You have to be careful, and if you accidentally drop the plane again, it will be a lot of fun.

The pregnant ghost felt a fiery spiritual power slowly gathering in the monk's hand, forming a ball the size of a palm. Obviously, the energy had been compressed to the extreme.

"Master... Hold on!" She quickly wiped away her tears and said solemnly:

"Master, the little girl is willing to be punished, but... can the little girl make a final request?"

"Amitabha, the sea of ​​suffering is boundless, the back is the shore, the poor monk is the guide to the west, serving every tourist is the poor monk's own job, female benefactor, hurry up, the poor monk can't hold on!" Hong Yi suddenly frowned, his face Some red said.

The pregnant ghost hurriedly bowed deeply to Hong Yi.

"Master, the little girl lives in Room 1, Unit 3, Building 305, Huahe Haojing, Nandu. Please tell Lao Wang next door in Room 306 that the child belongs to Lao Li. Don't let him blame himself any more, and tell my husband by the way. The truth is, the child is not from Lao Wang next door, although the little girl is more than normal with him, but the child belongs to Lao Zhao..."

Hongyi: "..."

Who is this child?

The pregnant ghost walks away with a smile!

Very happy.

But Hongyi was not happy.

It was not clear who the child belonged to until the end.

"Amitabha, donor Xiao Qing, can you go out first?" Hong Yi turned his head and said to Xiao Qing, who had been sitting in the corner in a daze.

Is this woman stupid?

The show is over, it's time to end.

What are you still doing here?

"Ah!" Xiao Qing didn't expect Hong Yi to let her go out first.

Looking up at the bathroom, the flight attendant was already cold.


This monk must have cleaned the place.

"Master, I... I can help."

Although the ground and walls were covered with blood, it was very terrifying, but after all, Hong Yi saved his life twice, this bit of hardship, this bit of tiredness was nothing at all.

Although he had no other way to repay him, there was no problem in helping to clean up the scene.

Xiao Qing made up her mind that she must help.

Resisting the fear in his heart, he stood up with the hand-washing counter, slowly turned on the faucet, and started wiping slowly.

"Amitabha, donor Xiao?" Seeing her standing up, Hong Yi turned on the faucet and couldn't help drinking.


"The poor monk wants to pee... You're not going out yet?" Hong Yi roared angrily.

What, do you want to help?

Are you sent by monkeys?

How long has it been?

Is it so difficult for a poor monk to go to the toilet?

What the hell did you turn on the faucet?

Do you know how hard it is to listen to the sound of water rushing?

How can you help?

Do you help poor monks?

"Uh..." Xiao Qing hurriedly turned off the tap and walked out of the bathroom with a blushing face.

After a while of relief, Hongyi slowly walked out of the bathroom.

By this time, the plane was about to arrive.

After the plane landed, Hongyi did not expect that the airport of the island country was not surprised by the incident on the plane at all, as if it happened often, but just let the passengers register their personal information and let them go.

Accompanying Xiao Qing all the way to finish the salute, out of the gate, only after talking did I know that this girl came to the island to temporarily replace the tour guide.

Hongyi was stunned when he left the airport. When he came here, he didn't even have an address for the inspection and communication of the spiritual group here.

Moreover, the inspection and exchange time is still 7 days long.

When I came, I didn't think much about it in order to escape the compensation from the school building.

In the end, Hongyi could only follow Xiao Qing to the hotel where their tour group stayed.


After arriving at the hotel, Xiao Qing went to appease the tour group.

Bored and bored, Hong Yi surfed the Internet alone in his room, looking for information about the island nation's spiritual group.

After searching online, I found it.

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