Superman's Ending Manual

Chapter 249: Invitation to stay, the face of the witch

August 17, early morning.

As always, it was the long-stopped elementary school on Yandai Commercial Street, the teaching building closest to the playground, on the fifth floor from bottom to top, in a long, narrow and empty corridor.

At this time, a girl in a Gothic dress was leaning against the wall. She hugged her shoulders, tilted her clear face slightly, and looked sideways at the slowly rotating Ferris wheel in the distance, silently.

The dappled morning light shrouded her beautiful face. The amusement park built next to the school was bustling and noisy, in stark contrast to the deserted academy.

After a while, the girl in the Gothic skirt slowly looked away from the window, lowering her head, and the gray ribbon on her head swayed lightly in the cool morning breeze.

She thought to herself: "Little Red Riding Hood was really attacked by the witch... It would be great if it was fake."

Not long after, she heard footsteps coming not far away. The girl in the Gothic skirt tilted her head slightly and looked at the two girls and a contracted beast coming from the entrance of the corridor.

She glanced at Schnaian, then glanced sideways at Little Red Riding Hood and said, "Did you really catch her?"

"This is the strength of our Little Red Riding Hood." Kobe said, looking a little proud for some reason.

Schnaian lowered his head and glanced resentfully at the owl in his arms that needed a beating.

"Who are you with?"

As he spoke vaguely, Schnaian slowly raised his head and said dejectedly: "Senior, there is something I have to report: Little Red Riding Hood threatened me with the fireball technique, saying that if she didn't come to the meeting, she would use it. Fireball burned down my villa."

The girl in the Gothic skirt disagreed: "Oh, it's very her style."

"Senior, don't you really think she's going too far?" Schnaian asked angrily.

She began to feel that these magical girls were all crazy and that the world was a huge conspiracy theory. It was not too late to join the witch camp and abandon the dark side for the bright side. However, how to get those witches to notice her existence was still a matter to be discussed.

After all, as far as Kobe's IQ was concerned, the advice he gave was completely unadvisable, so Schnaier had to fend for himself and wait for the opportunity.

"What's the matter..." Little Red Riding Hood said expressionlessly, "It's just that sometimes we have to take some extreme measures to achieve our goals. Our wandering little girl will naturally practice this when fighting for food and drink with puppies. A little girl who grew up in a big villa by the sea will not understand our thinking."

Schnaian said sarcastically: "Oh... we kids who grew up in a beach house don't know how to break into private homes and threaten others with fireballs. I'm really sorry."

The magical girl Hui Jin hugged her chest and sighed softly, tapping her arm with her slender index finger, "Okay, my three masters have arrived. If you want to quarrel, you can quarrel in front of them."

"Three masters...?"

Schnaian asked curiously. She had already heard about it from Little Red Riding Hood. The three masters of Ashes were the three giants of the Magical Girls Alliance. The British representative: Lilai, the Russian representative: Utina, and the Chinese representative: Xi Ziyue.

Among these three figures who stand at the top of the world, she has only met Xi Ziyue. In this month, the other two have not appeared in the Chinese Tongmenghui. Perhaps it is because of the Tongmenghui branch that they are directly responsible for. Due to busy business.

Schnaian thought for a while and asked, "Why did the three masters of Senior Ashes come here? Is the content of this meeting very important?"

"It's so exciting!" Owl said, "Being able to see the Big Three, Kobe and I have been so exciting in my life!"

"Kobe, can you be more courageous?"

Schnaian murmured, to be honest, every day in this month, she would have the urge to slap her mentally retarded contract beast to death a hundred times, but thinking that she would lose her magic With the strength of a girl, you have to endure it.

At this time, she thought of the appearance of the Big Three she had seen on the Internet, and her cheeks turned slightly red. She thought that if such a powerful and noble being could be tied up with dim light tentacles to do some indescribable things, this double-faced agent would be worthy. It's worth it.

