"This, nostalgic... nostalgic!"

"Don't let my wife know about it later, Master, please!"

Hong Yi nodded.

Follow Mr. Ma to the villa.

Before entering, I heard the cries of children.

"This brat must have been beaten up again for his homework!"

Mr. Ma whispered softly.

When Hong Yi went in, he saw that a little boy about seven or eight years old was lying on the table, holding a pen in his hand, crying non-stop.

At this time, a slightly fat middle-aged woman was standing in front of the little boy with her waist on, and kept reprimanding her.

"Make sentences one after another!"

"What did you write?"


"After get off work, Dad is coming back one after another?"

"Is this your sentence?"


"Come on, read how you made the sentence?"


The middle-aged woman was fierce, and the little boy cried and said:

"Prosperity to confess to Rongrong!"

The middle-aged woman directly lifted the little boy and shouted, "How did you make a genius?"


"I only take a shower every three days!"

Hong Yi stood beside him and couldn't bear to look directly!

This kid can only say it's amazing!

"Oh, kid, don't hit me... Study it a few more times, won't you?" Mr. Ma saw his son crying so badly, and immediately went over to protect his son.

"You just protect it!"

"Come on, tell your father, how did you make a sentence with wrinkles!" The woman glared, and the little boy cried even more fiercely.

"What's wrong with the wrinkles? Son, you said... What's wrong? Who hasn't missed it? Dad wasn't beaten by the teacher every day when he was in school..." President Ma stretched out his hand to protect his son and said.


Mr. Ma's face instantly turned red when he heard this!

Are you pulling your son directly from behind?

"I beat you to death, a dead child! What kind of thing did you make?"


"Is your father shameless?"

"say something!"


After some mixed doubles, President Ma's son, Ma Ben, is smiling again.

"Amitabha, little boy, did you meet that cat-faced old lady today?" Hong Yi sat on the sofa and asked Ma Ben.

"Ah...is that the old lady?"

"I don't see clearly..."

"Then how did you meet?" Hong Yi asked again.

Ma Ben tilted his head, thought for a while, and said:

"Today is me and a group of horses on duty..."

"Wait..." Hong Yi interrupted him quickly.

A group of horses on duty?

What the hell is this?

"Is this group of horses your classmates?" Hong Yi asked uncertainly.

"Yes, yes, nicknamed a group of horses, his name is very interesting, especially Niu, horse scorpion, how about it, is it a group of horses?" Ma Ben said enviously:

"If only my surname was Niu, you see, if my name was Niu Ben, haha, then I would be a herd of cattle!"

After coming down, Hongyi didn't open his mouth to ask.

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