Superman's Ending Manual

Chapter 71 Death of Anti-Dog

"Sure enough... he is Spider-Man, no doubt."

Fanquan whispered to himself, his eyes flickering behind the lens. Just as he expected, the seemingly inconspicuous boy in front of him was the real Spider-Man, and also the son of Qing Ya.

His goal had been achieved, and he could not continue to stay where he was, as that would only mean waiting to die. So he slowly turned around with the bottle of orange juice, moved towards the corner of the street, and entered a damp and narrow alley.

The moment his right foot stepped on the ground of the alley, the three paper figures hidden in his sleeves trembled.

Fanquan lowered his eyes and took a leisurely look at the three figures in his sleeves.

Through the reaction of the paper figures, he could clearly perceive that the man named "Ke Xiaomo" had caught up with him from behind.

At the same time.

After saying goodbye to Ke Mingye, Ke Xiaomo slowly walked towards the vending machine.

In his eyes, Fanquan slowly turned around and walked into an alley.

As the family behind him walked into the corner, Ke Xiaomo's figure instantly turned into a ball of ink and splashed onto the ground.

Then, it turned into a long eagle-like shadow attached to the ground, vibrating its wings, like a bird of prey flapping its wings at the bottom of the valley and soaring into the sky. The shadow quickly shuttled to the alley behind the vending machine.

Half a second later, Ke Xiaomo stood up from the center of the empty alley, turned his head and looked around, but did not detect any human breath. It was even a one-way alley, and there was no other exit at all.

The next second, he stopped his wandering gaze.

In the darkness, he saw a huge single pupil standing upright, with layers of colorful and charming ripples in the pupil, like the aurora over the North Pole.

[Skill name: Eye of Medusa]

[Skill effect: Open an eye of Medusa in mid-air, and the person who looks at her for one second will be petrified on the spot. The time varies, depending on the strength of the person's "spiritual power" attribute. The higher the spiritual power attribute, the shorter the petrification time; the lower the spiritual power attribute, the longer the petrification time (up to 2.5 seconds for the opponent to be petrified). ]

What kind of ability is this? He thought.

The moment he looked at the "Eye of Medusa" for less than half a second, Ke Xiaomo had already looked away. He quietly observed the eye with the corner of his eye until it turned into a misty dust and flew into the night sky.

"The man is still nearby, otherwise there would be no need to use this trick to delay my time."

Ke Xiaomo made a judgment in his heart.

As the strange vertical pupil disappeared in the darkness, Ke Xiaomo saw a crack behind it that was spreading golden light.

Looking closely, the crack was filled with dense religious texts, which could almost make a person with intensive phobia scream and tear his throat.

But in the blink of an eye, the crack dissipated and turned into dots of fluorescent light falling to the ground.

"That thing looks like... a door, it should be a medium for transmission, so it's right, he is probably still nearby."

Thinking of this, Ke Xiaomo's figure once again splashed on the ground like ink, turning into a thick shadow.

Time went back to three seconds ago.

As the anti-dog walked into the alley, he released the D-level skill "Medusa's Eye" that he had just purchased on the skill sales page.

Then, he read out the theoretical words of one of the paper figures: "Holy Space."

Using this ability that he had used in the copy, he opened a portal 20 meters to the west behind Medusa's eyes and walked into it quickly.

The interior of the holy space was filled with "religious texts" as the brushstrokes of the painting, thus piling up a series of bizarre scenes. Sometimes he saw the Chinese purification ceremony... sometimes he saw the Christian baptism ceremony... sometimes he saw the midsummer night activities in medieval Northern Europe.

It seemed that every scene he saw was related to the word "purification".

When Fanquan walked out of the holy space, he had already stepped into the interior of an ordinary civilian house.

Turning his head and looking around, this was a very Chinese-style living room, with a mahjong table with an ashtray, old-fashioned folding stools, an outdated TV, Chinese knots, embroidered murals, and a family portrait of six people entering the country hanging on the wall.

There was a noise in the toilet. A woman over 50 was applying a facial mask in front of the mirror in the toilet, while shouting to the outside with a sharp voice: "Who is it?!"

Fanquan did not make a sound, but silently moved back two steps to the wall, while looking down at the paper man in his sleeve.

The first little man had disappeared along with the "holy space" passage.

There were still two paper little men left in his sleeves.

One of them held the blood vessels on his wrist and whispered "Allegory of the Cave", "Metaphysics", "Rationalism";

The other sat cross-legged on his wrist, chanting "The Doctrine of the Mean", "Based on Benevolence", "Unification of Knowledge and Action".

Fanquan blurted out: "Allegory of the Cave."

As soon as the words fell, the wall behind him seemed to turn into an ancient cave with a bonfire, pulling his figure into it.

Hearing the fragmented voice, the aunt with curly hair hurriedly came out of the toilet, looked around the living room with her hands on her waist, and muttered.

"What's the sound?"

She picked up the feather duster and walked around the living room. After confirming that there was no one around, she secretly cursed "nervous", then walked back to the toilet with her arms crossed, and continued to apply the unfinished facial mask in front of the mirror.

