Seeing that the little monk in front of him showed an interested expression, he breathed a sigh of relief.

"I have internal information about the information about the ghosts and ghosts of Nangudu..."


Nangu is also going to break out of ghosts and mythical creatures?

It is really……

Very good!

"When did it break out? How big is the scale? How about the strength of the ghosts coming? How many?"

A series of questions from the little monk in front of him, coupled with the excited expression on his face, directly made Borrowing Ghost stunned.

What style of painting is this?

Is this monk human?

What the hell is it when I hear the yin ghost looking excited?

"Uh..." Borrowing Ghost lowered his head and thought for a moment.

"You promised to let me go... I'll tell..."

The condition has just been exported, and the little monk in front of him directly raised his leg.

Suddenly, his whole body trembled with fear, and he said quickly:

"Don't don't don't... I said... Put your feet down, you have something to say, I said okay!"

"The ghost ghost hasn't erupted yet, but it should be soon. I don't know exactly when it will explode, but it should be large in scale. It is said that there should be a ghost master level coming."

After Hong Yi heard this, he was immediately angry!


What the hell, you didn't say a single useful word!


Raise your leg and give him another kick, directly kicking both of them to pieces!

"Ah ah ah ah ah……"

Borrowing Ghost's face flushed immediately, his legs were tightly clamped together, trembling non-stop, and a stream of liquid dripped down his trouser legs.

Suddenly, a stench mixed with the smell of snake gall and toilet water filled the entire basement.

Hong Yi pinched his nose and took two steps back.

Said expressionlessly:

"Amitabha, recover quickly... Think carefully about how to answer the poor monk's question, if... you understand!"

After a chaotic black ghost condensed, the borrowed ghost recovered.

It's too torturous!

I can't experience the pain of so many men today!

"Big... No, grandpa... can I call you grandpa?"

"I really don't know when it broke out. I only know that it must have started in the South Valley Spiritual Jedi..."

"I'm just a jerk, I really don't know the specifics!"

Borrowing the ghost said with a sad face.

"Nangu Lingyi Jedi? Where is this?" Hong Yi said with a frown.

Before I came here, I deliberately got to know Nangudu at the Spirituality Bureau.

Although there is a high probability of frequent occurrence of supernatural events here, I have never heard of supernatural Jedi!

Seeing that Hongyi's face darkened again, he said with a weeping voice:

"Master, this Nangu Spiritual Jedi, I just came here, I know the name, I really don't know where it is!"

Hong Yi stared at him quietly for a while, and asked again:

"Is there any other news?"

Borrowing the ghost shook his head in horror.

"Amitabha, shall we continue?" Hong Yi grinned at him and said:

"How about you tell the poor monk how to save you?"

"Choose one of two, how about it? Is it fair?"

Borrowing a ghost: "..."

"You bald donkey, TMD has the ability to kill Lao Tzu..."


Borrowing ghosts didn't expect the monk in front of him to be so untrustworthy, but he couldn't stop roaring loudly.

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