"Critic... I came in on purpose. The old man has long seen that the TV is not simple. Who is like you, there is no distinction between left and right!"

"Who doesn't distinguish between left and right? Lao Tzu has been a sports committee since he was a child. You say that I do not distinguish between left and right? Believe it or not, Lao Tzu's physical education teacher will come to you tonight..."


The two of them called Hongyi Jury and quarreled again!

At this time, the three of them were unaware.

A black ghostly energy slowly seeped out from the well, followed by long black hairs that began to stretch outwards along the well platform.


The sound of fangs like a tracheotomy came from the well.

A pair of disastrous hands suddenly rested on the well platform.

Chapter 114 The Abortion Talisman (4 more)

Chapter 114 The Amulet!

"Amitabha, the poor monk thinks that what the two said is somewhat reasonable. Like Director Gu said, he came down to save you... This friendship feels that..."

Hong Yi was sitting on the well platform, mediating the conflict between the two parties.

Suddenly, I felt that there were hands in the well holding the edge of the well platform tightly beside my butt, and they kept groping around the well platform.

He decisively took out the revolver from his backpack and smashed his fingers with the butt of the gun.


Sure enough, my fingers hurt and loosened.

Then came the sound of falling water.

Hong Yi turned his head and said to the two people who were constantly arguing in front of him:

"What did you just say?"

"Oh, this friendship... Yes! The poor monk feels that the two have been friends for so many years, and it is not worth it for this matter."

"Amitabha, let go of one thought and feel at ease, why should you be so attached to..."


Suddenly, a harsh voice sounded behind him.

Looking at the stunned two people in front of him, Hong Yi said a little apologetically, "Wait a moment..."

Then he turned around, a pair of hands stretched out again, and then a disheveled woman at the wellhead lowered her head and tried to climb out.

Hong Yi pressed her head with one hand, and smashed the woman's hands with the butt of a gun again.

"Amitabha, shall we continue?"


I saw that Gu Heng and Wang Daochang both stared wide-eyed, looked at each other, and shook their heads decisively.

"This... was Sadako just now, right?"

Gu Heng said cautiously.

Just as the voice fell.


There was another cry from the well, and then a pair of swollen hands came up.

Hongyi was about to smash it down with the butt of his gun.

Suddenly, a somewhat familiar voice came from the well.

"What the hell, who is so immoral? What are you doing to smash Lao Tzu? It's the third time, don't smash it..."

Hong Yi looked at it with a probe, and it was still a head of jet-black hair, dark and long, covering the face of the man in the well.

"Amitabha, why does the poor monk hear this voice a little familiar?" Hong Yi turned his head and said to Gu Heng.

"I also feel a little familiar..." Gu Heng frowned and said, "But I can't hear it clearly, you let him shout a few words, louder!"

Hong Yi nodded.

He turned around and grabbed a hand that was hooked on the edge of the well, and smashed it hard with the butt of the gun a few more times.

Sure enough, this time the sound is much louder!

"Ah... it's still smashing... don't let me know who... or I will go out and kill you! Uuu...it hurts so much!"

Hong Yi was a little stunned, he heard who this was.

Turning to look at Gu Heng and Wang Daochang next to them, both of them nodded strangely.

Obviously heard who it was.

"Brother Ye? Is that you?" Hong Yi whispered to the person hanging on the wall of the well.

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