Is this about to debut?

Hongyi released the news of today's live broadcast at station B last night.

But the content of the live broadcast is concealed.

The broadcast has not yet started, and there are already 300 million water friends waiting in the entire live room.

Let the system turn on the camera for a moment.

Hongyi took the lead in pointing the camera at himself.

"Hello everyone in the live broadcast room, the poor monk was recently invited to participate in the island country's spiritual exchange meeting. Starting today, the poor monk will broadcast live from time to time."

"Everyone must know some well-known ghosts and grievances in the island country, and today, the poor monk brought this evil spirit to everyone!"

"Everyone must be very familiar."

"She used to be the nightmare of countless teenagers."

"She is—a woman with a gap!"

The moment the camera was aimed at the girl with a gaping mouth, under the gesture of Hong Yi, the girl with a gaping mouth showed a friendly smile to the live broadcast room.

Just laughing with a crack at the corner of his mouth, how scary it is.

【I'm sooooooooooooooooo...】

[It turned out to be a woman with a gaping mouth, and Master Hong really criticized it... Can you ask for an autograph? 】

【Ah ah ah ah... Is there any shadow of childhood?Breaking sound……】

[There really is a woman with a gaping hole?I can't believe it...]

[Hey, will that mean Sadako will be seen in the future? 】

[Yes, yes, I'm going to make up for the horror movies of the island country recently...]

[Thinking of Jia Ye, the old man is very excited...]

[Cracked Girl: You poor old men are very bad, aren't you afraid? 】

【What are you afraid of?Didn't you see that the woman with the gap was sitting upright?It's obvious that he has been trained by Master Hongyi... Funny dog ​​head! 】


Zhezi fixed the camera, held a mobile phone in his hand, and also logged into Hongyi's live broadcast room in Huaxia.

She didn't expect this monk to be a big star in China.

The number of people in the live broadcast room is already approaching the 500 million mark.

Moreover, the entire live broadcast room was particularly congested, and all kinds of strange patterns kept flying from the screen.

What super rocket × 100, spaceship × 50, and all kinds of messy patterns kept flashing on the screen.

Zyzi tried and clicked the rocket pattern at the bottom of the screen.

no response.

Chinese people are so strange, this thing is useless, does it mean that you like it?

Zyzi tried to click again, and a prompt box popped up: "Hello, your virtual currency balance is insufficient, please recharge..."


Is this rocket asking for money?

That witch will support it, and also click 100...

Zyzi clicked in and glanced at the recharge ratio.

One rocket is 2000 virtual coins, and one virtual currency is 1 yuan Huaxia currency.

1 Yuan Huaxia Coin is 15 Island Dollars.


A rocket costs 3 island dollars? 100 for 300 million island dollars?

Are all Chinese people so rich?

Zhezi glanced at the rocket in the middle of the screen, and the number behind it had already exceeded 5000.


"Amitabha... The female benefactor of the gap, let's introduce myself..." Hong Yi sat cross-legged directly opposite the female, and said with a smile.

The gaping girl looked a little nervous when she faced Hongyi so directly.

"Big... Hello everyone, do you think I'm pretty?"

Hongyi: "..."

What's the matter, you have the repeat function online again?

"Oh...I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm used to saying..." The woman with a gaping mouth hurriedly lowered her head and admitted her mistake.

"Hello everyone, I'm a ripper girl..."

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