
Gu Heng was also slapped.

"Haha, it seems that the words 'push Sadako into the well' can't be uttered, look at you...haha..." Wang Daochang laughed at the two who were slapped.


Wang Daochang: "..."

"Amitabha, it seems that this sentence should have touched Sadako's memory!" Hong Yi frowned slightly, thinking carefully:

"The poor monk remembers that in the movie, Sadako should have been personally handed by her father... go down! Is this the breakthrough point?"

After saying yes, the three of them covered their cheeks before meeting, all staring at themselves with resentment.

"Uh..." Hong Yi said a little embarrassedly:

"The poor monk found out, this word should be the key point!"

Speaking of which, Hong Yi pointed at his thigh and patted it.

"Leg? Push?" Ye Gucheng murmured.


"What's the matter with me..." Ye Gucheng, who was holding his cheeks twice, already wanted to die!

This monk is on purpose!

So insidious!

"Brother Ye is still going to be troubled by this matter. Brother Ye is still pretending to be Sadako's father."

"I really regret that Sadako went down... The emotions are more lively, it should be useful..." Hong Yi said while pulling Ye Gucheng.

The three exhorted Ye Gucheng.

Immediately afterwards, Hong Yi sat on the well platform again, and Sadako also squatted down and stared at him.

Ye Gucheng sat on the side a little nervously, a little cautious.

"Don't say that word... Definitely!"

Head down and start brewing.

In a moment!

"Zhen'er, Dad is very sorry..."

"Dad shouldn't have put you down!"

"Stop!" Hong Yi saw that Sadako didn't react at all, and hurriedly called Ye Gucheng to stop.

"Brother Ye, I won't say more about the poor monk... It won't work like this." Hong Yi had a look you know.

Ye Gucheng: "..."

"Zhen'er, Dad is very sorry..."

"Dad shouldn't have pushed you... off!"


"Uuuu... Dad regrets it, Zhen'er..."

Seeing that Zhenzi slapped her face, she didn't respond again, Hong Yi hurriedly whispered beside Ye Gucheng:

"That's the word, say more... hurry up!"

"Dad is not human, push you down..."


"Never push again..."


"Stop hitting..."

Ye Gucheng really cried this time...

It hurts!

Chapter 119 Don't go to heaven, come to the west! (1 more)

Chapter 119 Don't Go to Heaven, Come to the West!

"Dad won't push you anymore..."

"Really, whoever pushes you is the grandson!"

A few deadly words came out.

Ye Gucheng lowered his head and covered his face.

But the long-awaited slap did not fall.

Couldn't help but look up.

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