Chapter 584 Where can I find someone

  If he hadn't heard Zhou Yi tell people that he would go up the mountain to look for ginseng when he just woke up, and put two ginseng plants in Zhou Yi's closet, then Zhou Yi would probably repeat the same mistakes.

   Unexpectedly, his unintentional actions saved Zhou Yi's life.

"Xiaoxi, thank you. When I just woke up from the nightmare, I really felt so hopeless that I collapsed, but now after talking with you, I really feel better. Thank you for listening to me so much." Song Hui I have never read a book, and I don't know much, I just think that I have had a nightmare.

   "It's fine!" Song Xi smiled and nodded.

  The matter of Sheng Zirong had a great impact on Song Hui, so that after so long, this incident can still affect Song Hui. After this time, it should not have any bad influence on Song Hui.

Because Sheng Zirong's family has been severely punished, no one can affect her life, and she will not be as miserable as in her dream. For the rest of her life, what kind of life she will live is all her business, and no one can affect her. It's her time.

   Li Qingqing's dream and Song Hui's dream both have many unclear things. Since they are unclear, Song Xi doesn't need to worry about it.

   Some things don’t know when they will happen. If you worry about it so early, do you still have the energy to do other things? So just calm down!

Song Xi stayed in the fertilizer workshop for a while, and saw that Song Hui's condition had recovered, so she went home. Time was delayed, so she didn't go up the mountain anymore. Anyway, she lived in Ping'an Village, so she could go up the mountain anytime, and she didn't have to go up the mountain anytime. Urgent this moment.

  Passing by Aunt Li's house, Song Xi took a look inside, and saw Aunt Li sitting in the yard blankly, accompanied by Li Wenling and Li Wenfang.

   "How could it not be Xu Xinlan who did it? Then where do we go to find Ji Si?" Suddenly, Aunt Li broke out and started crying, "How could it not be Xu Xinlan?"

  Xu Xinlan's line is broken, so it's really hard to investigate Li Jisi's affairs. The world is so big outside, where can I find someone?

  Aunt Li would rather that things were done by Xu Xinlan, so that there is still a possibility of finding Li Jisi, but now there is really no hope at all.

"Where did our Jisi go? Where did she go? Jisi, if you still have grandma in your heart, please come back, don't let grandma worry about you anymore..." Aunt Li wished she could kneel down and kowtow, Li Wenling He and Li Wenfang hurriedly supported Aunt Li.

  Li Wenling persuaded, "Mom, didn't we report to the police? We must trust the comrades of the police in their ability to handle affairs, and they will definitely be able to help us get Ji Si back."

  Li Wenfang also said, "Yes, Mom, you have to take good care of your health, otherwise Jisi will definitely feel distressed when he sees you like this when he comes back."

  Song Xi sighed, and walked away. Now the village and the Public Security Bureau are working together to investigate Li Jisi's affairs. I believe that with the joint efforts of both parties, Li Jisi will be found.

   Time soon came to the end of August, and it was time for the students who were studying in junior high schools in the city to prepare for the report. It was time for Wu Hu to drive a tractor to take them to Song Xi's new yard.

Song Xi knew that everyone was going to the city this afternoon to prepare for the start of school, so she packed some things for the students and sent them to the tractor. Watching Wu Hu load the things onto the tractor, Song Xi asked curiously, "Wu Hu, what Has the matter of Fu Daxin and Fu Jiamin been dealt with?"

   It's been a few days since the incident, and Li Qingqing didn't come to her, and she didn't know what stage the matter was dealing with.

  "Yuan Man's innocence has been proven. As for when he will come back, we will know. Fu Daxin, Fu Jiamin, and the **** man with two legs have also been punished as they should."

It turned out that they were divided into two groups that day, one went to the investigation bureau, and the other went to the Hongqi production team to beat gongs and drums, so that everyone in the production team over there knew what Fu Daxin and Fu Jiamin did in Ping'an Village, and made public Jia Min is pregnant and sick.

Ask everyone who is close to Fu Jiamin to check their bodies to see if they are infected. Unexpectedly, there is a **** man who wants to sneak out to check his health, but they are caught on the spot .

Asked Dr. Qi to examine him, and he got the same disease as Fu Jiamin. Afterwards, this man admitted that he had dated Fu Jiamin. He was the father of Fu Jiamin's child. Because his other partner was pregnant, he had to When he got married, he married another person. Fu Jiamin found out that he was already married when she was pregnant, so she didn't tell him. She just wanted to find a man who was easy to deal with or had good conditions.

They wanted to find Wu Hu before, but the conspiracy was seen through by everyone. After that, they went to the city to find someone, and then they found Comrade Yuan Man. The father and daughter joined forces to plot Yuan Man, and wanted Yuan Man to recognize her. The child in the womb is responsible for her.

However, Yuan Man vowed not to obey, and would rather take the blame and accept the punishment than agree to their request, so that the plan of Fu Daxin and Fu Jiamin fell through. Now the truth is revealed, they have to pay a heavy price for their actions, and they will never There is no way to return to their hometown, because everyone knows what they did.

   If you dare to go home, you have to be prepared to be pointed at.

"What about Fu Jiamin's partner? This incident was obviously caused by him. If he hadn't stepped on two boats, Fu Jiamin would not have come to this point. Doesn't he have to take responsibility?" The man Comrade is really bad enough, he is in two boats, marry whoever gets pregnant first, is this because he is afraid that he will marry a daughter-in-law who will not give birth?

"Then how can it be? Fu Daxin is not a good person in the first place. Can he let go of the person who bullied his daughter? Even if he dies, he will take the blame. What's more, that person has done something wrong. His punishment It's more serious than Fu Daxin and Fu Jiamin's, and now his wife is left alone, she is pregnant after all! Now she is alone in the production team, and she has to do everything by herself in the future."

Song Xi nodded knowingly, and said with a smile, "Since everything is settled, I don't have to worry about it. When I'm free, I'll invite everyone to dinner. Thank you for your willingness to help Principal Yuan's son prove his innocence. "

  Wu Hu smiled embarrassingly, "There is no need to eat. We are also thinking about the children in the village. After all, everyone will study under Principal Yuan in the future."

   "Indeed, when the children are in high school, they will all study under Principal Yuan. When I see Principal Yuan next time, I will definitely tell him the truth. Everyone's credit cannot be erased."

  If it was her, she would have done it as low-key as she could, but this time it has nothing to do with her, it is everyone's efforts, she must let the beneficiaries know, don't even know who the real benefactor is.

  (end of this chapter)

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