And Earl William's mysterious ceremony has ended, and he is staring at him with a grin.

"Feel the end!"

Earl William opened his hands.

Immediately, the concrete floor beneath Hongyi's feet, like the surface of the sea, kept churning up.

Is this an illusion?

Hong Yi had no choice but to pull the zygote and start to dodge.

The whole street began to twist, and the space seemed to be compressed.

"Words of Hell!"

An ear-piercing shriek came from Earl William's mouth, and suddenly spread in all directions like a circle of ripples.

Like sound waves, they impacted Hong Yi's brain.

The delicate longbow of Zyzi next to him had already fallen to the ground, and he was covering his ears in pain.

Hongyi used his spiritual power, and the evil voice in his mind was swept away.

"Om, Ma, Na, Pa, Mi, Hum"

The moment he raised his head, he used the lion's roar to roar out the Buddhist six-character mantra.

Suddenly, a sound wave bigger than Earl William swept the entire street.

Instantly overwhelmed the earl's shrill cry.


Earl William spat out a mouthful of blood, and the whole person slumped.

What is this ability?

It's even more terrifying than the blood race's innate skill "Words of Hell"!

"Amitabha, benefactor, you have successfully angered the poor monk!" Looking at Count William in front of him, Hong Yi frowned and walked towards him step by step.

"There are countless poor monks to cross ghosts, and the master said that the poor monks have not yet reached the point where they can cross others..."

"The donor is a vampire, right?"

"Then... it shouldn't be a human, right?"


Hongyi shot him directly, but he didn't expect that the spiritual bullet could not break the defense, and it seemed to disappear when it entered the body of Count William.

"Hehe...Little monk, you are very powerful...However, if this count turns you into a vampire too, haha...The great Prince Dracula will definitely give me a gift..."

The Earl William in front of him seemed to be insane. A pair of blood-colored bat wings ripped open the shirt behind him and spread it out in the blood mist.

Immediately afterwards, the figure disappeared directly, and an afterimage instantly appeared behind Hong Yi.

The four sharp canine teeth showed a cold light, biting fiercely towards Hong Yi's neck.


There was a cracking sound.

Earl William raised his head in disbelief, looked at the smooth neck that was intact in front of him, and then touched the two flying tiger teeth.

Forgot to escape for a while.

Stayed in place.

This monk... so hard?

Hong Yi touched the remaining saliva on his neck, turned around and lifted Earl William, pressed it on the ground and started to blast the hammer.

"Amitabha... actually dares to bite a poor monk..."

After blasting the hammer for a while, Hong Yi looked at Zhezi who was still squatting on the ground, and then looked at the dying Earl William, a little troubled.

This poor monk can't bring two people alone.


Hong Yi suddenly thought of a way.

Earl William was a little frightened at this time, and his whole body was shaking.

Because this monk is holding a knife and cutting his own head.

"Amitabha, the poor monk in the past heard that vampires seem to be able to recover, and you have seen it. The poor monk can't carry two people with one hand, so he should be able to lift his head..."

"Maybe it hurts a have to bear it..."

[Author's digression]: Because of the closure of two chapters yesterday, this book has dropped 3 updates directly... [-] rounds is a bit difficult!

I hope everyone will vote again, and don't support books. In the past few days, there have been 4 changes a day... If there are 3 changes, the crayon will owe a chapter, and it will be made up the next day.

Thank you with caution!So Crayon sold the car...albeit a bicycle...

Chapter 103 Ruthless monk's blood mixed with water (1 more)

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