Another car...zhen!

What is it?

"Donor Qin, you haven't answered the poor monk's question yet." After a moment of silence, Hong Yi asked again.

"Monk, why are you always asking this?" Qin Lan said angrily.

"Amitabha, the poor monk is curious!" Hong Yi smiled slightly.

"As the saying goes, apply what you have learned, don't be ashamed to ask..." Hong Yi dragged his words.

"Uh..." Qin Lan thought for a moment and said, "You really don't understand?"

Hongyi nodded sincerely.

Amitabha, do I need to ask you if you understand poor monks?

Qin Lan pondered for a long time, and then slowly said: "As the name suggests, it literally means that the car drives very fast, the car is very bumpy, and it vibrates... don't drive fast in the future..."

Qin Lan decided to lie first.

I don't know if this monk really doesn't understand, or if he doesn't understand!

Anyway, from now on, the old lady really doesn't understand!

"Oh!" Hong Yi nodded.

Is this what it is?

What fun driving fast!In other words, when I go back to Huaxia this time, the sports car should be almost repaired!

"The poor monk understands..." Hong Yi said with a smile:

"Then donor Qin, when you go back to Huaxia this time, the poor monk's car should be repaired. At that time, the poor monk will take you to the car every day... Zhen! It's a big deal, the poor monk should drive slowly... How about it?"

Still driving a sports car to pull people comfortable!


Qin Lan: "..."

Chapter 125 Exchange Meeting! (3 more)

Chapter 125 Exchange meeting?

Hongyi has been avoiding Qin Lan these days.

There's no way to hide!

What a god, drive faster and bump a little...


How will this poor monk meet people in the future?

He even invited Qin Lan to Tiantian Zhen!


Baa dog!

After coming back, Hong Yi was not at ease, and went to ask him what the word Xia Ye Gucheng meant, but the answer he got was almost [-] miles away from Qin Lan's answer.

Hongyi then asked Lu Guheng again.

Also asked Wang Daochang!

Even the zygote asked.

Except for the zygote's blushing face and running away, the rest of the answer is completely different from what Qin Lan said.

too difficult!


In the blink of an eye, it was time for the opening of the exchange meeting.

This time, the island country held a spiritual exchange meeting. The surface meaning is that everyone will come, and everyone will exchange ideas on how to deal with the spiritual. The inner meaning is, everyone, come and see how we destroy evil spirits, and criticize and praise us more!

Hong Yi thinks it should be roughly the same.

Because at this time, a group of members of the island nation's ghost group in suits and leather shoes were sitting above the exchange meeting with a spring breeze on their faces.

Non-stop bragging!

"Today, we are holding a spiritual exchange meeting mainly to show that after years of exploration and research, our island country has finally successfully developed a method that can effectively deal with evil spirits."

"Next, I invite the abbot of Yuanxian Temple, Master Jianzhen, to come to the stage and briefly introduce this spell to everyone!"

"This will be an epoch-making innovation!"

"We applaud!"

In addition to the island country's own people, some people from all over the world clapped their hands perfunctorily.

In addition to Hongyi, Huaxia also has an old acquaintance of Hongyi, the bungee jumper, Zhou Cheng.

Hong Yi wanted to say hello to him, he was an acquaintance after all!

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