Superman's Ending Manual

Chapter 45: Imaginary Time (I)

In the toilet in the screening area, Ke Mingye leaned over and sat on the toilet seat, clasping his hands on his chest, his heart pounding.

"Can it be more exciting?"

He whispered to himself, raising his eyes to plan his escape route after being exposed, and looking at the staff member standing in the middle from the perspective of the Trickster Doll.

At this moment, the "staff member" in the theater looked completely different from the Ke Yinzhi in his memory: it was as if he was wearing a human skin mask, and even the size and color of his pupils had changed. Perhaps Is it because of the contact lenses, or the elder brother used some ability to change his appearance.

Ke Mingye was not surprised at all, rather he was used to it.

Living in this house of monsters, disguising yourself is a necessary skill. If you want to have a second identity that won't change your face, then you have to wear a mask, otherwise your family will know your identity every minute?

But what's interesting is that Bai Qiuwu's fiery eyes can basically spot anyone who can change his face. Otherwise, Ke Mingye wouldn't have to go out of his way to let the trickster doll enter the movie theater.

Based on the experimental results on the bus, Ke Mingye believed that Bai Zini's identity might have been discovered by Bai Qiuwu.

He had observed Bai Zini's transformation process. In the end, she relied on a mirror to change the details of her face - this kind of phantom rather than physical face change would basically be effortless by Bai Qiuwu's "fiery eyes". See through.

Therefore, it is very likely that Bai Qiuwu already knew that Bai Zini was the "Magical Girl Ashes", but he just kept this secret in his heart and did not say it out.

The spare phone in his pocket vibrated, interrupting his thoughts.

Ke Mingye turned on his spare phone, and on the prank software, he received a reply from Bai Qiuwu.

"I'm at the western restaurant, where are you?" she asked.

"Copy that, wait for me there for a while."

Ke Mingye typed and sent, trying to hang Bai Qiuwu in the Western restaurant for a while.

At this moment, he had to pray that this damn helmet experience session would end soon, otherwise if the Trickster Doll walked out of the theater and happened to meet the elder sister returning from the Western restaurant, it would really be a tragic tragedy.

"This helmet currently has two functions. One is to reproduce the images you see in your eyes. Its principle is to intercept signals directly from the 'visual processing area' in the brain and convert them into real images;"

Ke Yinzhi paused and continued.

"The second function is that you can try to imagine some scenes. In the same way, the helmet will also try to read your brain signals and convert them into images on the screen. However... due to technical limitations, the current second function This function is not perfect and stable enough, and sometimes the captured pictures are missing and not so clear. ”

After listening to his explanation, Ke Yongzhu took the helmet from the staff and said, "What's the point of the first function? Isn't it just like an eyeball camera? Let me try the second function. "

Ke Mingye lowered his head and played with his mobile phone, thinking to himself that the first function of this helmet is not for you, but for me, okay?

"I'm so excited, I want to try it too!" Bai Zini put her hands together like a primary school student, eager to give it a try.

Ke Mingye glanced at her sideways and said to himself, classmate Hui Jing, can you stop pretending to be so grandiose? You were not so innocent and harmless when you pressed Cinderella against my head.

Maybe I can enter Hollywood and get the Oscar Minion back the next year. Being a magical girl is really a waste of talent.

"Of course, you can try them all." Ke Yinzhi put his hands behind his back and turned to smile at her, "Although there are only two helmets, everyone present will have the opportunity to experience them and take turns."

I was wrong, brother, you are the real acting school. Ke Mingye thought with disdain in his heart.

In Ke Mingye's impression, Ke Yinzhi has been a very neurotic person since he was a child. In every school he has attended, there are basically anecdotes about him.

For example, he misled others while doing experiments and accidentally exploded the laboratory. The classmates who targeted him in the dormitory all dropped out of school within a semester without any reason; another example is that he skipped two grades in high school and passed the best exam. At a key university, he returned to his alma mater two years later and humiliated the principal in a public speech, criticizing the school's education system without restraint;

What's more, it is outrageous to say that the national idol panda "Kraft" who disappeared out of thin air at the Huanjing Zoo two years ago was abducted by Ke Yinzhi.

He is obviously the eldest son in the family, but among the siblings, the only one who is closer to Ke Yinzhi is his second brother Ke Xiaomo. The others don't like to play with the eldest brother because you can never figure out how his brain circuit is working.

Fortunately, my eldest brother has returned from college in the past three years. His unabashed nervousness has subsided a lot, and he seems to be a different person.