The next moment, a strange figure slowly floated from the shadows in the living room. He wandered his eyes in the darkness, silently examining this seemingly ordinary living room.

"This is where his breath disappeared. Did he use the teleportation skill to leave here again? No, he may still be here, but he just used some means to hide his figure."

Ke Xiaomo looked cold and observed in the darkness for five seconds.

His figure slowly disappeared into the shadows, and wandering shadows appeared one after another in the rooms of this house. A dark owl seemed to have flown past every corner.

Finally, he had no choice but to go to the toilet where the aunt was, hiding in the shadow behind the door and observing her actions.

Did that strange man just now use some ability to possess this woman? Ke Xiaomo thought like this, and after a while, he shook his head.

"Did he run away..."

He sighed softly, and his body fell into the lake at his feet as calmly as a ball of ink, blending into one body.

The aunt heard the faint sigh coming from behind, turned around tremblingly, her lips moved slightly, "Gang, what was that sound just now? It seems that this house is definitely uninhabitable. It is really haunted." I'll go..."

At the same time, after entering the cave created by the "Fable of the Cave", Anti-Dog raised his eyes and looked inside.

In front of a blazing bonfire deep in the cave, two primitive people were sitting with their hands and feet tied, their backs facing the entrance of the cave.

Their clothes were ragged, their faces were ferocious and numb, and they were muttering something to the shadows on the wall.

That shadow is their reflection.

Looking at this scene, Anti-Dog recalled the work "The Republic" by the ancient Greek philosopher Plato, from which the story "The Fable of the Cave" comes.

"A group of prisoners lived in a cave. Their hands and feet were tied and they could not turn around. They could only turn their backs to the entrance of the cave. There was a wall in front of them and a fire burning behind them. They saw the shadows of themselves and things on the wall and thought These shadows were real. Then someone climbed out of the cave and discovered the real world."

He silently repeated the story in his mind.

[The skill effect of "Cave Fable": Enter a primitive cave that is independent of the outside world. You can avoid all dangers in the cave, but the shadow on the wall will speak to you. Its words are confusing and may make you confused. You are trapped here forever, so think carefully about how long you want to stay in the cave. 】

[Note: You may be able to try to convince the two prisoners in the cave to leave. If you can do this, they will become your puppets and fight for you. 】

After reading the introduction of the skills, Anti-Dog found a wall in the cave and sat down.

He slowly turned his head, glanced at the two prisoners who were bewitched by the shadows and looked stupid, and then looked down at his own shadow reflected on the ground.

The shadow was slowly grinning and whispering something to him.

"Look, what good is out there? In those sleepless nights... you are always trying to put pills into your mouth. Every nerve seems to be torn apart by anxiety and pain. You are always Escape from the coming of day... Wouldn't it be better to hide in this cave? Things outside will never have anything to do with you. There will never be pain... there will be no fatigue. Only this warm bonfire and me will accompany you. ...Go get some sleep, you don’t have to worry about anything, just have a good sleep.”

Anti-dog suddenly felt dizzy, so he looked away from the shadow and looked at the last paper man in his sleeve.

The villain is sitting cross-legged on his wrist, muttering the three words "benevolence-based", "unity of knowledge and action" and "the golden mean".

"Unity of knowledge and action."

Anti-Dog picked out the word.

Then he repeated a phrase to himself.

"No matter what happens or what I hear, in ten minutes, I will walk out of this cave... No matter what happens or what I hear, in ten minutes, I will walk out of this cave."

After the words fell, his expression suddenly became dull, as if his soul had been taken away.

[The skill effect of "Unity of Knowledge and Action": You can give yourself an order, and your body will absolutely act according to the order. 】

At this moment, the outside world.

Like a bunch of arrows shot in the shadows, Ke Xiaomo shuttled through every house within a three-hundred-meter radius, searching almost every corner of the old Jingmai neighborhood.

But I couldn't find that man's breath again... not even a trace.

At this point, he finally gave up and returned to the street where he started. He leaned his back on the vending machine, lowered his head and looked at the ground, and was silent for a long time.

"Did you really let him run away... I thought tracking was my strong point."

Ke Xiaomo breathed a long sigh of relief, slowly raised his head, stared at the night sky, and spoke to himself with a hint of unwillingness in his tone.

"There are actually people in this city who can evade my tracking... It seems that I need to have a good talk with my brother about this matter after I go back."

After a moment of melancholy, Ke Xiaomo stood up from the vending machine he was leaning against, stretched out his finger, and pressed the corresponding drink icon on the panel of the vending machine.

"Xiao Ni wants Coke, Akeno wants Coke, Qiu Wu also wants Coke, Xiaoling wants Sprite, and Yongzhu wants Pulse."

He murmured softly, and quickly pressed the corresponding icon with his fingers. The glass of the vending machine reflected an expressionless face.

Soon, five bottles of drinks were slammed down from the outlet.

