"Give you 30 breaths to consider..."

"More than 30 breaths...hehe..."

The handsome-looking man lightly stroked the black giant tiger's hair, raised his head and said with a smile.

"King Chu!"

"We fought them!"

"That's...even if we have become like this, but, except for the brothers who have lost their minds, none of us have taken refuge in the ghost clan!"


At this time, among the corpse soldiers on the opposite side, a tall man at the front slowly stretched out his right hand.

The screaming behind him stopped abruptly.

I saw this tall man, wearing rusty gray-white armor, and the brown-red skin behind him was full of holes.

However, this man's blood-red eyes were piercing, and he had a chilling aura, which was very attractive.

"All soldiers..."

Although the King of Chu's voice was not loud, it spread strangely throughout the battlefield.

"You can see these ghosts on the opposite side!"

Suddenly, the King of Chu raised his long sword and shouted loudly!

"How dare you follow this king to destroy them..."


Immediately, all the corpse soldiers behind them raised their long knives, and the green ghost fire in their eyes was shining brightly, and they shouted in unison.



The black giant tiger carried the man on its back and snorted coldly.

Holding it in the air behind him, a black ghostly aura floated past, and a long spear with silver-white brilliance suddenly appeared out of thin air.

"Those who dare to stop the Ghost Emperor... a death sentence!"

The handsome-looking man had a grim expression on his face, and roared in a low and gloomy voice.

"Jie Jie...die die..."

"Eat them, eat them!"


All kinds of ghosts behind him gave out bursts of terrifying laughter.

The two sides were at each other's throats.

The atmosphere on the huge battlefield was suppressed to the extreme.

War is imminent!

The King of Chu slowly clenched the long sword in his hand, and the white horse under his seat kept exhaling gray death breaths.

The handsome-looking man also tightened the spear in his hand and narrowed his eyes slightly.





"Amitabha! Can you stop!"

"The poor monk has started!"

"Didn't I just stab you with a knife, what's the matter! It's about to stop...Fuck!"

A black ghost horse, carrying a man wearing standard corpse armor, rushed straight to the middle of the battlefield.

Chapter 185 What the hell!There are more ghosts here (1 more)

Chapter 185 What the hell!More ghosts here!

On the battlefield of death!

Both sides looked at the corpse soldier who rushed in with some stunned eyes!

Hong Yi tightly tightened the reins with one hand, and finally stopped the ghost horse.

Look around!

"Amitabha... What the hell!"

Couldn't help but swear.

It is really……

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