Chapter 711 The Story of Song Can【81】

  Song Can worked in a barbecue restaurant for a month and received a salary of 4,000 yuan.

  She made up for everything that was missing at home, and then bought milk to visit the security uncle who was so helpful to them.

  Uncle Security has never treated them differently, and has always treated him as his own child.

  I often give them food and drinks, and it was a great help last time.

  In the last few days of summer vacation, Lin Zichen called and asked everyone to go to the grove near the school to eat skewers.

  Song Can wanted to take Lu Weiguang to the lively scene, but Lu Weiguang was afraid that it would be inconvenient to go to the toilet, so he refused.

Song Can tidied up the house. Afraid of the wind outside, she changed her long skirt and put on a simple white T-shirt and brown cropped pants. She straightened her hair in front of the mirror, took a small backpack and The parasols set off.

  Walking outside the door, he waved to Lu Weiguang, "Brother, I'll bring you something to eat when I come back."

   "Don't worry about me, just have fun on your own." Lu Xiaoguang smiled, she had been working part-time for so long, and it was time for her to relax in the last few days of the holiday.

   As soon as Song Can walked near the basketball court, he saw Xu Weiran standing in the shadow of a corridor.

  As soon as Xu Weiran saw her, he ran over and got under her parasol.

  Song Can pouted speechlessly, and the two went to take the bus.

  Getting on the bus, Song Can walked to the last row and sat down.

  The air conditioner was turned on in the car, and the air conditioner was very strong, very cool.

  She put the earphones on her ears and looked sideways at the scenery outside the window.

Xu Weiran sat next to Song Can, stretched out his hand to take off the earphones from her ears, put them on his own ears, and heard the singing voice inside, "I blow the evening wind you blow, so we are hugging each other. But like waking up from a dream, my hands are empty, and my heart is empty..."

   It turns out that she not only loves to listen to pure music, she also listens to popular songs!

"Why?" Song Can glared at him, reaching out to take the earphones back, Xu Weiran turned to the side, "Just take me to listen to it! Anyway, there are two earphones, one for each person is not impossible. "

   "Don't you know how to download yourself?" Song Can glanced at him, then turned to look at the scenery outside the window, and did not take the earphones back.

  Xu Weiran looked at Song Can and raised his lips into a smile.

  They got off at the bus stop opposite the small forest, and seeing Lin Zichen, Qin Tiantian, and Song Xi already sitting there, Song Can hurried to the opposite side.

   Seeing a motorcycle coming from behind, Xu Weiran hurriedly reached out and pulled Song Can over, and Song Can crashed into his arms like this.

  A faint, indescribable smell flooded into his breath, Song Can blushed in embarrassment, and quickly backed away.

   "It's not the first time I cross the road and look carefully!" Xu Weiran grabbed Song Can's hand and pulled her to the opposite side. Song Can blushed shyly and said thank you in a low voice.

   "Song Can, you are finally here." Qin Tiantian pulled Song Can over and sat down, "I haven't seen you for a summer vacation, why are you losing weight again? Are you working hard?"

   "It's not that exaggerated, is it?" Song Can took out his phone and looked at his face, it was still the same as before, nothing changed! "Squad leader, how many people did you call? Could it be the five of us?"

   "You'll know when it's here." Lin Zichen got up and went to order, "I don't know what everyone likes to eat, anyway, I'll order a little of everything. I'm treating guests today, so you don't have to be polite to me!"

  Song Can, Qin Tiantian, and Song Xi glanced at each other, and said in unison, "Thank you, monitor."

Song Xi took out her mobile phone, "Have you guys watched TV during the summer vacation? I watched that Eternal Love, it was so abused that my heart ached and my liver hurt. There was no pair of CPs who could have sex. Fortunately, the male and female protagonists were reunited in the finale. There are too many unsatisfactory feelings.”

"I really envy you, you still have time to watch TV." Qin Tiantian shook her head pitifully, "I, this summer vacation has been miserable, except that my mother will take me out occasionally, and the rest of the time is spent studying at home , the mobile phone was confiscated, that is, the mobile phone was returned to me two days ago."

  Song Can also shook his head at Song Xi, "I haven't watched it either. I have a part-time job and I don't have time to watch TV. After the college entrance examination, I'm going to catch up on all the good TV shows everyone said."

  Lin Zichen ordered skewers, came back and sat next to Xu Weiran, "I haven't seen you for a summer vacation, what are you all doing? Are you all making progress quietly?"

   "It's good to know." Qin Tiantian rolled his eyes at him, "The college entrance examination is less than a year away, who is not nervous? Who is not in a hurry? Who doesn't want to be admitted to the university of their choice and have a better life?"

  At this time, Xiao Ziang, Li Wei and Li Xiangxiang arrived, and Song Can hurriedly got up to buy a cold drink, "I'm doing a part-time job this summer, and I made a little money, so I invite everyone to have a drink!"

   "Thank you." Everyone took the drinks and sat down to drink.

   Lin Zichen’s skewers also came, one slightly spicy and the other non-spicy, “Today I’m treating guests, everyone, eat as much as you want, if you don’t have enough, order more.”

  Qin Tiantian looked at Lin Zichen, and smiled wickedly, "Squad leader, did something good happen to you? Otherwise, how could you treat us to a good meal?"

   "I miss you all, can't you?" Lin Zichen glared at Qin Tiantian, "Can't you keep your mouth shut with so many delicious foods?"

"Lin Zichen, if you don't take pity on the fragrance and cherish the jade, if you don't speak well, you won't be able to find a girlfriend in the future, do you know?" Qin Tiantian gave Lin Zichen a hard look, picked up the cold drink Song Can bought, and drank it angrily. up.

  Song Can looked at them with a smile, everyone ate together, studied together and made progress together. This feeling is really good.

  I really hope that this simple and happy friendship can last a lifetime.

  Xu Weiran went to the stall next door and ordered a pot of garlic crayfish and a pot of charcoal-grilled oysters.

   What everyone ate was so comfortable. After eating and drinking, everyone leaned back on the chair.

  Xiao Ziang suggested, "It's not hot in the park, let's go for a walk in the park!"

   "Sure!" Song Xi and Li Wei said in unison.

  Everyone took unfinished cold drinks and set off for the park.

  The park is opposite the school. The trees in the park are lush and lush, and the big trees are like huge parasols. There is no sunshine in the park, only cool wind.

  There was no car on the spacious asphalt road. Song Can, Qin Tiantian, Song Xi, Li Wei, Li Xiangxiang, five girls were holding hands and running on the spacious road, laughing and making noise.

  Three boys Xu Weiran, Lin Zichen, and Xiao Ziang followed behind. Xu Weiran bumped Lin Zichen's arm and smiled wickedly, "Squad leader, are you sure that today's dinner party is not for a certain girl?"

"If it's for a certain girl, then I'll just invite her to watch a movie. Why should I call you guys and spend so much money on me?" Lin Zichen smiled helplessly, "You really think too much , I really just want to know about everyone's learning situation."

  (end of this chapter)

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