Chapter 566 is not hopelessly stupid

   These words are of course coaxing Qian Duoduo, as long as it can affect his receiving dividends, he will definitely not help.

  But it is not impossible to promise more benefits in exchange.

   "Do you think Teacher Song Xi is pretty?" Qian Duoduo looked up at the man who was staring at her intently, with an evil curve on his mouth.

  She suddenly thought of a better way to deal with Song Xi. Not only did she want to make Song Xi unable to stay in elementary school, but she also wanted to make Song Xi unable to stay in Ping'an Village.

   It would be even better if he could die like little 'Song Xi'.

  Who told her to stop herself from joining Ping'an Village Primary School as a teacher?

  All those who make her unhappy, don't think about it.

   "Looks good, Teacher Song Xi is really pretty." But he didn't say much about Song Xi, because he knew that Song Xi still had to be able to receive the bonus.

  He's stupid, but not hopelessly stupid.

  Qian Duoduo stood up, leaned close to Xu Xiaoshan's ear, and said in a low voice, "Since you also think she is beautiful, how about I find a way to help you get her?"

"Why did you help me like this?" Xu Xiaoshan broke out in fear. He loves beautiful women, but he doesn't dare to miss Song Xi. She is a great hero in Ping'an Village. Without her, everyone would still eat as before. Not full or warm.

  Qian Duoduo smiled brightly, "Because I fell in love with Zhou Yi, and I want to be Zhou Yi's wife. Only by separating the two can I have hope, isn't it?"

  Falling in love with Zhou Yi, who is not half as handsome as Lin An, how could she fall in love with such a rough guy?

  She simply wanted to destroy Song Xi's happiness, and she didn't want to make her so happy and happy!

  "I can agree to your proposal, but you have to give me some benefits first, otherwise I won't agree."

  Looking at Xu Xiaoshan's greasy look, Qian Duoduo's eyes almost turned to the sky. The man thinks about these things all day long, Qi Caiyun is like this, and Xu Xiaoshan is also like this.

  However, in order to achieve his goal, Qian Duoduo agreed to Xu Xiaoshan's request. He didn't have to pay anything, and someone else did it for him, so why not do it?

  Remove Song Xi and Zhou Yi first to ruin Song Xi's happiness, and then ask Xu Xiaoshan to help her keep an eye on Lin An to see whose house Lin An goes to every night.

   Xu Xiaoshan's daughter-in-law was also by the river just now, so Xu Xiaoshan wanted to hurry up and stimulate himself in such a short time, so Lin An spends so much time with her every night, will he give up such a good opportunity?

When she thought of the man she had liked for so many years, who was so tender and affectionate to others, and gave everything to others, she was so angry that she wanted to destroy the world, first deal with Song Xi who made her unhappy, and then deal with robbing her fiancé village girl.

   It took more than an hour for the two of them to separate at the secret base by the river. There was no one at the place where the fish were caught, and only the drowsy cicadas were left.

Chen Ju sat in the main room with a whiff of fragrance, and didn't even cook the meal. Seeing Xu Xiaoshan's late arrival, he slapped the table angrily, "Xu Xiaoshan, why did you come back now? Isn't it just to catch someone? Need to catch someone?" More than an hour? What did you two do?"

   "What are you doing? What can you do in the water? If I catch him up, can't I send him back to his residence?" Xu Xiaoshan replied impatiently, and walked towards the stove.

  He wanted to take another bath and change his clothes. After staying on the rocky beach for a while, his clothes were stained with fine sand, which made him feel a little uncomfortable.

  Chen Juxiang didn't believe what Xu Xiaoshan said, he deliberately took Qian Duoduo to swim in places with few people, wasn't it just for the convenience of doing things?

  Although there is such an intuition in her heart, now Chen Juxiang has no evidence, so she had to endure it, "Xu Xiaoshan, if you let me know what you did to them, don't blame me for suing the captain and canceling your dividend."

  Xu Xiaoshan was stunned for a moment, and then replied, "If you don't believe me, you can ask a family of lesbians, they are from the city, will there be any intersection with me, a mud leg?"

  He believed that Qian Duoduo would not talk nonsense because of her reputation. If everyone knew about it, how would she be able to marry in the future?

  After hearing Xu Xiaoshan's words, Chen Juxiang's heart suddenly became enlightened. Yes, Qian Duoduo came from the city, and she would definitely marry a city person. How could she stay in the mountain village?

   Even the lesbians in the village look down on Xu Xiaoshan, so how could Qian Duoduo in the city? She was the only one who took the ugly Xu Xiaoshan seriously, and everyone seemed to want to rob Xu Xiaoshan from her.

   Zhou Yi did not immediately dispose of the fish that Zhou Yi caught, but put them in a large water tank on the roof of the supermarket. Their family has everything to eat now, so they are not in a hurry to eat these fresh fish.

  Song Xi took a small basket to look for grapes under the grape trellis.

  Not at home in August, when the grapes are ripe and not picked in time, they will rot, so Song Xi poured water from the spiritual spring in advance to let the grapes ripen in advance.

   Before the grapes were picked, there was a knock on the door.

  Zhou Yi went to open the door, saw that it was Xu Xiaoshan, and hurriedly closed the door, but was blocked by Xu Xiaoshan, "I'll tell you something, that Qian Duoduo will break you up and marry you."

   Without Song Xi, everyone would not be able to live a good life. For his own good life, he should come here to remind.

   Zhou Yi closed the courtyard door with a bang. It's a fool's dream. I want to break up with my wife and marry him. Is it possible?

   "Who is it?" Song Xi asked puzzled.

"Xu Xiaoshan, I don't know what he's here for, so I don't bother to talk to him." Zhou Yi didn't tell Song Xi what Xu Xiaoshan said. She was already worried about Qian Duoduo and Lin An's arrival, so she told her about Qian Duoduo again. Wouldn't it make her more stressed?

  Anyway, he won't let anyone hurt his daughter-in-law.

  Song Xi couldn't figure out why Xu Xiaoshan came to their house, but she didn't ask too many questions. After picking the grapes, she followed Zhou Yi to the top of the supermarket.

  Now every household in Ping'an Village has two grape trellises, and every household has grapes to eat, so Song Xi doesn't have to distribute grapes to everyone.

   Li Qingqing's parents' No. 2 courtyard also has grape racks, which are also full of grapes, so there is no need to send grapes to Li Qingqing.

  She is not going to make wine from the grapes this year, but keeps it for herself to eat slowly. Although she has spiritual spring water and does not need to rely on grapes to supplement nutrition, sometimes her mouth will feel bored if she doesn’t eat something.

   In the next few days, Song Xi and Zhou Yi didn't go out, because the school was on holiday and there was nothing to do, and the school's cash crops were also handed over to reliable students to manage.

   Until the morning before departure, Ji Rufeng came to look for them with his luggage, and the three of them went to the city together, and went directly to the guest house where Li Qingqing worked.

  (end of this chapter)

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