Superman's Ending Manual

Chapter 7 Family Gossip

As the gothic magical girl on the screen walked towards the psychic Black Wukong and uttered a sarcastic remark full of gunpowder, Ke Mingye froze on the spot with a dumbfounded expression.

"Ah? When did you two sisters form a feud?"

It took a full two seconds for him to react. He thought to himself that there was something that couldn't be solved at home. He had to put on a vest and be embarrassed in public, right?

Under the night, the magical girl Ashes and Black Goku looked at each other. A steel train rumbled past on the elevated railway in the distance, and the friction with the railway cast a burst of bright light.

The falling firelight flashed past their heads, and even the neon lights on the surface of the building were dimmed for a moment.

Seeing that the other party was silent, the former asked in a cold tone: "Can't you speak? The last time I saw you, you were also mute."

As she said, when the psychic "Black Wukong" appeared in people's eyes, he indeed remained silent from beginning to end, saying not a word, maybe not even half a word.

Bai Zini was different. It was obvious that her voice had been changed by magic - it was completely different from the original timbre and accent, and she was completely different from the other two people.

If Ke Mingye hadn't been mentally prepared, he would have been extremely sure that this girl was his sister, and he might not have been able to recognize her at all.

My sister, who usually only knows how to play and roll around at home, looks so aggressive when she goes outside, almost riding on other people's necks and giving orders. The contrast is too great.

"How dare you speak so arrogantly to your sister at home..."

Hearing Bai Zini mocking Bai Qiuwu like this, Ke Mingye couldn't hold himself any longer.

He imagined for a moment that if Bai Qiuwu really complied with her request and said something, then when the magical girl heard the familiar voice, she would be so frightened that she would pee and her eyes would almost fall out.

Then, depending on her style, she might hold her shoulders tightly for a while and hold on to her face for a while. After that, she would find a place where no one was around and start crying and complaining:

"Why is it you, sister? There were a lot of people just now. I didn't mean it. I know I was wrong."

The more Ke Mingye thought about it, the more he felt that it was unreasonable. He originally thought that the protagonist tonight was the villain, but in the end, he got the blame for everything.

"Please, if you use a vest to attack a criminal, can you not hit your own family members? Do you think you are being humorous..."

He thought to himself, but also drew some conclusions from it.

Whether Bai Qiuwu knows that Bai Zini is "Magical Girl Ashes" is another story;

However, it seems that Bai Zini definitely doesn't know that Bai Qiuwu is the "Psychic Black Wukong", otherwise how could she be so aggressive, with every line clearly indicating that she wants to fight.

At this moment, Guishu, who had been left alone, frowned and lay on the LED display screen on the surface of the high-rise building. The wires tightly held in his hands spread out flickering electric light, reflecting his confused and complicated expression. face.

Aren’t you a fucking villain?

With the police sirens blaring throughout the city and the atmosphere full of smoke, shouldn't the focus of the entire city be on him?

Why was it pushed aside instead?

Three lines of questions, neither long nor short, appeared in his mind. His brows gradually furrowed and he felt a strong sense of humiliation in his heart.

At the same time, with the emergence of this bizarre scene, the number of barrages on the Gray Pigeon Network exploded again, rising to a new level.

According to official information, the magical girl Ember and the psychic Black Wukong are both superhuman races that do not belong to the official camp, so they are not considered heroes, but just vigilantes at most.

Since they can appear in front of the public as vigilantes "not under official control" and their identities are not in the superhuman database, it means that they themselves are illegal superhumans who have escaped genetic testing. How should they be caught by the Superhero Association? Ask about your identity.

Therefore, when such characters come out to act, they not only have to withstand the pressure of criminals, but also have to bear the pressure of the official - the official has never supported "unregistered" wild superhuman races wearing tight suits. Pretending to be a law enforcer is undoubtedly contrary to the law and is simply shitting on the head of the Premier League Association.

But precisely because of such controversial identities, as well as their unique costumes and abilities, they naturally set off a craze on the Internet.

"Magic Girl Ashes" and "Theosophy Black Goku" are discussed in countries all over the world, even as popular as some of the official superheroes.

Therefore, at this moment, a large number of people on the Gray Pigeon Internet are asking if anyone knows when the relationship between this magical girl and Black Wukong was formed.

