It was time to welcome the bride. Xiao Qingcheng brought the wedding team to Village Chief Xue's house to welcome the bride. Everyone didn't stop the noise, so Xiao Qingcheng took the bride away.

  Xiao Qingcheng paid for an empty house in the village, and lived there with Xue Baoli from now on. It is not far from the home of Xue Baoli, but he can avoid being judged by the elders.

  The big guys followed the new couple to the new house directly, because Xiao Qingcheng's family was not here, so naturally there were not so many rules and regulations. Once the door of Xue's family was closed, they all followed.

  Looking at Xue Baoli's red dress and beautiful hairstyle, the girls in the small fishing village who are waiting to get married are envious for a while. They all want to ask Xue Baoli in private after the wedding is over!

Although Xue Baoli is the little girl of the village chief's family, but she looks too ordinary, but she can marry Xiao Qingcheng, which makes everyone think that Xue Baoli can marry Xiao Qingcheng because Xue Baoli asked the village chief to put pressure on Xiao Qingcheng , so they all looked down on Xue Baoli.

   But more envy, jealousy and hatred!

  But the fact is contrary to what they thought, Xiao Qingcheng really liked Xue Baoli. The village head Xue worried that Xiao Qingcheng would return to the city and abandon Xue Baoli in the future, so he always disagreed.

   It was Xiao Qingcheng who promised Village Chief Xue that if he returned to the city in the future, he would never do anything like abandon his wife and children, and he would definitely bring Xue Baoli and the child back with him.

  In spite of this, Village Chief Xue's family was still worried, but they didn't feel relieved. They didn't stop the two young people from dating. If Xiao Qingcheng really wanted to abandon his wife and son in the future, they wouldn't let him go.

  After the wedding, everyone's life returned to normal, but Song Xi and the others continued to collect seafood, whether it was fresh or dried, as long as the quality passed the standard.

  This afternoon, after returning from the sea, Song Xi was a little puzzled when she saw Village Chief Xue looking at herself with embarrassment, "Uncle Xue, what's the matter with you?"

   Village Chief Xue, "Let's go outside and talk!"

   "Okay." Song Xi and Zhou Yi followed Village Chief Xue to the well, because there is a big tree here, and the shade under the big tree is shady, "Uncle Xue, if you have anything to say, just say it."

   "It's like this. I have relatives who have fruits, and I want to exchange some supplies with you. I don't know if you still have supplies here, and I don't know if you want fruits." Village Chief Xue said with an embarrassed face.

  In fact, he didn't want to bother Song Xi anymore, because he was afraid that it would affect future transactions. The main reason why everyone could improve their food was because of the supplies Song Xi gave them.

  But he also wanted to help his relatives, and he didn't want to watch them live a miserable life.

"It just so happens that there is still a batch of supplies on the way, and it's almost here. If it's not enough, I can send a telegram and arrange for someone to send it. I just don't know what kind of fruit is there for Uncle Xue's relatives?" Although I know what kind of fruit is abundant here , but now is not the previous life after all, and some varieties may not have appeared yet, so there should be a big gap in the types of fruits.

"There are quite a lot of fruit varieties here. Now the ripe ones include coconut, banana, mango, pineapple, jackfruit, lychee, watermelon, rambutan, guava, dragon fruit, wampee, carambola, durian honey and Longan..." Village Chief Xue looked at Song Xi and said seriously, "I don't know what kind of fruit you want, and how much?"

Song Xi opened her eyes excitedly after hearing Village Chief Xue's words. She didn't expect that there are so many fruits here. The ripe fruits on the branches are much more delicious than the ones picked in advance. She likes to eat freshly picked ones. It's just that I didn't have that chance in my previous life.

"Major Xue, I want quite a lot, but can the fruit growers decide to sell it themselves? Don't they want to supply the city? If it can be sold to outsiders, as long as the quality passes the standard, I will naturally want it." Song Xi Asked puzzled, shouldn't the fruit be sent to the purchase station? Can I make my own decisions and sell it to others?

Village head Xue said anxiously, "Everything is rare and expensive. Once there are too many things, they are worthless. This year's fruit finally ushered in a bumper harvest, but the price is lower than the previous two years. A lot of them, in order to make money, even if the price is low, they still sold it, but only a small part was sold, and a lot of them were left hanging on the branches, and everyone’s hair was almost graying with worry.”

  Song Xi nodded, "Okay, please ask Village Chief Xue to arrange for them to bring some fruit over for me to check the quality. As long as the price is right, I will take it. As for the car, we will arrange it here, so don't worry about it."

   Even if you want to buy something, you have to shop around, right? Even if she wants fruit again, she can't just take it all without looking at it. Fruit is not the same as dried seafood.

   Even if some defective products are mixed in the dried seafood, it is still delicious as long as it is processed well, but if the fruit is rotten, it can only be thrown away.

   It doesn't matter if the taste is bad, because she has spiritual spring water, no matter how unpalatable the fruit is in her hands, it will become delicious.

   "Okay, I'll call someone to notify them now." Village head Xue hurriedly called his elder son to inform them. Village head Xue also knew that Song Xi didn't want to say anything, so he asked his elder son to inform them to come back at one o'clock in the morning.

  Because Song Xi and Zhou Yi would go out every night, and they would not come back until that time.

In fact, what Village Chief Xue didn’t know was that after Song Xi and Zhou Yi pushed the fresh seafood that he helped to bring back out every night, they went to other villages to exchange things with everyone, and then they had to go to the market place at ten o’clock. Everyone is changing things!

   Village head Xue only thought they were sending seafood away.

  At night, not long after Song Xi and Zhou Yi came back from exchanging supplies with everyone at the market, Village Chief Xue came and knocked on the door, saying that someone had brought fruit.

  Song Xi and Zhou Yi drank a cup of spiritual spring water to restore their condition, and then went out to check the situation.

   When I came to Village Chief Xue's study, I saw a few older **** men standing there, with a tall basket full of fruits beside them.

  Everyone has several kinds of fruits in their back baskets, but they don’t compete with others. It seems that what each village grows is negotiated, so there is no such thing as grabbing other people’s business.

"Comrade Song, Comrade Zhou, these are the village chiefs of various villages, and now they still have a lot of fruit left for sale." Village Chief Xue introduced, "Several village chiefs, these two are from the Beihu Provincial Farm Purchasing staff, they want to buy some fruit from you back, so you can talk about the next thing, and I won't bother you."

Song Xi began to check the fruits they brought over one by one. The fruit smell is full, which can prove that they are all freshly picked, but some are too ripe, especially the bananas, some of which are cracked, maybe because they cannot be sold in Because the bananas have been hanging on the tree for a long time, but such bananas are delicious.

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