Thinking of this, a line of nosebleeds flowed from Schnaian's nose. She quickly raised her hand to cover her nostrils. Then, while Little Red Riding Hood and Ashes were not paying attention, she raised Kobe's round head and quickly wiped the nosebleeds.

"Hey, why do I feel like my head is wet?" The owl raised its head and asked in confusion.

"The weather is relatively humid." Schnaian sniffed and said lightly.

"I see."

The owl nodded and looked at the bright sky outside the window, wondering where it was damp.

Three people and one animal walked forward along the empty corridor. The morning breeze blew gently, and the red-dyed feathers on the owl's head swayed slightly.

After a long while, the girl in the Gothic dress who was walking at the front said slowly without looking back: "Why did my three masters come here? You have to ask the one next to you wearing a red hat. She said that she was chased by a witch last night. Wow... do you understand how big of a deal this is? She actually mentioned it so casually in the text message."

At this point, she stopped, turned her fair cheek to one side, and looked at Little Red Riding Hood from the corner of her eye, "Are you sure it's not your own hallucination, or are you lying like usual?"

"Of course not." Little Red Riding Hood shook her head and said calmly, "Although I like to lie, I will not joke about such an important matter. Senior, you have wronged me."

Schnaian looked at the two of them and raised his eyebrows slightly, thinking that this was the time to put his acting skills into play, and he could finally implement the essence of a double agent.

She thought for a moment and said, "I'm curious, what does that witch look like specifically?"

Hearing this, Little Red Riding Hood took out a folded piece of drawing paper from the pocket of her Christmas dress and slowly unfolded it.

"It looks like this," she said.

The other two people simultaneously looked sideways at the drawing paper in Little Red Riding Hood's hand. Above it was a drawing of a girl wearing a beret and a dark purple dress, holding a whip-shaped wand in her hand. There was an upward outline like a splash of ink at the corner of her eye, and her face was as pale as a layer of paper.

The magical girl Hui Jin looked at the figure on the drawing paper, frowning slightly and looking dubious;

Cold sweat was secretly streaming down the foreheads of the other two. Kobe and Schnaian looked at each other silently. Kobe's eyes seemed to be saying: "Don't panic, Schnaian, if you reveal a flaw at this time, we will be finished." ”

Schnaian's lazy eyes said: "It's okay, the worst is to die in front of them."

Hui Jin was silent for a moment, lowered his face, and took a deep breath: "That's it, let my masters take a look later to see if they are impressed by the witch you drew."

"Is it possible that she is a witch who just appeared recently? She is not very strong." Little Red Riding Hood said.

"Indeed, since she can let you go, it seems that she is not a ruthless person."

"Of course, it's also possible that she let me run away on purpose. I thought about it for a moment. With the speed she showed at that time, it was more than enough to catch up with me, but she suddenly stopped for some unknown reason, otherwise I might not be here now. Here it is.”

When the girl in the Gothic skirt heard this, she lowered her head and her eyes moved slightly. She suddenly raised her finger and pointed at the tip of Little Red Riding Hood's nose, "Why don't you come and stay at my house during the next period of time, so that I can protect you."

"...Senior, are you serious?" Little Red Riding Hood was stunned.

"There's nothing wrong with it. It's safer this way, or you and my master can go to New York for a stroll. Anyway, don't wander around the city alone. If the same thing happens again, no one can guarantee your safety... …”

The girl in the Gothic skirt hugged her shoulders and pretended to be calm, but her anxiety and uneasiness could be heard in her words.

"Then I'll see what the situation is. If necessary, it's okay to stay at Senior's house for a while." Little Red Riding Hood said softly, thinking that if she really had to stay at Bai Ke's house for a period of time as You Minglu, what would be the main problem? It's time to think about how to avoid the dazzling eyes of the elder sister.

Of course it won't work if it's just luck. Once Bai Qiuwu opens her eyes at home due to a sudden thought, her identity will be exposed easily.

