Luo Chenxi just looked at Song Can like this for a long time. The rain showed no sign of stopping or even getting smaller. Luo Chen took off his coat and put it on Song Can's hand, "Stand here obediently and wait for me , I went to the store to buy an umbrella."

Luo Chenxi rubbed Song Can's hair, turned around and ran into the rain, the rain fell on his face, he wiped his face with his hand, then looked back at the girl standing under the eaves, her eyes were starry, let him He was very happy.

  He touched his shoulder subconsciously, and the light bump just now really made the blood in his whole body boil.

  Song Can shyly avoided looking at him and stopped looking at him, her ears were burning.

  Luo Chenxi turned and ran away.

Hearing a voice, Song Can thought that Luo Chenxi was back, and looked up happily, only to see two men walking over with cigarettes, one of them put his palm on the wall, revealing his black and yellow teeth, " Little girl, why are you here alone? Do you want uncle to take you home?"

   "No, thank you." Song Can stepped forward to leave, but was dragged back by the man, hitting the back of his head against the wall, and felt a raw pain.

  The man swallowed, he had never seen such a beautiful girl before, "Uncle will take you to other places to play, nights at the Internet cafe, or playing video games in the video game city, okay?"

  The man stretched out his hand to hold Song Can's hand, and Song Can kept struggling. Although she was usually quite strong, this man was stronger than her, making her unable to break free.

  Suddenly the man fell to the side, and before Song Can could react, Xu Weiran was on top of the man, his fists hitting the man's face, Xu Weiran's strike was heavy and ruthless, and the man had no power to resist.

The man's helper was stunned by the scene in front of him. He just watched his partner being taught a lesson for a while. He hurried forward and kicked Xu Weiran's back. Xu Weiran avoided it deftly. The man kicked in the air, and he couldn't stand still and fell to the ground.

  It was raining heavily, and the water on the ground in front of the Internet cafe was rushing like a river. The three men wrestled together in the heavy rain, and the two men who wanted to do bad things ran away in a hurry until they heard the siren.

  Song Can was frightened by Xu Weiran's stern look just now, she walked towards him after a while, her voice trembling, "Xu Weiran, are you okay?"

  In the heavy rain, Xu Weiran looked up at her.

  Last time she protected him from hurting his face, this time it was him who protected her and never let her suffer any harm.

Xu Weiran's dark eyes made Song Can terrified, but she still stretched out her hand and pulled him to the eaves, and found that there was a wound on his face, Song Can hurriedly pulled him away, walked along the street for a while, and found a family The pharmacy was still open, and Song Can went in to buy alcohol and cotton swabs. The pharmacy was closing, and they had no place to dispense the medicine. They dared not go back to the hotel, so they had to find a hotel in a nearby alley, and they planned to dispense the medicine in the hotel lobby. Yes, but the staff ran over and said that there was still an hourly room.

  Where did Song Can go to the hourly room with Xu Weiran? After opening the hourly room, Xu Weiran used his mobile phone to buy clothes in a nearby store, and then they took turns going to the room to wash and change.

  After Xu Weiran came out of the shower, Song Can hurriedly pulled him to the rest area and applied medicine for him.

Song Can stood in front of him and helped him deal with the wound on his face first. Xu Weiran just raised his head and looked at the face that was close at hand. The hot air of her breath sprayed on his face, making him blush and his heart beat wildly Even the blood began to dry up.

  Song Can has been silently treating the injury on Xu Weiran's hand, and it took a long time before he spoke with difficulty, "Don't fight with anyone outside in the future, it will affect badly, and it may affect your development in the future."

  Xu Weiran said firmly, "I won't let anyone bully you."

"But there are many ways. There is no need to use this self-defeating method. The most important thing is that you are a celebrity, so you can't have any stains and scandals." Song Can looked at Xu Weiran sincerely, "For For a celebrity, a small thing can have a big impact, so as a celebrity, you can't leave any handle for others to hurt you."

  Xu Weiran couldn't help laughing, "Are you caring about me?"

  Song Can blushed and glared at him, then put the potion and cotton swab into his hands, "Take care of your body yourself!"

Thinking of Luo Chenxi, Song Can hurriedly sent him a message, telling him to go back quickly so he wouldn't catch a cold. Luo Chenxi bought an umbrella and went back to the Internet cafe. He didn't see Song Can, and he was about to be scared stupid. He was relieved to know that she was fine.

  The owner of the hotel dried their old clothes and packed them for them. The two bought an umbrella from the boss and went back to the hotel arranged by the physical education teacher.

  The rain stopped in the middle of the night, and the next morning the weather was fine, so everyone set off to Xingchen No. 1 Middle School to participate in the city's high school sports meeting.

It may be because of the rain. After Song Can participated in the 3,000-meter long-distance race, she felt a little uncomfortable. Next rest.

   She sat there with her forehead on her lap, drowsy.

"Song Can, what's wrong with you?" Someone called her next to her ear, Song Can opened his eyes in a daze, and saw that it was Luo Chenxi, he was a little embarrassed, "Sorry, Luo Chenxi, I'm so dizzy, no There is a way to cheer for you!"

  Luo Chenxi reached out and touched Song Can's forehead. It was so hot. She had a fever. Without saying a word, Luo Chenxi picked Song Can up from the steps and walked forward quickly.

  Song Can forced himself to open his eyes. The one above him was so dazzling, like the sun.

   Unable to hold back, Song Can leaned into his arms and closed his eyes.

   "Luo Chenxi, thank you." She murmured softly.

Luo Chenxi lowered her head and saw her fair neck, her heart was pounding. Luo Chenxi took Song Can to the infirmary of No. 1 Middle School. The school doctor immediately examined Song Can and said that she had a severe fever, so she fed her. He took antipyretics and asked her to lie in bed and rest.

Luo Chenxi pulled a chair and sat beside the hospital bed, but held Song Can's hand tightly. His eyes fell on her face and he couldn't move away. His heart was completely occupied by her. None, and there is no room for anything else.

The sunlight in June was very strong and dazzling. It poured into the infirmary through the gaps in the leaves of the camphor tree. When it shone on people, it quickly made people feel drowsy. Luo Chenxi also began to feel sleepy. He was afraid He couldn't know that Song Can woke up at the first time, so he stretched out his arm and put it on Song Can's body vaguely, so that he could feel it as soon as Song Can sat up.

After a long time, Song Can slowly opened her eyes. After taking the medicine, she felt much better now. She felt a slight pressure on her body. She looked up and saw an arm. She was so scared that she sat up all of a sudden. .

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