Superman's Ending Manual

Chapter 251 Notes from Bedlam Lunatic Asylum (I)

At 11:05 a.m. Beijing time, on a ghost train heading to London, compartment No. 7 of carriage No. 7.

Fan Quan slightly bent over, lowered his eyes, and said while flipping through the pages of the Bible: "Before arriving at the lunatic asylum, let's briefly repeat our goal."

The train was rumbling in the tunnel, and the dim wall lamps lit up the windows, reflecting the figure of Fan Quan. He had already changed into a set of hospital gowns at this time - this set of hospital gowns was not simple, with the logo of Bedlam Lunatic Asylum on it, which was specially prepared for the next work.

Ke Mingye held his chin and said casually without raising his head: "Find the boss of the anti-superhuman organization called "Revolutionary Evening Bell" in London, right?"

"That's right." Fan Quan nodded.

Orange Peel held the sword Muramasa against his chest, his left hand pressed the hilt on his shoulder, his right hand touched the scabbard, and he said casually: "This person's code name is two English letters - 'TK'. He has been using this code name when he secretly communicates with the outside world in Bedlam Hospital."

Fanquan pushed his glasses: "I thought about the meaning of the code name 'TK' before, and whether it is related to his identity, but then I felt that it was meaningless to think about it: if his code name has any meaning, then someone should have guessed it long ago. After all, according to Caibing's information - just a few days ago, the Control Bureau caught a member of the 'Revolutionary Evening Bell', and that member has confessed one thing: their organization leader 'TK' is hiding in the Bedlam Lunatic Asylum, and every Sunday he will Contact the organization once, so the information the Control Bureau has is basically the same as ours. "

"Ah?" Ke Mingye was stunned, "Really? Then our "One-day trip to Bedram Lunatic Asylum" is even more damn dangerous, right? "

"Not bad." Fanquan said, "Since TK has not been caught for so many years, it means that he does have certain abilities. It is not easy for the Control Bureau to find him out of the Lunatic Asylum in a short time."

"If the Control Bureau can't do this, how can you guarantee that you can find him in the Lunatic Asylum?"

"An objective and rational self-confidence based on self-cognition."

"Okay, you are worthy of being a cultured person."

Ke Mingye rolled his eyes, and recalled the heroic deeds of this lunatic who ran to his doorstep and was almost caught by his second brother.

Anti-Dog said: "Next, let's talk about the structure of the lunatic asylum. On the surface, it is called a 'lunatic asylum', but in fact, the structure of this building is not much different from that of a prison. The difference between the two is that ordinary prisons are used to detain normal criminals and superhuman criminals; Bedlam Lunatic Asylum is used to detain those superhumans who have mental illnesses and extremely powerful superpowers to prevent them from endangering society."

"Okay, sir."

Ke Mingye leaned against the window, playing with his mobile phone casually, and replied casually.

"Understood." Orange Peel said.

Fan Quan continued, "The patients in the mental hospital are divided into four danger levels, namely: S (extremely high risk), A (high risk), B (medium), and C (mild). Correspondingly, they are detained in S-level wards, A-level wards, B-level wards, and C-level wards. What I have to do is to replace a C-level patient, blend in with the patients, and enter the C-level ward."

Juzipi asked, "Then do nurses and supervisors have levels?"

"Nurses don't have levels." Fan Quan said, "But supervisors do. Supervisors are responsible for directly watching over patients. The more dangerous the ward, the stronger the supervisors hired."

Ke Mingye thought about it and raised his phone. Yan asked: "So my task is to replace a supervisor of a Class C ward and deal with you in the Class C ward, right?"

"That's right." Fanquan said, "The patients and supervisors in the Class C ward are not particularly dangerous people. They are within our scope of response, so there is no need to worry about encountering any monsters."

"Hey, why didn't you say it earlier..." Ke Mingye sighed, "I was worried that I would be slapped to death by some hidden boss like a sweeping monk. If they are all small fish, then it's okay."

"By the way, because nurses have no grades, the work intensity and confidentiality are not high, so they are allowed to go home every day?"

