The mouth kept opening and closing, making bursts of terrifying bite sounds.


A pair of hands that can already see the gray bones, directly pulled out the long knife beside him, and burst into a low and hoarse roar from his mouth.


The long knife fell instantly!

A sword light with a strong killing intent roared.

Chapter 182 The poor monk really didn't mean it (1 more)

Chapter 182 The poor monk really didn't do it on purpose!


Hong Yi flashed the sword light sideways, and looked at the corpse soldier in front of him with some novelty.

Corpse Soldier: Before his death, he was a soldier under the king of Chu.

Fear Level: S

Fear: 340000

Features: Although he is a soldier, he has the heart of being a general.

This character!

Poor monk likes it!

Hong Yi smiled and looked at the corpse soldier who was walking in front of him with a knife.

"Amitabha! The poor monk Xitian tour group needs you like this..."

"I come……"

Before Hong Yi's words were finished, Nan Ling let out a coquettish shout. A silver pattern was drawn from the long sword in her hand, and she slashed at the corpse soldier.

"Long Song Sword Art..."

Suddenly, one after another sword light kept shining in the dark night.


The dead hoarse voice of the corpse soldier burst out again.

The green ghost fire gleamed brightly in his eyes.

The rusty long knife in his hand lingered with gray death.

"Clang... clang... clang"

Suddenly the sound of Jin Ge continued.

One person and one ghost, you come and I have chopped each other several times.

"Severe love with one sword!"

When the two of them were staggering, a loud shout suddenly came out.

Suddenly an arm with metal scales flew out.

"Two swords cut off!"

Nan Ling shouted again, and instantly two identical silver-white sword lights shot out from the sword body strangely.


The long knife in the corpse soldier's hand fell in response.


Nan Ling was dressed in black attire, stood sideways, and the long sword glowing with cold light pressed straight against the neck of the corpse soldier.

The two arms of the corpse soldiers were scattered on the ground.

The water friends in the live broadcast room screamed like a pack of wolves at this time.

[Fuck... I'm in love...]

[Too handsome, do you have wood?Who is this girl?so strong? 】

[Jianxian, there is wood there... love, love...]

【Master soy sauce...】

[Masters, draw your sword... This girl is mine!scream. 】

[I have already found the target of all sentient beings. If my wife is so powerful, damn it, I can go to the cemetery and walk sideways at night! 】


"Clap clap clap..."

Hong Yi couldn't help but clapped his hands.

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