Immerse yourself in the live broadcast of the system.

The pale face and handsome face, although a little haggard now, but Hong Yi also has to admire, vampire genes are really good, almost every pull out is supermodel level.

"This is a vampire count!"

"According to what he said is the descendant of Prince Dracula, these poor monks don't know very much."

"Because of some guest officials, the poor monk only cut off his head and brought it back."

"However, the poor monk will plan to let him grow a new body."

Hongyi brought up a plastic storage box under the table, opened the lid, and there were a lot of blood bags piled up inside.

The water friends in the live broadcast room were a little surprised: "Damn, the boss is going to feed the vampires... Bah, feed the blood?"

Hong Yi cut a small mouth, aimed the blood bag at William's mouth, and slowly squeezed it in.

Bag after bag.

After a while, half of the blood bags entered William's mouth.

Hong Yi put his head flat, sleeping position.

Sure enough, there was a reaction.

The end of the system is zoomed in for a close-up.

Hong Yi pointed to the broken part of William's neck and said, "The poor monk fed him a total of 20 bags of blood, that is, a total of 8000 milliliters of blood. If a normal person weighs 120 kilograms, the blood in his body should be between 4200 and 4500 milliliters.

It is said that the regeneration ability of vampires is very strong, how strong is it!

Let's see if 8000ml of blood can successfully grow a vampire with only one head.

Look, now there are granulations on the neck that are slowly growing! "

New flesh began to grow slowly on William's neck, and it continued to grow. Although it was very slow, it was visible to the naked eye that it had already begun to grow to the shoulders.

Hongyi kept giving detailed explanations to the live broadcast room:

"This will already be growing a heart...a perfect heart, beating very powerfully." After speaking, Hong Yi reached in and took off the newly grown heart. It was very fresh and kept beating.

Under the camera, at the removed heart, countless tiny blood lines began to intersperse, and after a while, another fresh heart grew out.

"Did you see clearly?"

"Now it has grown to the kidneys..."

Hong Yi then reached out and took off two big waists!

"Amitabha, this is the first time a poor monk has seen such a large kidney. It seems that vampires have very strong kidney functions... It's a pity that vampires have no blood type. Otherwise, a vampire will be a blessing to countless patients who need kidney transplants."

Just throw the two waists into the trash can, and William's entire upper body will be completely formed.

The granulation slowly continues to grow downward.

Hong Yi hurriedly ordered the system to point the camera at him. After all, the vampire's newly grown body had no clothes.

The live broadcast still has to abide by the rules, the scale should not be too large, and you must not drive a broken bicycle like that stupid little crayon...

"Amitabha, water friends, Earl William's body is about to take shape. Next, is the beginning of exploring the ability of vampires... Please wait and see!"

In order to avoid embarrassment, Hong Yi kept chatting with the water friends in the live broadcast room.

However, the barrage in the live broadcast room started when Hong Yi took off his waist, and inexplicably began to crook the building.

[Fuck... This Nima's two waists are so big?How powerful is this X? 】

[I suddenly had a bold idea, two bags of blood cost 1000 yuan, and one kidney can be sold for 5 yuan. This is the way to get rich! 】

[You are really talented upstairs, do you want to kill the person who sold the kidney?Such a vampire has no blood type...]

[It can be sold... I sell barbecued meat, this kidney is so good, it will definitely sell well when it is roasted, don't they all say what to eat to make up for it? 】

【I am concerned about why you are not allowed to watch it below? 】

[Upstairs, you can take off your pants and look slowly, peel it off to see... Funny! 】

[You can also drag and see...]

[You can even exercise...]

[Fuck, I don't realize it's stern, you guys are so dirty, that special brother can't do it, just put some oil on it...]

Chapter 105: Highly Compelling Innate Skills (3 More)

Chapter 105 High-level talent skills

Just as the soles of Earl William's feet recovered.

The body suddenly jumped off the metal table.

"Haha... The transformation of the incarnation! The little monk, the noble Protoss is leaving, you wait! The majesty of the blood clan cannot be tolerated..." Count William instantly turned into a blood-red bat and flew out quickly.


Hong Yi shot a Yang finger at will, and the bat fell down with blood.

"Come on, change back, darling..."

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