dirty words!

Hongyi walked towards the second-story building step by step.

At this moment, a black shadow suddenly sprang from the side and grabbed Hong Yi's arm tightly.

"Axie-kun, don't go..."

A bald man in a bloody white shirt and black trousers said in a low voice, with a very concerned expression.

Hongyi couldn't figure out the situation for a while.

He turned into a scary ghost, could this be an acquaintance?


There is really no way to answer, Hong Yi can only nod his head dryly.

"Axie-jun, why did you change hotels? I went looking for you yesterday and didn't see you?" The bald man pulled him and whispered as he walked away.


"Axie-Jun, did something happen to you?" The bald man stopped immediately, the scars on his face crowded together, as if he was frowning, Hong Yi wasn't sure.

"I originally thought of a good idea to help you out, but I didn't find you. I didn't expect you to come back to Lord Sadako for what? Is your phone broken?" The bald man said angrily.



Great idea for the whole person.

Hong Yi remembered it, was this the prickling ghost that Scary Ghost contacted at the time?

"Azheng-kun?" Hong Yi tried to call out.

"what happened?"

Amitabha is really a ghost.

It looks like the two are really close!

A scary-kun?Azheng-kun?

Oh, that's awesome, my ghost!

"Azheng-kun, is there any way to meet Sadako-sama, I'm in a hurry to find her..." Hong Yi put his hand on the shoulder of the whole ghost and said casually.

"Hey..." The whole ghost sucked in a breath of cold air, looked around, and said nervously: "Axie-jun, you don't want to live anymore? Can we see Lord Sadako? Are you not afraid of losing you? Into the well?"

Hong Yi didn't expect that the whole person's reaction would be so big.

Is Sadako so mysterious.

Ordinary evil spirits can't even see their faces?

"Be careful not to let the master of Qingfang catch it, otherwise... we will be miserable... In the middle of the night, Lord Sadako is not allowed to run around here..." The whole ghost pulled Hong Yi and walked out quickly.

"Uh..." Hong Yi reached out and grabbed him.

It was hard to get in.

The poor monk didn't see anything, so you pulled the poor monk out?

If it wasn't for the transformation pill, the poor monk would definitely send you on the road.

No eyesight at all!

"Come on... The master of Qingfang will come out in a while!" The whole ghost will keep holding on to Hong Yi but will not let go.

"Ami...cough...I said what are you afraid of, what can this master of Qingfang do? Eating ghosts?" Hong Yi was a little annoyed.

A master of Qingfang, the owner of Qingfang...

What the hell is this?

Look at how scared you are!

After listening to the ghost, the whole person froze in place, and then kept looking at Hong Yi up and down.

That's right!

It's scary!

When did you get so bold?

"Master Qingfang not only eats ghosts... Oh, what's wrong with you today? Forgot how Master Qingfang treated you last time?" The whole ghost stared behind Hong Yi and said strangely.

Hongyi: "..."

What look is this?

Disgust with a little sympathy?

What did the master of Qingfang do to this scary ghost?

"What happened to me?" Hong Yi asked with a pale face.

Hong Yi seemed to understand something.

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