Juzipi thought.

"That's right."

"I see, it seems that my job this time is not difficult." Juzipi smiled.

"Just pretend to be a nurse, don't reveal any flaws, and be ready to meet me and Spider-Man at any time."

Fan-Dog paused: "According to Cai Bing's investigation, on this day of every month, the supervisors of the mental hospital will use trucks to carry a new batch of "low-risk patients" into the hospital via a hidden route. The patients will be sent in two batches: we are too late to intercept the first truck, but we can stop the second truck."

He paused: "C-level patients are less valued. The mental hospital will inject sedatives into them when escorting them, put on straitjackets for them after they fall asleep, and then let ordinary supervisors use a large truck to send them to the mental hospital.

"Spider-Man and I will ambush them on their forward route in advance and intercept the truck. Spider-Man will replace one of the ordinary supervisors and I will replace one of the other patients in the back car, and we will sneak into Bedlam Mental Hospital."

"What about the other supervisor in the car? " Orange peel asked.

" I'll try to brainwash him. My skills for today have been cut out, and the countermeasures for each situation are very clear. "

As he said that, Fanquan showed the three paper figures in his sleeves. The paper figures were holding Fanquan's wrists and mumbling something.

Ke Mingye took a sip of his drink and confirmed again: "So we have to divide our forces into two groups?"

Anti-dog nodded: "Yes, Orange Peel first went to find the residence of a lunatic asylum nurse, knocked him out and tied him up, then took his place and entered the lunatic asylum, while we went to intercept the truck carrying the patients."

"What about Miss Taibing?" Orange Peel asked.

Anti-Dog replied: "'Bedlam Lunatic Asylum', like 'Anskaban Prison', is almost fully managed by the Control Bureau. Therefore, Caibing can use the authority of the Control Bureau to hack into the monitors of some low-level wards, as well as low-level wards." Database of dangerous patients and supervisors.”

He paused: "Even inside the madhouse, our privilege as players still exists: that is to use the chat panel to communicate... Because of this, Caibing can be of great help in our actions, remember to talk to her Keep in touch and call her as soon as possible if necessary.”

[A message came from the discussion group. 】

[Cai Bing: That’s it, meow. 】

[Failed Man: Can this old woman stop being so cute? She is feeling physically unwell. 】

[Cai Bing: You can take care of yourself later. I mainly take care of Orange Peel and Anti-Dog. 】

[Failed Man: Private Marseille. 】

[Orange Peel: Ms. Tai Bing is so awesome, I admire her so much. 】

[Cai Bing: Thank you for the compliment, but the pretty boy’s trick doesn’t work for me. 】

[Orange Peel: It’s okay, my compliment is sincere. 】

"The train has arrived at London Station." A restrained and distant voice like disinfectant echoed in the carriage.

"Let's go."

Anti-dog said, standing up and closing the book.


Before leaving the train, Ke Mingye suddenly stopped and said this.

Orange Peel and Anti-Dog turned to look at him at the same time.

Under the gazes of the two people, Ke Mingye took out the "Language Specialization Card" he had drawn before from his bag and chose English and Japanese.

[Consume a "Language Specialization Card" and have learned the languages ​​"English" and "Japanese". 】

It’s 4:20 in the morning, London time, on a remote path surrounded by mountains and forests.

As two rows of headlights came from around the corner, lighting up the fallen leaves on the road, a heavy truck slowly approached from the distance. The rumble of the engine tore through the dead night.

Through the streetlight, two numb faces could be seen clearly in the front compartment of the truck. They were dressed in black lunatic asylum supervisor costumes and stared straight ahead with eyes like dead fish.

But at this moment, on the normally deserted path, a streetlight suddenly illuminated an eye: a gorgeous, deep pink-purple giant eye.

[D-level skill: Eye of Medusa]

The next moment, the two people sitting in the driver's seat and the passenger seat froze in place at the same time. Their bodies were slowly covered by the cold stone layer, and then they became motionless, as if they had turned into stone sculptures.

