Who knew that Ah Zheng stretched out his hand and took out several tongues from his mouth, and smiled slyly: "It's alright, that is fake, look, I have so many, I usually use it for pranking people... Ah Xiejun, do you want it? Give you a few? It's quite exciting to keep it in your mouth."

Hong Yi immediately shook his head.

This shit is so hard!

"There is no master of Qingfang anymore, shall we go and find Sadako?" Hong Yi continued.

When the whole ghost heard that Hong Yi was going to find Sadako, his face immediately turned down.

After a long time, the ghost seemed to have made a big decision, patted Hongyi on the shoulder and said:

"Axie-kun, let's go... I heard others say that Sadako-sama is usually where, but that house is generally not allowed to enter, even if we are ghosts, we may not be able to get out again."

"However, Axiao-kun, you have paid so much, and I, Azheng, will definitely accompany you."

After finishing speaking, the whole person gave Hong Yi a tongue.

"Axie-kun, this one isn't black, it's pink, haven't you ever kissed? Try putting it in your mouth..."

"It feels really good..."

Saying that, the whole ghost stuck out his tongue and did a few demonstration actions.

Hong Yi held a somewhat slippery tongue in his hand, and was speechless for a while.

What can the poor monk say?

Fortunately, the scary ghost was sent to the Western Paradise, otherwise, these two fools would be horrible to watch.

Unexpectedly, he was a diaosi before his death...

Become a ghost after death, still a diaosi!

very pitiful!

Chapter 110 Hashihime (4 more)

Chapter 110 Hashihime

The whole person ghost led Hongyi all the way through the village's alleys.

Gradually came to the river.

Hong Yi did not expect that the river would lead all the way to the village.

And a short wooden bridge was erected across the river.

There are still some brightly colored flags hanging on both sides of the river, and there are even various lotus lanterns floating on the river.

Apparently, this used to be the place where the whole village people usually spend their time in the shade.

It's just that after the spiritual recovery, the place is dead silent, and the river water has become black, exuding bursts of foul and unpleasant smell.

"Axie-Jun..." At this time, the whole ghost turned around and said with a solemn expression:

"If you meet Qiaoji later, you must not talk too much, or you will be pulled into the water, and we will be finished..."

"Qiaoji?" Hong Yi was a little puzzled.

Another ghost?

Chicken on the bridge?

I have to say that the names of these evil spirits in the island country are really poor.

Of those ghosts in China who are stronger, which one is either a "king" or an "emperor", how come they are so cool.

Look here again, Sadako... I don't know if I thought it was a child's name.


"Is Qiaoji a ghost? Selling chickens on the bridge before she died?" Hong Yi couldn't help asking.

"Uh..." Who knew that the whole ghost directly covered Hongyi's mouth, looked around vigilantly, and then said:

"Don't talk nonsense... I met Qiao Ji, no matter what she said, we must not answer it, don't look at Qiao Ji's face..."

The whole ghost said this, coupled with his strange expression, Hong Yi was even more interested.

To make a ghost be afraid of that.

How terrifying is this Hashihime?

The two quietly got on the bridge...

The bridge is empty, and there is no so-called chicken seller.

Hong Yi couldn't help but be a little disappointed.

This Hashihime might be another great value!

"It seems that Qiaoji is not here, let's go quickly..." Seeing that there was no one on the bridge, he hurriedly dragged Hongyi to the other side of the bridge.

"Wow wow wow..."

There was a sudden sound of water under the bridge, followed by the laughter of a charming woman.

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