It's like... something was released during my time in college.

"You can freely imagine the picture. If you really don't know what to think, then maybe I can tell you a key word." Ke Yinzhi said slowly, "For example, when the word 'player' is mentioned, what do you think of?"

While listening to him, Bai Zini put on her helmet and closed her eyes to think.

When she took off her helmet and looked up at the picture transmitted to the giant screen in the theater, the scene above was a "Minecraft"-style mosaic world: Under the dark sky, a mosaic version of the Bacco family stood On top of a sky city built with mosaic blocks, each other pointed guns at each other's heads.

Bai Zini was stunned: "It's really's so magical."

Ke Mingye raised his eyebrows and thought that this was too outrageous. Judging from the current research progress in brain imaging technology in the world, it is simply impossible to accomplish such a thing.

Therefore, this thing should have been brought out by the eldest brother from the Anomaly Control Bureau, and only the Control Bureau can come up with technology that far exceeds the public's awareness.

But how could the second brother not realize this? He shouldn't be that slow, right? Or... it turns out that the eldest brother and the second brother worked together from the beginning and knew each other's identities?

"The imagination is really good." Ke Yinzhi looked at the giant screen and commented with a smile, "It is inevitable that the picture will be incomplete and blurry. After all, this technology is not accurate enough to completely reproduce the picture you imagined."

Then, it was Ke Yongzhu's turn to put on the helmet, and the picture he imagined was displayed on the screen.

What appeared above the giant screen was a white-haired girl wearing a bikini, with a pair of black wings similar to bat wings on her back. She stood expressionlessly on the beach, with the black tide and a blood-red full moon behind her.

He took off his helmet and looked at the giant screen in the theater, opened his mouth, and his face immediately turned red.

"Pervert!" Bai Zini was shocked, "You, a primary school student, still think of such inappropriate scenes!"

Bai Ziling raised his head and stared at the picture, slightly stunned.

"A me?"

She murmured softly, her red eyes widening and her pupils shrinking slightly.

"What is this, a monster girl?" Bai Zini said, suddenly finding a blind spot, "Ah! She still has white hair. You are thinking of her like your sister Xiaoling, right? You are a pervert primary school student!"

"No, this is an angel!" Ke Yongzhu defended with a red face, "Angels all have blond hair and black wings. I accidentally imagined the blond hair to be white hair!"

Bai Zini did not let him go, and said aggressively: "What kind of angel has such a gloomy background? How come the angel you imagined is so strange? After all, the pervert can't escape!"

"Boring! I won't play this again next time."

As he said that, Ke Yongzhu frowned and put his helmet on the seat, his ears also turning red.

"Primary schoolboy, why do the angels you imagine look a bit like vampires?" Ke Mingye originally wanted the puppet to tease him like this, but he was stunned for half a second and then stared at the screen for a while.

Wait a minute, does Ke Yongzhu know that Bai Ziling is a vampire?

Thinking like this, he glanced at Bai Ziling.

Her face was expressionless, but her eyes under the pale white hair were wide open, as if she had seen something unbelievable.

Ke Xiaomo didn't take it seriously, thinking it was just a child's play.

Immediately afterwards, it was Bai Ziling's turn to put on the helmet. Her experience ended quickly. She took off her helmet and a picture appeared on the giant screen in the theater.

The picture Bai Ziling imagined was a young dragon squatting like a cat, raising its head in the moonlight, hiding in the shadows and staring quietly at the night sky.

"What a cute baby dragon." Bai Zini applauded, not forgetting to tease Ke Yongzhu, "Look at how imaginative your sister Ling is. She is much better than some elementary school student who only thinks about bikinis and angels."


Ke Mingye was stunned again and ordered the puppet to look at Ke Yongzhu out of the corner of his eye.

Ke Yongzhu was looking up at the young dragon on the screen, frozen in place. He curled his lips and scratched the bridge of his nose with his hand. His face turned redder for some reason, and he didn't even dare to look at Bai Ziling again.

Ke Mingye looked at the reactions of his younger brother and sister, and was convinced of one thing: Bai Ziling should have seen Ke Yongzhu in dragon form, and Ke Yongzhu should also know that Bai Ziling was a vampire, otherwise how could it be such a coincidence?

Except for Ke Yongzhu, everyone else's reaction was quite calm.

Only Ke Xiaomo's pupils shrank at this moment, staring at the picture on the screen carefully, as if he saw something weird, and muttering hoarsely to himself.

"Isn't this... the juvenile body of the Dragon of Disaster?"

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