Superman's Ending Manual

Chapter 96 Schrödinger's Best Actor

It was late at night, and the room was as quiet as an old attic that no one cared about. The moonlight shone through the curtains blown by the wind and fell on the rusty and yellowed clock.

The hour hand moved without stopping, and slowly turned to the upper right corner with a ticking sound.

Ke Mingye's eyelids trembled slightly, as if the biological clock was triggered on time.

He first took a deep breath, then sat up, stretched out his hand to rub the Tianming acupoint, and finally slowly lifted his eyelids and opened his swollen eyes.

Ke Mingye admitted that he had hoped for a second in his heart, hoping that he could return to the original world when he woke up.

But after opening his eyes, the first thing that caught his eye was still a red and black notification panel. He was already accustomed to this kind of mental pollution, like a curse with a bloody smell.

[Good morning, Mr. Player, today is June 24, 2028, and there are 359 days left before the deadline for the ultimate mission "Extermination of Superhumans". 】

【Current number of surviving players worldwide: 95/100】

【Today's daily tasks are as follows. 】

【1. Run 6,000 meters (reward: one chance to draw a lucky draw)】

【2. Challenge any dungeon once (obtain 1 freely allocated attribute point) (you can also get rewards if you fail the dungeon)】

"Running 6,000 meters, the requirements of this task seem to be getting higher and higher, but there is no rule that it is a morning run, so just run it at night."

Ke Mingye yawned while checking the content of the task with sleepy eyes. After reading it, he lay back, closed his eyelids and continued to sleep.

As a result, less than a moment after closing his eyes, a knock on the door broke into his sleep.

The rhythm of the knock on the door went from gentle to rapid, and finally the person outside the door seemed to be in a mess, knocking slowly one by one, but never stopping for a second.

Ke Mingye endured it for a full minute, then took a deep breath, opened his eyes suddenly and got up from the bed, thinking that he had played so late last night, was it crazy to knock on the door at this time?

But thinking about the fact that he also knocked on Ke Xiaomo's door early yesterday morning, it seemed a bit hypocritical if he lost his temper, so he had to get out of bed obediently.

Turned the doorknob and pushed the door open.

Ke Mingye was about to start a big fight, but turned his head and saw a girl in a sports jacket.

Oh my god, it turned out to be the top of the food chain at home, the magical girl Miss Ash. That's fine... What Black Judge, what Blue Crow, don't you still have to listen to your orders, how can I, a tragic puppet, talk back to you?

Ke Mingye lowered his head and sighed secretly in his heart.

If the people he can't afford to offend the most outside the house are Black Judge and Blue Crow, then the people he can't afford to offend the most at home are Bai Zini and Bai Wenna.

The mother and daughter have the same personality.

At this moment, Bai Zini was leaning against the wall outside the room, playing with her phone while stretching out her finger. Just as she was about to knock on the door, she found that it had been opened.

She looked at Ke Mingye sideways, puffed up her cheeks in dissatisfaction and said, "Brother, didn't you say you wanted to go for a morning run with me?" She paused, stretched out her hand and pinched Ke Mingye's face, "Why are you sleeping like a pig? I can't wake you up even if I call you."

"Please, that was said a few days ago?"

Ke Mingye let her pinch his face, moved his stiff shoulders, and complained.

"I suddenly remembered it in my dream just now, and then I woke up. Are you touched?"

"I can remember it in my dream, I am so touched, otherwise you should go for a run alone."

"Please, why are you like this? You are awake, okay? Your sister is waiting for you outside early in the morning!"

"Good night."

As he said, Ke Mingye was about to close the door. As a result, Bai Zini grabbed the corner of his clothes, forcibly pulled him out, and then pushed him to the bathroom.

"Good night is here, it's time to say good morning, you know, hurry up and wash your face and brush your teeth."

Bai Zini lowered her head, pushed Ke Mingye's back from behind, and ordered word by word.

"You are invincible, kid."