Suddenly, a spider thread shot out of the car window and pulled the man in the passenger seat out of the car.

Immediately afterwards, the car door on the other side was opened, and the man holding a Bible and wearing a hospital gown whispered to the supervisor who was petrified on the spot: "Absolutely spiritual."

After the words fell, a paper figure hidden in the man's sleeve slowly disappeared.

Instead, the overseer's body slowly recovered from its petrified state, but his eyes slowly became dull.

Seeing this, Fan Quan raised his head and glanced at Ke Mingye, who was changing clothes on top of the truck, "Are you okay?"


As he spoke, Ke Mingye fell off the top of the truck and stepped on the road. At this moment, he seemed to have changed into a black lunatic asylum supervisor uniform, with a black employee hat on his head and a human face on his face. The mask, not even the contact lenses and fingerprint-printed leather gloves were left behind.

He walked to the back of the truck, took off the door latch, and opened the door. Then he could see a dozen patients who had been injected with sedatives and sleeping pills inside the truck. They were tied tightly with restraints and lay in a mess. Everywhere in the carriage, no patient's eyes were open at this time.

"Who do you want to replace?" Ke Mingye turned his head and glanced at Anti-Dog.

"The one in the middle." Anti-Dog said.


As he spoke, Ke Mingye raised his right hand, lowered his wrist and shot out a spider web, which stuck to the body of the patient in the middle and quickly pulled it out and put it on his shoulder.

Anti-dog put on a human face mask similar to the patient's, walked into the middle of the carriage, took his original position, and then whispered to himself: "The unity of knowledge and action...quickly enters a deep sleep, but if there is danger, Wake up automatically."

As soon as the words fell, the second paper man in Anti-Dog's cuffs also disappeared.

At the same time, he lost consciousness instantly, his head dropped, and he blended into the group of patients without any surprise.

Seeing this, Ke Mingye closed the door of the rear compartment and hung the latch.

Then he jumped up and easily jumped to the top of the truck, lowered the patient on his shoulders, and stuck them together with the overseer he had just captured with a spider web.

Then Ke Mingye turned around and looked around, seeing a bottomless dark forest.

He put his hands on his hips and thought carefully: "Then where is the best place to hide them..."

Not long after, after hiding the two of them in the forest, Ke Mingye returned to the truck, got into the passenger seat, and closed the door with a bang.

At this moment, the supervisor in the driver's seat was still in a trance. But within a short while, his eyes slowly regained their luster, and the expression on his face gradually became more alert.

"What happened to me just now?" he asked in English.

Ke Mingye used the trickster doll's own ability to change his vocal cords, imitating the voice of the supervisor in the passenger seat who was kidnapped by him. He lowered the brim of his hat, looked at him sideways, and asked:

"Dude, did you drink too much?"

The supervisor raised his hand to his forehead, frowned, glanced at the watch on his wrist, and was suddenly startled.

"Damn it, we gotta go faster!" he said as he started the truck's engine and drove forward.

An hour later, inside the Bedlam Lunatic Asylum.

Cold...shaking...light that pierced my eyelids.

Anti-dog frowned and slowly woke up.

The smell of disinfectant filled my nose, like being in a hospital. The weight on the bridge of his nose no longer exists, indicating that his glasses have been taken off: Fortunately, the superhuman's eyesight is already extraordinary. If the glasses he wore at first had the effect of correcting his vision, then in the end they only All that's left is the masking effect.

He held up his heavy eyelids. Since his neck was fixed by the restraint, he couldn't turn his head and his vision was limited.

Looking down, his body was bound by the restraints on the operating bed.

Under the pale light, he squinted slightly and looked straight ahead.

I saw a caregiver wearing a blue uniform and a mask holding a thin booklet in his left hand and a pen in his right hand. He was recording something and looking down at him from time to time.

As expected, this is the "baptism" that every patient must undergo before entering the lunatic asylum. What kind of gene inhibitors and ability inhibitors are there? If your abilities are outside the scope of abilities and mutants, then Direct injection of sedatives and fast-acting sleeping pills will keep you alternately in a state of "drowsiness" or "sleeping like a pig" for many years.

