Superman's Ending Manual

Chapter 34 Black Judge

"I feel like there is still a lot of room for improvement in my image management as a villain... I just need to learn from the videos of my father's appearance. He is more scary as a decent person than a villain."

Ke Mingye sat slumped against the back of the bed, yawning and teasing in his mind.

He originally thought that since he had become a villain, it would be a good idea to design one or two impressive exit lines like Team Rocket and Big Big Wolf did. While he could use his clones, he could let himself go more and vent his pressure, so as not to worry about himself. I really drove myself crazy after playing the role of a character in this monster house for so long...

But the actual picture that emerged was somewhat unbearable to look at.

It is estimated that from Bai Zini's perspective, it was an ugly and weird-looking roly-poly standing on the train going crazy, saying some incomprehensible words. For a long time, Bibi thought he was awesome, but his head flew off as soon as he cut it off. He flew so high.

After pretending for a long time, the only method is to self-destruct. His mysterious words and deeds are completely unable to match the strength he shows. Overall, at least for the time being, he has nothing to do with a high-level and mysterious villain.

Why is it so frustrating to be a villain? When will it be my turn to chop off other people’s heads?

Ke Mingye thought for a moment, and then thought that if he was hacked by his sister, then he would have a heart attack if he was beaten so violently by others, right?

However, the doll's sense of pain is not shared by him, so it doesn't matter how it is tortured. At worst, you can just blow yourself up without giving others a chance.

"Brother, my head is flying. I can't even pretend to be cool. It's really embarrassing."

While Ke Mingye was muttering in his mind, a prompt panel suddenly popped up in front of his eyes.

[Congratulations, you have completed the first node goal of the main mission "Destroy the Magical Girl Alliance" - approaching "Magical Girl Ashes" in disguise. 】

[The next target node of this main mission is: approaching the Magical Girl Alliance through "Magical Girl Ashes". 】

[Node rewards obtained: 1000 experience points, 5 attribute points, 1000 mall coins. 】

[Your level has been upgraded to Lv.2 (500/1000 points), and you have received 1 attribute point as a reward for upgrading. 】

[There are currently 6 idle attribute points in total, please allocate them for use in time. 】

"What a surprise. I thought I had to complete the entire mission to get a reward. But that's right. By the time I destroy the Magical Girl Alliance, the day lilies will probably be cold, and there will be no reward."

Ke Mingye raised his eyebrows and called up his personal panel while thinking. Continuously click the plus sign behind the "Physical Fitness" column attribute, and a prompt panel will pop up.

[Tip: "6 points of attributes" have been added to the "physical fitness" attribute. 】

[The current player attributes are as follows - Physical fitness: 16 points; Nervous reaction: 9 points; Mental strength: 10 points]

[Congratulations, your "physical fitness" attribute has successfully exceeded the "average level of normal teenagers" (13 points). 】

Ke Mingye looked at the word "congratulations" on the panel and said thank you in his heart. It's such good news. I have to remind you how incredible my start was.

While he was thinking about it, he closed the panel. Because the mission just now rewarded 1,000 mall coins, he opened the "Player Mall" instead.

I skipped the first two pages without even looking at them and came to the "Skills Exclusive Sales Page". Because it has not yet reached midnight the next day, all ten skills remain the same.

[①: 100% slap (E-level skill, selling price: 5000 mall coins)]

[②: Snap Pistol (D-level skill, price: 12,000 mall coins)]

[③: Stepping on the Moon (C-level skill, selling price: 30,000 mall coins)]

【④:Trickster Doll (Already Owned)】

[⑤: Missing Mail (E-level skill, selling price: 5000 mall coins)]

[⑥: Draw and slash (E-level skill, selling price: 5500 mall coins)]

[⑦: Animal Communication (E-level skill, selling price: 5500 mall coins)]

[⑧: Flat wrestling expert (E-level skill, price: 5200 mall coins)]

[⑨: Same-sex charm (E-level skill, selling price: 6000 mall coins)]

[⑩: Disaster Dice (Already Owned)]

Ke Mingye took a quick look and found that even the lowest E-level skills were priced at at least 5,000 mall coins, let alone more advanced skills. He couldn't buy anything with the 1,000 mall coins he had on hand.

After thinking about it, he clicked on the "Flat Throwing Expert" skill on the page, and three options popped up: [Buy], [Introduction], and [Lock].

He chose the "lock" function to prevent this skill from being wiped away early tomorrow morning.

[Skill No. 8 "Flat Throwing Expert" on the skill exclusive sales page has been locked. This skill will be retained for one more day and will not be replaced by a new skill in the scheduled refresh after 3 hours. 】

After completing a series of actions, he closed all the panels in one breath, and the world suddenly became pure.

"The question is, I know what Bai Zini is doing, but what about dad, what is he doing?"

Ke Mingye thought casually.

The reason why he dared to follow Bai Zini was, on the one hand, because she was less vigilant at home, and on the other hand, because her strength rating at home was only B+, and the others were all A-level and above strong men;

If it were Ke Youqing, Ke Mingye would not even dare to think about it. With Qing Ya's anti-reconnaissance ability, he might have discovered the fraud puppet when it just lay on the roof of the residential building.

However, it is worth mentioning that after only one day of not seeing her, he found that Bai Zini's strength had been improved from B+ to B++. I don't know what she did, maybe she just broke through a small bottleneck.

Judging from this speed of progress, Bai Zini will soon become a superhuman with A-level combat power. The young are formidable.

"Forget it, no matter what my father does, I can't control it. Let's just sleep like this today."

Thinking of this, Ke Mingye put down his mobile phone and lay on the bed.

Sleepiness surged in his heart, prompting him to close his heavy eyelids, and soon he fell into a deep sleep.

At this moment, in the city center of Huanjing City, in the private lounge on the 79th floor of the China Branch Building of the Super Hero Association.

In the narrow silver-white metal corridor, Ke Youqing was thinking in front of a full-length mirror in front of him.

In the scene reflected in the mirror, except for his face, his whole body was wearing the black metal tights. The long cape fell to the ground like a tail, making him look like a standing beast.

He stared at the deep eyes in the mirror, as if looking at himself, with a cold light flowing in his pupils.

"Black Judge... He is back from New York."

Qing Ya whispered to himself, and after a while, he slowly put on the mask in his hands. The pupils at the eye sockets slowly opened, and the strange crow beak extended forward like a blade.

Tonight, he and the three world-class magic girls of the Alliance will meet with a senior executive from the Abnormal Control Bureau in the conference room on the 99th floor of the association branch building:

-"Black Judge".

Tomorrow is Tuesday, please read the chapter tomorrow night to get through the second round of PK.

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