Ke Mingye sighed, and was pushed to the front of the bathroom, so he had to walk into it.

He looked at his face in the mirror, with terrible dark circles under his eyes, looking a little haggard, but fortunately he had a good foundation. It's just that his facial features have not grown yet, so he looks a little childish.

After washing up, he walked out of the bathroom while watching the news on his mobile phone, and went downstairs with Bai Zini who had been waiting for a long time.

Ke Mingye looked up, the navy blue sky, the olive green trees, the iron black road surface, and the electronic sign with light blue fonts. The scenery of Lao Jingmai Street was looming in the morning mist, as if covered with a layer of cold-toned filter.

They walked slowly on the deserted street, like two warm-toned figures suddenly inserted into a deserted oil painting, breaking the dead and harmonious atmosphere.

Bai Zini put her mobile phone in the pocket of her sports jacket, turned her head to look at Ke Mingye, and said: "How about I take the elementary school student and Xiao Ling tomorrow, and the four of us will run together?"

"Don't, you alone are enough for me to toss."

Bai Zini frowned: "Please, it's as if I want to stay with you, brother, but you have been pestering me before?"

"I saw you go out so late, and I was afraid that something would happen to you."

"Oh, what about the morning run?"

"GoGoGo, run two laps, have breakfast and come back."

Ke Mingye avoided the topic and ran.

He didn't run very fast, and he always kept the same pace as Bai Zini. The two occasionally talked about magical girls, and occasionally talked about the bad things in school. The six-kilometer morning run ended unknowingly.

I have to say that compared to the legendary movie stars in her family, Bai Zini's acting skills are really good and bad, highlighting a Schrödinger state.

If you want to ask why you say this, it’s because:

——She ran six thousand meters without even taking a breath!

He was really walking down the street like that, all he had to do was lie down and do five hundred push-ups to show how extraordinary his physical fitness was.

Ke Mingye was panting awkwardly next to him. He felt like he wanted to show off his acting skills with the actor on the same stage, and he felt very nervous. As a result, the actor simply looked down on you and just started showing off...

He put his hands on his knees while panting, and said to himself: "Your sister, can you cooperate with me in acting? Otherwise, wouldn't it look very stupid for an E-level superhuman to gasp here?"

Bai Zini just lowered her head and played with her mobile phone, while reaching out and patting his back twice: "Brother, are you okay? Why are you out of breath after running for two steps?"

"You, how much did you score in the physical education test?"

Ke Mingye spoke breathlessly, trying his best to remind her with words, saying in his heart that if you don't act like this twice, I'm really going to flip the table, so everyone should stop pretending.

"Hmm...barely passed, right?"

Bai Zini typed words on her phone and answered nonchalantly.

"Okay, it seems I'm still a long way from passing."

Ke Mingye sighed, mocking himself, and slowly let go of his knees and stood up, thinking that Bai Zini was really defenseless in front of him, as if it didn't matter if she was recognized.

As soon as he stood up, Bai Zini suddenly covered her mouth and let go of her phone: "Ah, how about we take a break?"

"What's wrong?" Ke Mingye looked at her sideways.

"Why else? Aren't I tired after running so far?" Bai Zini said, leaning down and holding her chest to breathe. Then she glanced at Ke Mingye, "Aren't you tired enough just now?"

Ke Mingye was silent for a whole time, thinking to himself, why are you dragging me along? You don't pant when I pant, but you start when I stop acting?

For a long while, he leaned down silently, put his hands on his knees and gasped: "I'm tired, how can I not be tired, little sister... I'm so damn tired."

From a distance, the two future legendary superhumans were supporting each other as if they were two disabled people, and finally sat on a wooden chair by the roadside.

Ke Mingye raised his head and looked at the sky helplessly, thinking to himself, could he be more stupid?

He swore that after he debuted as the superhero Blue Owl, he would have a direct showdown with Bai Zini. Otherwise, pretending not to discover her identity for two days would be too insulting to his IQ.

