weapon - electromagnetic pulse pistol (matching bullets can be purchased in the mall);]

[2. 500 mall coins (can be used to purchase items in the player mall);]

[3. One attribute point that can be freely allocated;]

[4. Unique level prop - spider web launcher (from the superhero derivative work "Spider-Man" in the parallel world of No. 2);]

[5. B-level prop - "Firearms Mastery Card";]

[6. Thank you for participating. ]

Ke Mingye walked forward while checking the rewards in each area of ​​the turntable.

Because he didn't know the props of the game yet, of course he didn't know which reward was the best. He only knew that if the sixth reward was turned out, he really had to check whether this system had a Remake function.

Without hesitation, he directly pressed the "Start Turntable" button under the turntable.

The turntable turned like a windmill, and the upward pointer was fixed. Finally, the area above the pointer was area 4.

[Congratulations, you have won the prize of Area 4: the unique item - "Spider Web Launcher". ]

[The item has been added to your bag, open the bag to check. ]

Ke Mingye raised his eyebrows: "It's a good thing, but I may not be able to use it with my current physical fitness, so I may have to put it away for a while."

At this moment, he suddenly stopped and turned his head, only to see a huge panel suddenly appear above an abandoned train station in front of him.

[Congratulations, you have found the "No. 7 copy" of "Huanjing City", and have recorded the copy in your copy atlas, which can be opened at any time. ]

[Copy name: Crazy Train Station]

[Copy location: Old Jingmai Street District, abandoned train station]

[Copy difficulty: F level (it is recommended that players below level 10 form a team to play the copy)]

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