Supermarket Space: Traveling Through the Ages and Marrying a Rough Guy

Chapter 591: She's going to do something next

  Chapter 591 She is going to do something next

  Even if he still doesn't like Qian Duoduo, he has to act the whole show, otherwise his family may end up in the same way.

  For what happened to Li Jisi, he was really sorry and heartbroken. He could do nothing but pray silently in his heart, hoping to have the opportunity to be with Li Jisi in his next life.

   If there is a next life, he will definitely love her, pamper her, and never let her suffer the slightest harm.

   Out of the corner of Qian Duoduo's eyes, he caught a glimpse of Lin An, who was obedient next to him, and felt very complacent.

  What does it matter if you don't like her? Just be obedient and obedient.

  The love that he can't give, there are many people outside who are willing to give, Qi Caiyun, Xu Xiaoshan, which one doesn't love her wholeheartedly?

  She doesn't lack love at all now.

  So Lin An stayed by her side like a marionette, and it was good to be controlled by her for the rest of his life.

  Qian Duoduo wanted to go to the village to confirm Li Jisi's affairs, so she deliberately took Lin An to the village, gave candy to the people who had chatted with them at work, and told them about her marriage to Lin An.

  Suddenly, hearing a violent sound coming from behind, Qian Duoduo turned her head to look in displeasure, but saw Qi Caiyun slapping the water surface with a shovel, making a loud noise.

  When Qian Duoduo saw Qi Caiyun's face, she was very surprised, but in a moment she felt regretful, because she was already married, and Qi Caiyun probably wouldn't like her anymore.

  To tell the truth, Qi Caiyun really loves her and wants to marry her very much. Qian Duoduo can really feel Qi Caiyun's heart.

   It's just that Lin An has been her obsession for many years, so she will only marry Lin An, and will not marry anyone other than Lin An.

  Seeing the scene of Qian Duoduo and Lin An walking side by side, Qi Caiyun's heart was deeply hurt.

  He really wanted to stop Qian Duoduo, but he was afraid of ruining her current happiness.

   Unexpectedly, after being together for several months, Qian Duoduo still chose a young man from the city. So what if he is from the countryside? As long as he is diligent enough, he will have a good life in the future.

  Why did Qian Duoduo choose Lin An instead of him?

  He really likes Qian Duoduo, and he is ready to marry her. As long as he nods, he can marry immediately, but he didn't expect that she would marry someone else when she turned around.

  Qian Duoduo took Lin An to Ping'an Village Elementary School to deliver candies to Song Xi. She just wanted to tell Song Xi that she was back, and she was going to do something next, so Song Xi should not think about it.

  Finally, Qian Duoduo went to Aunt Li's house to deliver wedding candies. On the surface, she came to deliver wedding candies to Aunt Li, but secretly she came to inquire about Li Jisi's news.

  Knowing that Li Jisi has been missing for such a long time and has not been found, Qian Duoduo felt extremely proud.

  Seeing Aunt Li's sad appearance because of Li Jisi, Qian Duoduo felt very happy, she really wanted to hate Aunt Li.

  I want to tell her that she is a good daughter of your tutor Li, but she actually touched someone else's fiance!

  Moving her fiancé, she has to pay a corresponding price.

   The few jobless people she found in the city were quite efficient in handling things, and they solved them without anyone noticing. If someone offends her in the future, she will ask them for help.

  Looking at Aunt Li's grief, Lin An really wanted to tell her that Li Jisi was killed by Qian Duoduo, not missing, and would never come back, because she never came back.

  But he couldn't say it.

  He also knew that if he said something more, his family would suffer more than Li Jisi, and he really couldn't bear it.

  He can only endure the humiliation now, and see if he can make Qian Duoduo pay the corresponding price in the future.

   Coming out of Aunt Li's house, Qian Duoduo looked at Lin An and smiled slyly, which made Lin An feel creepy.

  Lin An understood what she meant, if he got closer to any girl in the future, then Li Jisi's fate would be that girl's fate.

   There will be no other girls, because his heart is given to Li Jisi, and he will never fall in love with anyone else in his life.

  Yuan Man, who was testified by a group of people from Ping'an Village and Doctor Qi, was cleared of suspicion and transferred back from a remote place. Knowing the date of his return, Li Qingqing came to wait outside the train station on the day he returned.

  After this incident, her affection for Yuan Man was also deepened. In the past, she only thought that finding a good husband would be enough, but now that she thinks about it, she still needs some affection.

  She has already developed some feelings for Yuan Man, but she doesn't know what kind of attitude Yuan Man has towards her. Should he follow the family's advice and marry her, or does he also like her?

  Because she had asked the staff in advance when the train would arrive, Li Qingqing didn't wait for a while before seeing the crowd coming out of the train station.

  She tiptoed quietly, looking in the direction of the exit, hoping to see Yuan Man immediately.

  She saw Yuan Man at the first time, but she also saw the **** next to Yuan Man at the first time, and the two had a very happy chat.

  Yuan Man even had a happy face. It could be seen that he liked this **** very much, because he had never shown this expression in front of Li Qingqing.

   Unexpectedly, in only half a month, Yuan Man found a like-minded lesbian.

  If she had known this, she would not have asked people from Ping'an Village to testify for him, but let him stay in a poor remote area to see if other lesbians could fall in love with him.

  Even if you fall in love with him, how long can you be with him?

  She helped him and let him come back, but someone else appeared beside him and asked her to make a wedding dress for someone else.

  Thinking of this, Li Qingqing clenched her fists secretly, then turned and left.

  Back home, Li Qingqing said to Grandma Li, "Grandma, there are still young people there, right? Please arrange for us to meet tomorrow!"

   Seeing that Li Qingqing had figured it out, Grandma Li was very happy, "Okay, then I will make arrangements today."

  When something like this happened to Yuan Man, the reputation of the Li family was in jeopardy, because they felt that flies do not bite seamless eggs, and they must be able to find Yuan Man because of Yuan Man's problems.

   Otherwise, why not find someone else but Yuan Man?

  The next day, Li Qingqing set off to meet the new **** man arranged by Grandma Li.

  The person Li Qingqing saw this time was Wu Jiangong, who was 26 years old this year. Because she wanted to raise siblings, she never talked about her relationship.

   Now that the brothers and sisters are resolved, I start to think about personal life-long events.

  Grandma Li thinks that Wu Jiangong is a person who attaches great importance to his family. He did not give up his brothers and sisters in such a difficult life before, so no matter what happens in the family, he will never give up on his daughter-in-law.

  In addition, almost everyone in the Li family has a job and the family has income, so there shouldn't be such a big event that makes him consider whether to give up his family.

  (end of this chapter)

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