The two sat on wooden chairs and rested for a while. During this period, Ke Mingye opened the task panel and received the reward for daily task one.

[Have received the reward of "Daily Task 1: Running 6,000 meters" - an opportunity to use the turntable. 】

The prompt box fell, and then the reward wheel unfolded in front of you, and the text in each area came into view.

[1. 2000 mall coins;]

[2. 1000 experience points;]

[3. Fragments of the God’s Disk*1 (After collecting 5 fragments, you can get a God’s Disk, which can be used to regularly obtain the location of a God’s ruins); ]

[4. Skill enhancement card fragments*1 (after collecting 3 fragments, you can get a skill enhancement card); ]

[5. Fragments of "Titan King Kong" (50 King Kong fragments need to be collected to synthesize a summoning card); ]

[6. E-level skill card—Reconnaissance Guard. 】

"Is today's carousel so heavyweight?" Ke Mingye raised his eyebrows and thought to himself, "It seems that no matter what the turn is, the results are pretty good, especially fourth."

Thinking this way, he pressed the start button of the turntable, and the pointer began to rotate at high speed.

Finally stopped in area three.

[Congratulations, you have received the reward from area three: "Fragment of the God's Disk"*1, and the item has been put into your bag. 】

"Okay, okay, I'm one step closer to becoming a psychic." Ke Mingye thought, "Can you let me find Loki's god ruins and give me his way to communicate with gods, so I don't have to be so worried."

"Brother, have you rested well?" Bai Zini asked.

"That's enough, let's go have breakfast."

Time passed silently and came to two o'clock in the afternoon on June 24th.

Huanjing City, Hongge Amusement Park.

This is a long-abandoned amusement park. There is a damp smell in the air, and amusement facilities full of traces of time can be seen everywhere.

Anti-Dog has previously summarized the rules of where dungeons are generated. It seems that most dungeons will only appear in such abandoned places - this seems to be to avoid too many passers-by when entering the dungeon.

In addition, players have a "dungeon detection function", which will react whenever a dungeon is nearby, so now it is particularly easy for them to find a dungeon.

"Spider Man hasn't come yet, he's the last one every time." Qing Meng leaned outside the guard room at the entrance, lowering his head and playing with his phone, complaining.

Anti-dog adjusted his glasses and joked: "Last time I said I would pick someone up at the port, but I don't know who said that I couldn't get up and just let go. I don't think you are much better than him."

"Don't argue, just watch me perform." Paranoid said coldly, interrupting the conversation between the two.

"It depends on your performance, then it's over. Why don't you just go to sleep."

Cai Bing's calm voice came from the guard room. She put her laptop on her folded legs and lowered her head to play "Eternal Calamity".

Soon, a figure in a blue jumpsuit came from a distance and said, "I'm here."

Anti-dog glanced at his clothes: "Children's clothes again?"

"I forgot to turn off the automatic pickup, so I put this suit on my body without even realizing it." Ke Mingye replied.

"Can you find other clothing stores to persecute me? If you keep staring at one store, you will be discovered."

"Isn't this what you are looking for?"

Qingmeng looked up from her phone and turned to look at Ke Mingye: "It's so slow. Let's get started."

"What dungeon are we playing today?" Ke Mingye asked.

"Ghost ship." Zai Bing in the guard room replied, "Look at your six o'clock direction and you can see the introduction to the copy."

Hearing this, Ke Mingye looked sideways to the right. What he saw was a dilapidated pirate ship hanging in the air. The green replica panel was suspended in front of the bow. It was so big that you could clearly see what was above it at a glance. Word.

[Copy Name: Sixteen Undead on a Pirate Ship]

[Dungeon location: Hongge Commercial Street, Hongge Amusement Park]

[Dungeon difficulty: E level (it is recommended that players within level 5-12 form a team to challenge)]

Please vote for me. There should be two more chapters tonight.

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