The entire second floor is a diagnostic department. To put it bluntly, it means to use various methods to see if you are mentally ill. If it is, go upstairs for treatment, if not trouble to go downstairs and go home!

However, after being occupied by ghosts now, I am afraid it will be different. I don't know what the situation will be now.


After the elevator door opened, Hong Yi and others walked in one after another.

Chapter 479 The king is on the way! (2 more)

"Everyone be careful!"

The moment the elevator door opened, Hong Yi stepped out and looked around.

Compared with the first floor, the second floor has completely changed. The spotless floor and the energy-saving lamps on the top of the head seem to be new.

"This is no different from the usual hospital!"

Several people who came out sighed.

"Ha ha!"

Hong Yi sneered.

Silently opened the spiritual eye and looked around, and it really changed. There were various surgical tools with bloodstains stacked on the ground. The energy-saving lamps on the top of the head kept flashing blue arcs. The patent leather has fallen off more than half.

After taking a few glances, Hong Yi closed his spiritual vision.

Immediately, the picture became pleasing to the eye again.

Since it took so much effort to create the illusion, there must be ghosts on this layer.

"Hongyi, what should we do next?"

Gu Heng and the others looked here and there. They had never been to a lunatic asylum, and everything revealed a novelty.

"Let's go from one clinic to another!"

After pondering for a while, Hong Yi said slowly.

Since they took so much effort to receive them, they must have been prepared.

Amitabha, I hope the poor monk will not be disappointed.

Hongyi counted the entire floor. Except for some simple wards and rooms where equipment was placed, there were only 5 consultation rooms. Moreover, the doctor's resumes were posted at the door, and each of them was actually an expert.

Do you need a specialist to see a mental illness?

A trace of doubt flashed in Hong Yi's mind.


Reached out and knocked on the door.


Soon, an old voice came from inside, pushing the door open, there was an old man with a white beard wearing a white doctor's uniform and heavy reading glasses, sitting behind a desk, a few people came in, the old expert also Did not lift.


"What symptoms do you usually have?"

The answer to him was a dead silence.

"Where's the family? Are there no family members coming?"

The old expert fiddled with the pen in his hand, but still didn't look up.

After still hearing no response, he slowly raised his head.

Frowning, holding his glasses and looking at the four people in front of him, the old expert pursed his lips.

"Who of you sees a doctor? Sit down!"

Hong Yi and the others looked at each other, took a step back one after another, pointed at Wang Daochang and said:

"He's sick!"

Wang Daochang: "..."

What's the point of seeing a doctor in a poor way?

Next time, you must step back a little bit, these people are too insidious, every time this kind of thing is old-fashioned.

Taking a deep breath, Wang Daochang sat carelessly on the stool opposite the old expert.

"What symptoms do you have!"

The old expert took out a case sheet from his seat, held a pen in his hand, and slowly asked:

"How often do you get sick? Have you ever hurt anyone?"

"Will it be self-inflicted?"

"Have you taken any medicine?"


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