"Ha ha……"

"Don't you believe Nanling, benefactor?"

"Ha ha……"

"Donor Nanling... it's too much!"

"Heh...be careful..."

Suddenly, Nan Ling exclaimed behind her and pulled Hong Yi to the side.


A blood-red sword shadow shot directly at the position of Hongyi just now, and a deep pit exploded on the ground.

"Jie Jie... Dare to trespass the barracks!"

There was a roar of laughter from the front.

"Kill kill kill..."

Immediately afterwards, a scream of killing came, and a blood-red figure slowly walked out of the fog.

"Who is coming?"


Hong Yi looked up at this one who came out of the fog...

Must be a general!

After all, riding a horse and looking cool!

He was dressed in blood-stained gray-white black armor and wore a maroon-red black armor. He sat down on a handsome horse with black ghostly aura all over his body.


After shouting for a while, several corpse soldiers instantly surrounded Hongyi and the others, and a pair of green ghost eyes stared gloomily at everyone.

Hong Yi frowned and scanned the surrounding corpse soldiers.

"What should we do? This should be the leader of a corpse soldier, let's..."

At this time, beside Nan Ling lowered her head and asked in a low voice.

Hong Yi winked at her, motioned not to speak, and beckoned the four members of the spiritual bureau to put away their weapons.

"Listen to the poor monk later, don't talk!"

Hong Yi whispered.


Hong Yi put his hands together, walked slowly to the horse, looked up at the leader of the corpse soldier sitting on the horse, and smiled slightly:

"Don't know the general's name?"

"The poor monk is the messenger of the Western Sky Tour Group. There is no malice in coming here today!"

Sure enough, the leader of the corpse soldier on the horse showed a puzzled expression when he heard it.

Blood red eyes stared at Hong Yi.

"Someone is the vanguard camp under the king of Chu..."

"Amitabha! It turned out to be the general of the vanguard camp, the poor monk is polite!" Hong Yi smiled and bowed slightly.


The leader of the corpse soldier paused, and said faintly:

"Someone is under the command of King Chu, the fifth team of the Pioneer Battalion, the captain of the first team!"

Hongyi: "..."

Are you the captain?

A captain is so cool?

Is it time for your general to ride a dragon?


The captain of the Corpse Soldier was furious when he saw that there was a trace of disdain on Hong Yi's face.

"court death……"

"You dare to trespass into King Chu's army camp, someone will take it for me..."

Chapter 183 Does the poor monk look like it! (2 more)

Chapter 183 Do you look like a poor monk?


The corpse captain gave an order, and a group of corpse soldiers surrounding Hongyi raised their long knives one by one, with a hideous smile on their faces.

"Wait a minute..."

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