"Amitabha, the benefactor said this, the poor monk is relieved." Hong Yi held the fox's tail and said with a smile:

"Be patient... The poor monk will start lightly!"

Unexpectedly, the owner of the mysterious shop has new products again. Hongyi can't wait to buy the latest set of equipment, but there is no place to display it recently.

It finally came in handy today!

Chapter 124 The power goes out at once? (2 more)

Chapter 124 The power goes out at once?

"Don't...don't...have something to say!" The man looked in horror at the monk in front of him and pulled out two more wires, and they were the old black-skinned wires.

He was really scared.

What is this monk so prepared to do?

Nima is that we XX are not too hot and dare not play like this!

At this time, he was slowly peeling off the black skin on one end in front of him, revealing the red copper wire.


Then the monk tied the two ends to his toes.

"There's something to say... Master, can't you dare to do it again?" The man seemed to understand what Hong Yi was going to do, and desperately begged for mercy.

"Amitabha, benefactor, don't be afraid..." Hong Yi clapped the dust on his hands and began to stuff the ball into the man's mouth, tying a pink string behind his head.


The boss of "Night Spirit" is indeed a genius!

The props are getting better and better every time!

The original mouth ball can still say a few vague words when it is in the mouth.

It's amazing now, there's actually a thorn on this ball...

Listen to the boss, after the power is turned on, the vibration frequency can definitely make the other party go out of the body instantly!

incredible!my brother!

The poor monk will try it today!

Qin Lan stood beside him, watching Hong Yi carefully "dressing up" the man in front of him, he couldn't help blushing and secretly turned his head away.

Too ashamed, right?

This monk...

Where do you get so many XX supplies?

It's all turned on!

Is there any special feeling after using the light?

Even Gaya looked at Hongyi busy for a while at this time, his eyes were not so dull, he couldn't help covering Junxiong's eyes, and also don't look away!

Really hot eyes!

The water friends in the live broadcast room were already stunned at this time!How long has it been... Since the mirror ghost, such a large-scale scene has never been seen.

【I'm coming……】

[The little leather whip can no longer meet the requirements of Master Hong... 233333. 】

[I can't bear to look directly, what Nima is stuffing is the legendary dance... DAN? 】

[Isn't this thing equipped with batteries?Master, is this tied to the wire? 】

[You know a chicken, this is a ghost, is the battery enough?The master must have thought about it long ago. 】

[The moment I saw the fox's tail, I suddenly felt that the chrysanthemum was tight! 】

【Brother, me too...】

【Same as above! 】

[The old lady is so excited about this meeting, let's start...]

"Amitabha, give the poor monk a try first?" Hong Yi held the wire in his hand, squatted beside the socket next to him, and said to the man gently.

After that, plug the wire directly into the socket.


"Zi La... Zi La..."

The man foamed at the mouth, his hair exploded, his gray-white face had turned black as coke, and his whole body was shaking!


Works great!

Next up!

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