"If it is scratched, the poor monk will wait for you to recover and peel it again!"

"Come on, the stomach is next!"

"This skin is a bit thick! Do you mind if the poor monk brings some meat down?"

In the whole studio, only Hong Yi kept murmuring in a low voice.

Everyone in the ghost bureau went out!

This picture is really...

Chapter 92 The Great Sun Tathagata's Palm (2 more)

Chapter [-] The Great Sun Tathagata's Palm!

"Congratulations to the host for completing the time-limited task 'Prevent the ghosts from opening within a month'."

"Issue the task reward red ultimate secret book "The Great Sun Tathagata's Palm"."

"Do you want to study "The Great Sun Tathagata Palm"?"

"The third ring task rewards a lottery chance, do you want to start the lottery?"

Just as the Ghost King was overwhelmed and hit the road, the system prompts in Hongyi's mind went crazy and kept prompting.

"Pick it!"

The turntable turned again.

Transforming Pill (Gold): The system produces a unique pill, which can transform any ghost at will within 24 hours of taking it.

Ha ha!

Isn't this the elixir that the skin-picking ghost exploded?But the system is golden quality.

High-end version!

"Learn "The Great Sun Tathagata God's Palm"."

The Palm of the Great Sun Tathagata: The supreme martial arts of Buddhism, according to legend, in order to purify all sentient beings, liberate robbery and eliminate misfortune, the Buddha has a set of unique skills that have been handed down to the world. !If it wasn't for the period of catastrophe, it would never appear!

This skill is divided into nine types, and the next type is automatically unlocked when the proficiency is full.

The Great Sun Tathagata Palm:

The first form: the first appearance of Buddha's light (0/10000)

**Buddha Soldier - Wanhua Golden Dragon Capture!

Remarks: Use this martial art to kill ghosts to gain proficiency. When the proficiency is full, the second-style golden-topped Buddha lamp will automatically be turned on.

Last time I used up the super value, this time I visited Ghost University, Hong Yi accumulated a lot of super value, and directly raised the Sutra to the ninth level, and it was one level away from reaching the tenth level, but I didn’t know the tenth level. There will be no new magical powers.

Hongyi, who had just learned the palm of the Great Sun Tathagata, told everyone in the Spirituality Bureau to stay away and stand directly in the center of the playground.

It just so happens that this ghost college is relatively remote.

Definitely a great place to experiment with new skills.

Take a deep breath.

Hongyi began to run the spiritual power of the Sutra for Washing the Marrow.

One after another, the spiritual power of the marrow-washing meridian kept gathering.

"Buddha's light is emerging!"

Suddenly, a huge dragon roar shook the world.

Immediately afterwards, a golden dragon phantom flew out from behind Hongyi, entrenched in the sky.

Immediately, the entire school was illuminated by golden rays of light!

The golden dragon kept exuding Buddha light.

Instantly flew towards the teaching building!

Tonight, everyone in the entire Hangcheng was awakened by a loud dragon roar.

After Gu Heng went to the woods twice tonight.

Back to sleep is very sweet!

He was also awakened by the huge dragon roar.

Others don't know what this is, but he knows very well that just by looking at this energy fluctuation, he can feel it so far away from the city. There is a demon dragon born in this special Hangcheng?

How does this play?

Quickly called Wang Daochang, and the two hurried towards Long Yinsheng.

The two walked fast.

We arrived at the scene of the incident within ten minutes.

Before they got to the school gate, they saw everyone in the Spirituality Bureau gathered outside the gate.

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