I dare not think about it.

And don't dare to practice again.

The poor monk has only received 200 million yuan. Looking at the scale of the teaching building, it is estimated that no one in the tens of millions will not be able to pay off.

However, the Spirituality Bureau should be reimbursed!

After all, the poor monk is also to escape ghosts.

In the end, Hongyi decided to buy tickets directly to participate in the inspection and guidance of the island country.

And it's the kind of overnight departure, book tickets now!

"Isn't it all said on the Internet that life is a trip that needs to be said and gone? The poor monk needs it now!"

Reaching out to stop a taxi, Hongyi went straight to the airport.

If the island nation's spiritual group finds out, I'm afraid I will regret sending this invitation.

The address is not given to you at this particular time.

You just flew directly to the island country?

Do you know the way?

Hongyi rushed all the way to the airport.Of course, by the way, the documents of the Lighting Spirit Bureau were displayed.

Otherwise, it is very difficult to take a terrorist with a backpack on a plane.

Before the plane took off, I sent a group text message to all the contacts on the phone.

"Amitabha, if you need an island country purchasing service, please send the list to the poor monk, the handling fee is 5%, and the payment will be paid first..."

Chapter 93 Child and Mother Ghosts! (3 more)

Chapter [-]: Child and Mother Ghosts!

"Hello, dear passengers, welcome to take Tianlin Airlines, flight DNF666 from xx to xx, the flight distance of this flight..."

A flight attendant in a red professional OL outfit stood at the front, and kept talking about the precautions before taking off.

It takes 6 hours to fly, and the poor monk estimates that he can fly faster!

After listening to the flight time mentioned by the flight attendant, Hong Yi couldn't help but slander in his heart.

After another night of sleepless nights, I would lean on the comfortable first-class sofa and keep fighting with my eyelids.

Hong Yi turned around and covered the blanket and started to sleep.


Airplane economy class.

Because it is the earliest flight.

There were not many people on the plane.

At this time, a pregnant woman sitting at the back, kept stroking the child in her belly.

There was a strange expression on his face.

"Little baby... it will come out soon... Hehe, don't worry!"

"I'll have something to eat soon..."

"Hey... Mommy is hungry too!"

"Then mother eat a little first, okay?"

The pregnant woman kept talking to her chubby belly in a low voice.

Xiao Qing caught a plane to go to the island country early this morning. A tour guide who went there yesterday disappeared mysteriously. It is not allowed that she will fly to the island country before the afternoon today to take over the job of the lost tour guide.

Fortunately, there were very few people on the earliest flight, and the ticket was snatched an hour in advance.

There were very few people on the plane. In addition to her in the back seat, there was a pregnant woman with a big belly behind her, and a middle-aged uncle sat on the other side of the aisle.

The front seats are also sparse, there should be ten people sitting in total.

very quiet.

Xiao Qing got up early in the morning to catch a flight, and was also a little drowsy at this time.

"Stewardess..." At this moment, the voice of the pregnant woman behind her was a little anxious.

Xiao Qing couldn't help but look back at her. Seeing that her face was a little pale, she couldn't help reaching out and pressing the service button.

Not long after, beautiful flight attendants came.

"Hello, how can I help you?"

"I...my stomach hurts a little, can you help me to the toilet..." The pregnant woman looked a little pained.

The stewardess helped her to stand up, and her crushed body shook, and she was about to fall to the ground.

Xiao Qing hurriedly stretched out her hand to support the flight attendant: "I'll go with you, it just so happens that I'm going to the bathroom too."

At the door of the bathroom, after the stewardess helped the pregnant woman in, she was about to go out, but unexpectedly, a pair of hands grabbed her.

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