But Ke Mingye, who was sitting on the bed at this moment, was the one who should be surprised the most. This scene seemed a little different from what he had imagined.

He originally thought that if the father, sister, and sister came together, even if they didn't know each other's identities, they were all decent people. According to normal logic, no matter how incompatible their dealing styles were, they would join forces to kill each other first. Is this a criminal who dares to cause trouble in Huanjing without knowing the heights of heaven and earth?

As soon as they arrived at the scene, it was his sister and his sister who started to fight... Yes, two decent people started fighting in front of the villain. Of course, if this got out, the discussion would be inevitable.

Looking at the panel above the three of them, Ke Mingye suddenly remembered that Bai Zini's combat power rating was only B+, one level behind Black Wukong and Ghost Tree.

As a result, she was the most arrogant among the three, and played the role of being unruly.

Thinking of Bai Zini's reaction half an hour ago, Ke Mingye immediately understood why Bai Zini rushed out after hearing the news on TV and insisted on joining in the fun.

Ke Mingye held his forehead and sighed, "So she went to seek revenge on her elder sister? I was wondering why she was so aggressive..."

At this time, Gui Shu stared at the two of them from a distance, narrowed his eyes, pulled up the corners of his mouth coldly, and said word by word: "You two bastards, are you playing house here for me?"

Brother, it's really not playing house, they are a family.

Ke Mingye covered his face, and he was really a little drunk in his heart. It was a unique experience to watch his brothers and sisters fighting on TV.

As soon as he finished speaking, Gui Shu suddenly roared and aimed his left arm at the magic girl Ashes not far ahead.

In an instant, the arm turned into thousands of tangled thorns and stretched out, heading straight for Ashes - Ghost Tree had used this move before to easily shoot down a helicopter, so the danger can be imagined.

If it was hit, Ashes might be crushed into pieces by the clustered thorns in an instant.

Ashes caught a glimpse of this scene with her peripheral vision, without turning her head, but a burst of air suddenly burst out from the tip of "Cinderella's" umbrella, and the reaction force caused her body to fly in the opposite direction, avoiding the thousands of thorns.

These thorns were like a huge python, crawling past her with its body rumbling, and the whistling cold wind lifted her hair.

"You can dodge this..."

Ke Mingye raised his eyebrows slightly, thinking that Bai Zini was really capable. Ghost Tree took less than a second to attack, and she was still talking to Black Wukong before she reacted.

The wind slowly died down, and the hair on her forehead that was blown up by the ashes also fell down. She slowly raised her eyes from her hair, her expression was still calm, but the unhappiness on her face became more obvious.

"Wait until I kill this ghost first, and then I will come to settle accounts with you, the monkey."

As she said that, she took out a long knife as clear as lake water from the bottom of Cinderella's umbrella handle, slowly turned her head, and turned her eyes to the angry ghost tree.

Too arrogant, sister, can't you restrain yourself a little... Ke Mingye was ashamed for her, while picking up the water cup on the bedside and pouring a glass of water.

Even though he was provoked like this, Black Wukong remained silent, just stepped on the somersault cloud and tilted his head to look at her.

Then, he took out a mobile phone from the pocket of the metal windbreaker, typed quickly with one hand, and then turned the screen to the magical girl who took out the long knife from the bottom of the umbrella.

The photographer who secretly filmed this scene was lying on the rooftop of a high-rise building, further magnifying the lens countless times.

Finally, everyone watching the live broadcast saw the content on the mobile phone screen clearly.

On the mobile phone was a blank memo, which read:

- "I don't have time to play with children. I suggest you get out of the way. He is looking for me."

Ke Mingye had just taken a sip of water, and when he saw this line of text, he sprayed it out directly. While coughing, he thought: "The atmosphere is here. It seems that if you two sisters don't fight tonight, it will be difficult to end it."

At this time, Ke Mingye suddenly thought of someone-that is Ke Youqing who has not appeared until now.

So he couldn't help but feel strange in his heart: according to the usual rhythm, Ke Youqing should have put on his combat uniform and rushed to the scene and appeared in the camera.

"No, where is Dad?"

Ke Mingye sighed and thought to himself.

"Can I do something? Hurry over and punch the criminal to death, and by the way, cure your two daughters, don't let them go crazy in public."

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