No wonder I saw a lot of middle-aged people at the door just now, and even the old man rushed in excitedly.

Co-authoring so many mysterious projects upstairs!

"Amitabha, poor monk surfing the Internet! How do you charge?" Hong Yi thought for a while and said.

Let’s experience them one by one, and slowly clear them one by one.

"If you go online, you can pay 25 yuan an hour, you can scan the code, and you can pay with coins. If you don't have enough money, the bar will provide remote dream support services, and the family can burn it within 3 hours at the earliest." The female cashier smiled, showing a bright white. Teeth, black skin fell off his face.

Hong Yi nodded.

Look, what a horse is called a professional!

This is professional!

I scanned 200 yuan directly with my mobile phone, and divided Liu Chan 100.

The cashier handed them a neatly ironed skin with the username and password written on it.

514, 524!

This number is auspicious!

Hong Yi gave Liu Chan a piece of flesh and said, "You play for a while, the poor monk observes the situation first, don't act rashly! Wait for the poor monk's signal!"

"There are many more upstairs, let's brush them one by one!"


Liu Chan pinched the skin in disgust and nodded blankly.

What a strange experience today.

The old lady went to the ghost Internet cafe and got on the Internet!

Who can believe it?

There are a lot of ghosts in the Internet cafe, most of them are young students, and the few middle-aged people are also hiding in the corner, wearing headphones, staring at the screen intently, and showing wretched smiles from time to time.

The Internet cafe is very clean, the computers are neatly placed, and there are rows of comfortable small sofas.

Hongyi settled Liu Chan first, but luckily the two computers were not far away, so they could see the situation at any time.

Only then did he wander around to where his machine was.

524 number.

There are people on both sides, a student party with eyes, who is controlling the characters in the computer, and the characters are holding cool...

This is AK-47!

There is even a unicorn head.

The other one next to him was much more peculiar.

In this summer, everyone else is short-sleeved.

This dude is wearing a sweater and down jacket under the computer desk, and Hong Yi can't see it, but it shouldn't be shorts.

At this time, I was staring at the computer screen in a daze!

The screen is empty, nothing.

Hong Yi carefully opened the computer sofa and sat on it.

Turn on.

Enter username, password!

Hongyi seldom played games since he was a child.

Except for occasionally looking up information or something, I really haven't played the game.

"Amitabha, benefactor, what are you playing?" Hong Yi touched the student ghost next to him and said.

The student ghost with the eyes is fighting hot, and the unicorn holding the fire is about to dodge out, come with a rapid fire!

Suddenly, he was bumped by Hong Yi.

Go out and have a look!

What the hell!

How the hell did it get cut?

The result is obvious, black and white screen, but Hongyi can vaguely hear it from the headphones.

After the black and white screen, it turned out to be sad music...

Is it so spooky?

[Author's digression]: The old rules, there are 6 more updates around 2 pm... Brothers vote, thank you!

Chapter 136 Who is the one who cheated? (4 more)

Chapter 136 Who is the one who cheated?

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