"I am afraid that Huixian is alone..."

Not finished yet.

He was brutally interrupted by the monk in front of him.

"Master Liu, sit tight, the poor monk is about to start accelerating..." Hong Yi clenched the steering wheel with both hands, glanced at the time and said:

"Before it gets dark, the poor monk should be able to reach Huixian!"

"Amitabha, a ghost from a county?"


Liu Chan: "..."

Did you hear it wrong just now?

What did the monk say?


Hey, this is a county's ghost, not a ghost's county.

Ferrari galloped all the way.

Finally, after the sky darkened, we arrived outside Huixian County.

The entire Huixian county is not small.

Hong Yi leaned the car against the roadside and watched the dozen or so big-headed ghosts standing straight in front of the crossbar at the road entrance.


Does this ghost know the card?

"Are you going in with the poor monk? Shall I give you a car? Can you drive back first?" Hong Yi glanced at Liu Chan, the co-pilot, and asked.

"No, are you really going in?" Liu Chan immediately said in surprise:

"The bureau is already formulating a battle plan. After all the supporters arrive at the latest, they will come to exterminate all the ghosts in Hui County."

"It's too dangerous for you to go in by yourself..."

"The ghosts at the light intersection are very strong, at least they are close to the strength of two shackles!"

"Hey...you come back..."

Qin Lan couldn't go on.

Because the monk in front of me...

What's the matter, just rushed out of the car and went to blame!

Chapter 135 The Ghosts of the Internet Cafe (3 More)

Chapter 135 Is the Internet Cafe Haunted?

Liu Chan hurriedly got out of the car, preparing to add milk to this monk... cough, cough, and blood.

Just as soon as she got out of the car, Liu Chan was stunned.

I saw this monk, his palms were shining with golden light, one palm, one palm!

Just a few tens of seconds.

The ghost at the intersection didn't even let out a scream, and was eliminated.

What the hell!

so fierce?

Is this a hang up?

"Amitabha, donor Liu, does the poor monk have flowers on his face?" Hong Yi saw Liu Chan who was trotting all the way, staring at him strangely, and couldn't help asking.

Still watching?

"Hello, donor?"

"Wake up, hello?"

"Ah?" Liu Chan exclaimed and couldn't help pulling Hong Yi excitedly.

"I can't take it anymore, why are you so fierce?"

Hong Yi touched her bald head and looked at her speechlessly.

Why does this sound so strange?

"Donor Liu, the poor monk is going in... Would you like to drive back first?" Hong Yi turned around and prepared to head towards the county seat.


It's 8 o'clock in the evening, I don't know how much super value can be brushed overnight!

That's right, Hong Yi intends to live here.

After all, a ghost in a county town, such an opportunity is too rare!

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