Ke Xiaomo touched the pocket of his pants and found that the food bag hidden inside was missing, so he had to hold all five bottles of drinks in his arms, turned around and walked back home.

The phone in his pocket vibrated. He picked it up with one free hand and turned on the screen, only to see Ke Mingye sending him a WeChat message.

[Ke Mingye: Where are you, you damn person? I'm almost dying of thirst. Where's my Coke? 】

[Ke Xiaomo: Don’t worry, I’m coming. 】

Ke Xiaomo replied to the message using voice input, and then walked into the invisible street with a smile across his eyes.

"Well, let's go home."

On the other side, Fan Quan walked out of the cave and once again stepped into the familiar old Chinese living room.

Turning around, he saw an aunt with a facial mask holding a feather duster in her left hand and a ghost-expelling charm in her right hand. She was huddled in the corner of the living room, staring at him with a pale face and mumbling: "Nawu Amitabha, demons and ghosts leave quickly, demons and ghosts leave quickly, demons and ghosts leave quickly, demons and ghosts leave quickly..."

"Excuse me."

Anti-dog adjusted his glasses, said a lukewarm word, and then walked to the entrance expressionlessly, turned the door handle and walked out of the house.

Soon, he returned to his rental house.

He closed the door, turned on his computer, and logged into the website dedicated to contacting Cai Bing.

[Anti-Dog: Are you still alive? 】

[Cai Bing: Dead. 】

[Anti-dog: It’s a good death. 】

[Cai Bing: I really want to die. Thanks to you, I was forced to destroy more than a dozen machines. The few local area networks I just established before are gone. It’s no different from death, okay? 】

[Anti-Dog: What are you going to do next? 】

[Cai Bing: Fortunately, Qingya and I are not in the same city. He could only contact people from the association to arrest me. Before I left, I took a look at the micro-monitor left in the house. I just finished sending a message to you. Not long after, my house was surrounded by a force with guns, including one or two superheroes with B-level combat power. 】

[Anti-Dog: So have you escaped their pursuit? 】

[Cai Bing: I think I escaped. Anyway, I can’t stay in this city. 】

[Anti-Dog: Then where are you going? 】

[Cai Bing: Going the other way, I came to Huanjing. 】

[Anti-Dog: Very good. Do I have to sing "Huanjing Welcomes You" to you? 】

[Cai Bing: Against the sky, I really want to slap you to death, so what happened to the spider man you mentioned? 】

[Anti-Dog: It’s confirmed, his character background is the son of Qingya, and besides him, at least seven people in his family of nine are superhuman. 】

[Cai Bing: So exaggerated? So what are you going to do, plot against him and expose his identity in front of his family? 】

[Anti-Dog: No, his existence is definitely a trump card arranged for us by the system. If we really have a chance to exterminate superhuman beings, then his role in the future cannot be ignored. 】

[Cai Bing: I understand, do you want to be someone else’s nanny? 】

[Anti-Dog: I need your help. He is an important trump card. We cannot let his identity be exposed in front of other players, let alone in that monster family. 】

[Cai Bing: You want to be a nanny yourself, but you want to bring your buddies to suffer with you? 】

[Anti-Dog: Green Crow will soon launch an investigation into the 'Dice Monster'. According to my observations, Spider Man has probably left a lot of clues. For example, in the photo of the Dice Monster, it is wearing a 'ring' "The school uniform of Jing No. 3 Middle School" will make Qing Ya directly think of his son's school. He can call up the corresponding surveillance footage and always find flaws. 】

[Cai Bing: Is it the third middle school in Huanjing? 】

[Anti-Dog: Yes, before Qingya takes over the matter, he must help Spider Man delete some school-related surveillance footage. The specific time is June 19th and June 20th. He was there during these two days. Tian learned the skills and began to use the puppet to carry out two-line operations in the school. With Qingya's reconnaissance skills, he would never let go of the school surveillance, and the scenes related to his son became even more conspicuous. 】

[Cai Bing: Oh, then I will reluctantly help you cut out the surveillance footage of that school for the past two days. I hope your judgment is not wrong. 】

[Anti-dog: Thanks. 】

[Cai Bing: We are still in the limelight. You have to wait until I get to Huanjing next time to contact you again. I will take a boat to sneak across tonight and I will arrive in two days. 】

[Anti-dog: Got it. 】

After sending the last message, Fan Quan closed his laptop, leaned back in his chair and took a deep breath.

Just then, he discovered that the "Communication List Icon" in the upper right corner of his field of vision had a bubble with a number in it. He had been busy escaping from the ninja's hands the whole time, so he didn't notice it.

After hesitating for two seconds, Anti-Quan stretched out his finger and clicked on the icon, and a prompt panel popped up in front of him.

[The player "Failed Man" has approved your friend application. 】

[Tip: Your friend "Failed Man" sent you a message. 】

[Failed Man: Rest in peace, anti-dog. If I am still alive today next year, I will remember to come and offer incense to you. 】

[Anti-dog:? 】

Asking for a monthly ticket!

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