"Today's meeting is mainly to inform everyone of a message, I hope everyone can be mentally prepared!"

In front of the huge conference table, a white-haired old man in a black plaid suit looked at everyone below with bright eyes, and said calmly:

"Last night, Hongyi has successfully eliminated the borrowed ghost, but..."

"I also got some very unfortunate news."

"Our Nangu will soon have an outbreak of ghostly mythical creatures!"

The white-haired old man's words did not fall.

Everyone below was in a commotion.


"Are we going to explode here too?"

"Isn't there a big supernatural location in our South Valley? How could there be an outbreak of ghostly mythical creatures?"

"I heard that the outbreak of ghosts and mythical creatures is very terrifying, and the whole city will be reduced to a ghost land!"

"Do you need the masses to move out?"

"Everyone, be quiet!" The white-haired old man stretched out his hands and roared in a serious voice:

"Let's ask Nan Ling to give you a detailed introduction to the situation this time. At present, it is not so bad that the masses need to be relocated. Well, listen to Nan Ling!"

Nan Ling, who was sitting next to Hong Yi, picked up the remote control in her hand and turned on the huge projector next to her.

Above is a map of the entire Nangudu.

Then Nan Ling stood up, walked to the projection screen, and said:

"This news was obtained from Borrowing Ghost's mouth last night. As for true or false..."

"Everyone sitting here is a native of Nangu. We should all have heard the legend of Nangu's death battlefield when we were young."

"Since the recovery of the supernatural, why have supernatural events occurred frequently in the entire South Valley?"

"It was caused by this Nangu death battlefield."

"However, because this place has been shrouded in all kinds of dead air all the year round, ordinary people will die immediately after taking a breath. There used to be strong people in the free and happy realm, but... they never came out, so this death battlefield was called by the Spirituality Bureau. It is the "South Valley Spiritual Jedi", the secret seal is the highest level of secret, and no one except the director has permission to view it."

"And this time, the place where the ghost and mythical creature broke out is in this South Valley Spiritual Jedi, which is the battlefield of death!"

Nan Ling finished speaking.

Needle drops can be heard throughout the conference room.

Deathly quiet.

All the members of the Supernatural Bureau stared at the red field drawn on the projection screen in stunned eyes.

South Valley Death Battlefield.

People who have lived in Nangu have basically heard this name.

This area is located in the mountains of Nangu, where a tragic tragedy once happened.

Nearly 3 soldiers were killed here!

It is said that at that time, the river water flowing from the Nangu Dashan was blood red for several months.

Since then, the villagers living near this place have slowly disappeared.

After the supernatural recovery, every night, the entire mountain was full of angry roars.

The sound of killing swordsmen continued.

Even every once in a while, one or even several corpse soldiers with at least a ghost king level emerge from the fog of death.

Mass murder.

Hong Yi, who was sitting at the conference table, kept shaking slightly with his fingers.

Trembling with excitement.

Ever since he figured out where this supernatural Jedi was last night, Hong Yi's whole body was shaking.

3 million!

The weakest are the ghost soldiers of the ghost king level!


Has the opportunity for the poor monk to get fat finally come?

At this time, Qin You, the director of the Nangu Spirituality Bureau, who was sitting in the upper position, that is, the white-haired old man in a suit, slowly spoke again:

"This time... we must understand the situation on the battlefield of death as soon as possible before the ghostly beetle erupts."

"Everyone sitting here is the elite of the Nangu Spirituality Bureau, this time... Hongyi!"

"Amitabha!" Hong Yi saw Director Qin turned his head to look at himself, stood up and folded his hands together, bowing slightly.

This is the first time that Director Qin has seen him today. According to Nan Ling, Director Qin rarely shows up in the Spirituality Bureau. It seems that he is working on a task assigned by Huaxia. She is not very clear about the specifics.

However, just looking at the style, at least it is much stronger than Gu Heng.

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