Wearing a mask with a human face and covering the whole body tightly with turtlenecks and long sleeves like before is only a temporary solution after all. Besides, wearing such heavy clothes in summer can easily arouse suspicion-although at home, There is a weirdo like Ke Yinzhi who also likes to wear strange clothes that go against the seasons, but it is difficult for her to explain why she dresses like this. She is easily speechless when asked by her father and mother. She cannot tell them that she is a snow attribute. A magical girl with magical powers, so she feels cold more easily than ordinary people...

"By the way... if you wrap a layer of artificial skin on your skin and put on a human-face mask, you can avoid being seen through the trickster doll with piercing eyes." Little Red Riding Hood suddenly thought, "It's just that Anti-Dog and the others can It shouldn’t be difficult to find someone to do this, given his connections.”

Just as she was thinking about it, Kobe, who was in Schnaian's arms, suddenly said with great interest: "Teacher Hui Jing, our Schnaian said she wants to live in your house, why don't you take her with you? We are weak and pitiful." Schnaian also needs Teacher Hui’s care, it would be so pitiful if she was targeted by the witch.”

"Ha..." Schnaian's face suddenly fell, and he looked down at Kobe, "Can you not come to the show suddenly? It's not good for me to live in my big villa. I have to go to someone else's house and squeeze in with them?"

Magical girl Ash thought for a while, nodded slightly, and said to Kobe: "It's not impossible, but..."

Kobe interrupted her and suggested, "It's okay. Even if Teacher Hui Jing's house doesn't have a spare room, our Schnaian can sleep on the sofa."

Schnaian was silent for two seconds and said dejectedly: "Let me tell you first, I will never sleep on the sofa."

"What's wrong with you sleeping on the sofa?" Little Red Riding Hood looked sad. "I'm afraid you haven't experienced what it's like to live on the streets and sleep on a public wooden chair. Sure enough, there is nothing that can be done about a little girl who has garbage in her mouth and a little girl who grew up with a silver spoon in her mouth. People who live under the same roof are looked down upon even sleeping on the sofa... It’s really a declining trend.”

"Then you sleep on the sofa." Schnaian turned to look at her.

"Okay." Little Red Riding Hood whispered, "This is what we poor children deserve."

"Can you guys stop coming to the show?" Hui Jin held his forehead and sighed, "My eldest brother and second brother have gone back to college a few days ago, and their room has been vacated, which is just big enough for the two of you. You don't need to sleep on the sofa. !”

She paused and then changed the subject: "But..."

"But what?"

The owl tilted its head and stared at her with clear eyes.

Hui Jin stared at the owl that didn't look very smart, and said seriously: "First of all, when you are in my house, you are absolutely not allowed to show up casually, otherwise my family will find out and you will be in trouble. , Do you understand?”

"Yes, Sir!"

The owl raised its wings and tilted them on its head, saying with a serious face.

"Then it's decided. You two will stay at my house for a while." Ashes said, looking at Little Red Riding Hood from the side, "Do you have any objections?"

"Senior, let me think about it." Little Red Riding Hood said, "Maybe I will live at your house in two days."

She paused, hesitating: "But Senior, don't you want me and your brother to get too close..."

The girl in the Gothic skirt was slightly stunned, then her cheeks flushed, and she frowned, almost word by word, scolding: "I didn't say that, I just don't want you two to get too close, otherwise I will have high blood pressure."

"I see."

Shi Naian heard this and asked curiously: "Does Senior Ashes have a brother?"

Kobe was startled suddenly, and suddenly remembered that day when Ke Mingye, Fanquan, Orange Peel and others went to the dungeon on Luodehua Commercial Street, they happened to meet Shi Naian who was drinking milk tea in the milk tea shop.

Besides, Ke Mingye and Shi Naian looked at each other through the glass wall.

If Shi Naian knew that the boy who looked at her for two or three seconds that day was actually Hui Jin's brother, she might become suspicious and start paying attention to Ke Mingye's behavior at home, which would be a bit troublesome.

"It's not a big problem. With Shi Naian's memory, she might have forgotten that thing." Kobe silently comforted himself in his heart, "But two players and three magic girls living under the same roof, this is too crazy."

