Chapter 458 Because you treat me well

   "I don't know the specifics. I only know that I worked as a secretary next to the president of the commune. It seems that I have a good diploma and ability. Otherwise, I wouldn't be able to become the secretary of the president of the commune." Grandma Li said.

  She still has a good impression of this young man, but she doesn't know what Li Qingqing's attitude will be.

   After all, she was looking for a husband for Li Qingqing. No matter how satisfied or liked they were, it was useless for Li Qingqing to like and be satisfied.

   "Miss Qingqing is excellent and beautiful. She is a good girl who is difficult to meet even with a lantern. She will definitely find a good partner. So, Grandma Li, you don't have to worry or worry." Song Xi persuaded.

Although Song Xi didn't have a good relationship with her parents in her previous life, after graduating from university, her mother also joined the team of urging her to get married, and she was always urging her to get married, but she didn't even have a boyfriend. What's the use of urging her to get married? ? Who is she married to?

  She really got a headache from being urged, and she really disliked other people's urging her to marry, so she didn't want Li Qingqing to encounter such a thing, otherwise this family would not have any warmth for Li Qingqing.

   This feeling is really too familiar to her.

  Grandma Li smiled kindly, "We won't rush her, let her take her time."

  Although Li Qingqing is a little older, they also know that marriage matters cannot be sloppy. What if they accidentally marry a scum like Lou Yuyu?

  So let her choose slowly, and always find the right person.

  When Li Qingqing came back at noon, when she saw Song Xi coming, she rushed over happily, "Xiaoxi, you're here, I miss you so much."

Song Xi reached out and squeezed Li Qingqing's face, pretending to be angry and said, "Since you miss me so much, why don't you go to me? I'm teaching grade one and grade five now, and I have to teach others how to grow things. I'm busy every day." Half dead, not free."

   "That's really hard work for you. When you have time, you must take a good rest. Don't tire your body out. After all, your body is the most important thing." Li Qingqing didn't expect Song Xi to work so hard in the mountains, and her heart ached.

It's a pity that it's too hard to find a job now, otherwise it would be good to get Song Xi to work in the city, but Li Qingqing knows Song Xi, no matter how good the job is in the city, she will never give up her job in Ping'an Village .

   After Li Yu and Wang Xue got married, they lived outside. Now that the young couple lives alone, they don’t eat at the old house. When Li’s father, Li’s mother, and Li Lei also come back, the Li’s will have dinner.

After dinner, Song Xi took out a small handkerchief and handed it to Li Qingqing, "Miss Qingqing, here are sixty wild ginseng seeds, you can plant them in a small corner in the yard, and then use weeds to plant them. Cover it, wait until fifteen or twenty years later, you can dig it out and sell it, and leave it to the children of the three of you, which can be regarded as preparing a confidence for the children."

   "Xiaoxi, show me." Grandpa Li said.

   Song Xi carefully handed over the handkerchief.

Grandpa Li opened the veil, inspected it, and smelled it again, "It is indeed wild ginseng. It is not easy to receive the seeds of wild ginseng. Xiaoxi, thank you for your hard work. We all thank you for your kindness to the Li family." Keep it in mind, our Li family will always be your backing."

"Because you are kind to me and treat me as one of your own, then I should reciprocate you, so you don't have to be polite, Grandpa Li, and study carefully where the wild ginseng is grown so that it is safe and safe, and will not be discovered by others." She took the wild ginseng seeds from the supermarket and soaked them in spiritual spring water for a few days. It just so happens that March is now, which is a good time for spring planting.

   Ginseng and wild ginseng germinate relatively slowly, taking months or even a year, but Song Xi has soaked these seeds in spiritual spring water, so there is no need to worry about germination and growth.

  In the afternoon, when the Li family went to work, Song Xi also left. Instead of going back to the village, she went to the new house near Huanshan No. 2 Middle School.

  When he came to the door, Song Xi took out the key to open the door. After entering, he quickly closed the courtyard door, then took out labor protection gloves and a **** from the supermarket, and began to tidy up the wild grass in the yard.

  This is a city, so it is definitely not allowed to grow vegetables at home, because it will be complained by others, but it is no problem to grow some wild vegetables. Which yard does not have weeds?

   Is it possible that other people will come to check the species of weeds one by one?

   Shepherd's purse, plantain, dandelion, goose sausage, and purslane are all edible wild vegetables. They will be planted in the yard at that time, and after the students live in, there will be fresh wild vegetables to eat.

  It took Song Xi a long time to remove the dead grass in the yard. She spread the dead grass on the ground, and when it dried, it could be used as a fire starter.

Afterwards, Song Xi went to tidy up the room arranged for the students. First, he cleaned up the dust on the roof and walls, and then nailed a layer of rainproof cloth under the roof, and pasted the walls with old newspaper manuscripts. Get up, so that you can avoid the dust in the house.

  Looking at the brand-new room, Song Xi felt full of achievements.

  As for the furniture such as beds, tables and chairs that need to be used in the room, Song Xi plans to come and arrange it when school is about to start.

  When Song Xi was going to see how to arrange the main house, which is the house where she and Zhou Yi will live in the future, there was a knock on the door.

  Song Xi raised her brows in confusion, she hasn't lived in yet, and now she doesn't know anyone, how could someone come to the door?

  The Li family members have all gone to work, let alone come here!

Who is the one?

  With doubts, Song Xi walked over and opened the gate of the courtyard. Seeing several police comrades standing outside, Song Xi asked in puzzlement, "Several police comrades, do you have any business at the door?"

  She doesn't think she has done anything illegal. Could it be that there is something wrong with buying this yard?

  However, these people look a little familiar, as if they have met somewhere, and there are too many things recently, and their minds seem to be muddled.

"Lesbians, don't be nervous. We came here today to find you, the main reason is to give you an award. Some time ago, because of the tip-off of comrades, our Public Security Bureau successfully cracked a child abduction case. The people involved in the case were wiped out and the children were rescued. Eight, and eleven children who were sent to other places were recovered. If the comrades were not brave and calm, we would not have been able to solve the case so quickly, and the superiors asked us to award the whistleblowers."

   "Really? Are they really human traffickers? It's really great to reunite the children with their families." Song Xi was very happy when she heard that the traffickers had been arrested and the children had gone home.

  (end of this chapter)

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