In addition, if your risk rating is higher, such as the highest-rated S-class patients in the lunatic asylum, the nursing staff of the lunatic asylum will even inject nanomachines into their bodies, and rely on the nanomachines in their bodies to monitor and control them 24 hours a day. Their physical condition ensures that nothing will go wrong.

Anyway, I have to torture you until you have no superhuman physical signs.

At this moment, it stands to reason that as long as the caregiver touches Anti-Dog's face, she will soon find that Anti-Dog's face is wearing a human face mask.

However, Anti-Dog is not worried about this happening:

——Because the nurse in front of him is played by Orange Peel, the key at this moment is in his plan.

[Good Orange Peel: Are you okay? 】

[Anti-dog: No big problem. 】

[Good Orange Peel: Okay, then I’ll let you go. 】

"No problem, next one."

The caregiver said with a pinched voice, while untying the anti-dog, and then moved him to another bed equipped with wheels.

Immediately afterwards, the supervisor at the door came over, moved the hospital bed, and silently took the anti-dog out of the room.

[Failed Man: Your sleeping appearance is really a piece of shit. 】

[Anti-Dog: You are quite humorous. 】

Not long after, Ke Mingye pushed the mobile hospital bed and brought the anti-dog to the C-level ward.

I have to say that the atmosphere of this building is really gloomy and gloomy, with no sense of a "hospital" at all. The most intuitive impression it gives is like a prison where death row inmates are held.

Get on the elevator and select the fourth floor on the elevator operating panel. Not long after, Ke Mingye pushed the anti-dog out of the car, looking at two rows of wards that looked like prisons.

He pushed the mobile hospital bed to the bottom, put the anti-dog on his back, and then opened the door of the ward with the key.

Not only the ward and corridors, but also the inside of the ward is as dark, gloomy, and depressing as every stereotypical prison cell in the movie. There are only two beds, a toilet, and a TV hung on the ceiling to prevent direct contact. Nothing left.

However, it may also be because it was only 4:40 in the morning London time, the patients were resting, and the lights in every ward were turned off, which is why it looked so eerie.

"The effect of the anesthetic has almost disappeared." Ke Mingye said in a cold voice, "Patient C-109, Gu Zhenning, this is the ward where you will stay for the next period of time, so you can take care of yourself..."

"I can walk by myself, no need to carry me."

Anti-dog said weakly, struggled to land on his legs, and walked tremblingly into the ward.

Ke Mingye snorted with a hint of ridicule, lowered the brim of the supervisor's hat with his left hand, and was about to close the door of the ward with his right hand.

However, at this moment, the sound of rustling pages was heard from the shadows of the ward.

He was stunned for a moment, then suddenly raised his eyes and looked at another thin figure wearing a hospital gown who was already sitting in the shadows deep in the ward.

At the same time, Anti-Quan raised his eyebrows slightly when he saw the man's presence clearly.

What came into view was a European man with two upward scars on both sides of his mouth, pale skin, and elegant temperament. He had messy shawl black hair and was reading a book with his eyes lowered. He had a strange expression, half smiling but not smiling.

"This foreigner is really scary..." Ke Mingye thought, "It's only four o'clock in the morning and I'm already reading a book."

As he was thinking about it, the person's superhuman face slowly appeared in his eyes.

[Codename: Black Judge]

[Name: Ke Yinzhi]

[Danger Level: Level A++]

Ke Mingye and Fan Quan were both slightly stunned. The next moment, their breathing almost stopped - especially Ke Mingye. If he was not wearing a human face mask and the surrounding lighting was poor, his dull expression would be very obvious.

At this time, the two people's thoughts were highly consistent, without the slightest deviation.

In an instant, they used their minds to summon the chat panel to communicate.

[Failed Man: I, I, I, I, I, fuck, if it's not my brother, why is my brother in such a ghost place? ! ]

[Fan Quan: I want to ask you, why is the Black Judge in such a place? ]

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