"Forget it... Let's talk about these things after the meeting. It depends on my master's arrangement."

Magical girl Hui Jin whispered, turned around, and continued to walk forward. Not long after, she turned and walked into a classroom marked "Grade 3 Class C".

Seeing this, Shi Naian paused, turned his head, and looked through the window at the three elegant and noble figures sitting at the conference table.

She covered her chest and closed her eyes to calm down for a while, stopped her nosebleed, and then slowly stepped into the classroom.

Normally, a new magic girl like Shi Naian is unlikely to be pulled to attend an important meeting.

But after Xi Ziyue's certification, Shi Naian's talent is amazing, and she is at the same level as Ashes and Little Red Riding Hood. There is no doubt that she is a good seedling, so she usually pulls her in during meetings-although the Chinese Magic Girls Alliance is now in a period of transition, this does not mean that she expects Shi Naian and Little Red Riding Hood to become so strong in a year and become an important force in the Alliance-after all, the comet will arrive in a year, and it is difficult to improve much strength in just one year. Even a talented magic girl awakens the comet fragments in her body at this time point, which can only be said to be born at the wrong time.

Therefore, Xi Ziyue pulled Shi Naian to the meeting, in fact, as long as the magic girl with extraordinary talent is likely to be targeted by the witch. It is necessary to keep an eye on everything and let them know some relevant matters in the meeting.

After entering the classroom, Shi Naian looked up, and the superhuman panels of the three figures appeared in her eyes.

She first looked at the noble figure with bright red hair behind his head.

Utena was wearing a magic dress similar to a knight's uniform, with heavy knight armor on the upper body and a dark red skirt that reached her heels on the lower body.

Her face was neutral and handsome, and there was an unconcealable heroic spirit between her eyebrows. Her eyes were like torches, captivating.

[Name: Utena]

[Age: 19]

[Gender: Female]

[Strength: A+ (possessing top combat power far exceeding 90% of superhumans in the world)]

[Identity: Magical Girl Utena (a magical girl from Russia, currently one of the three giants of the Magical Girls Alliance. She is the owner of a rare "mutated magic wand". The prototype of her magic wand is a hilt. When injected with magic power, the hilt will turn into a blazing lightsaber. When it is at its most powerful, it can melt a tall building in an instant.)]

"What Knight King?"

Schnaian thought casually, and then moved his eyes to quietly glance at the figure sitting on the far right of the conference table, supporting his chin with one hand, looking down and flipping through a classic English book.

Lilai's slender body was wrapped in a blue and silver British-style dress, with an elegant temperament.

She had a head of light golden hair that was almost silver, shining with a cold light in the morning light, as pure as the falling snow on the glacier. Her face is simple but extraordinary, with a touch of classical beauty. Especially her ice-blue eyes, like the lake water under the ice, mysterious and deep, revealing a sense of inaccessibility.

[Name: Lilai]

[Age: 18]

[Gender: Female]

[Strength: A+ (possessing top combat power far exceeding 90% of superhumans in the world)]

[Identity: Magical Girl Lilai (a magical girl from the UK, currently one of the three giants of the Magical Girls Alliance. She is the only "ice" magic card user in the world. She is the only one who has the power to create and control ice cards, so she has the nickname "Ice Witch")]

At this moment, Lilai lowered her head and flipped through the ancient book, without raising her head, she slowly asked: "Is it this magical girl codenamed "Little Red Riding Hood" who was attacked by a witch last night?"

Little Red Riding Hood nodded: "Yes, I drew the appearance of that witch."

Lilai closed the ancient book, raised her ice-blue eyes, and pierced Little Red Riding Hood with eyes like ice spikes.

"Then please take it out and have a look." She said slowly.

As soon as these words came out, Schneian immediately realized that this meeting was most likely to be bad, so he lowered his head and looked at the owl in his arms, and exchanged glances with it.

Kobe raised his head, and the feathers on his forehead were already wet with cold sweat.

Its eyes seemed to say: "Lao Shi, will you win?"

Schneian's eyes seemed to say: "You will win, right?"

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