You don't even look at your appearance, your face is full of scum, okay?

However, a small corpse soldier can just run over it in one round!

"The 30 breaths have passed, the king of Chu...the one who stops the ghost emperor will die...kill!"


The golden-armored ghost master waved his spear, and the black giant tiger under his seat roared in the sky.

Suddenly, like a black arrow, it rushed out with an afterimage.

Behind him, the hideous ghosts roared one after another, and the thick black ghosts covered the sky and the sun.

Rumble to the middle of the battlefield.

The King of Chu took a deep breath.

Look at the ghosts rolling in from a distance.

Instantly raised the long sword in his hand.

Explosive drink.


The white horse under the seat raised its front hooves high and neighed.

It turned into a white lightning and rushed out instantly.

A row of corpse soldiers raised their long knives high and swarmed out, the green ghost fire in their eyes kept flashing, and the roar shook the entire battlefield.

Hong Yi, who was standing in the center of the battlefield, was a little stunned at this time!

Turning his head to look at the golden armor ghost master in the distance, he still has a maximum of 10 breaths away from him.

Looking at the army of King Chu's corpse soldiers over there, he still has 15 breaths left.


Why is this all of a sudden about to fight?

Didn't you just chase the poor monk?

What's so special about looking down on poor monks?

Hong Yi looked at the two sides who were rumbling with smoke, and couldn't help but twitch at the corners of his mouth!

When they fight, what will happen to the poor monk's excess value?

How much less excess value is this?


We must not let these two gangs fight!

You have to fight with the poor monk...

Hong Yi took another look at the two gangs of ghosts that were about to rush in front of him.

Slowly he drew the blood-colored dragon-patterned sword from behind.

The golden-armored ghost master rode on the back of the black giant tiger and glanced at the ghost soldier just now.

I saw that he even pulled out a red broken knife!

He couldn't help nodding his head, a smirk twitched at the corner of his mouth.

The courage is not small!

He even dared to draw a knife!

"Chong for Lao Tzu... the one who stops the ghost emperor... woo woo woo..."

The spear in the Golden Armor Ghost Lord's hand was raised again, and he shouted again in high spirits.

Only, it was only halfway through.


I only felt a sound like a thunder blasting straight to my forehead.

Immediately afterwards, waves of waves like waves spread rapidly from the center of the battlefield.

The whistling sound wave was wrapped in a huge airflow, and instantly opened the mouth of the Golden Armored Ghost.

At this moment, all the ghosts on both sides covered their ears and stayed in place.

It's really too loud.

Everyone who was shocked was staring at the stars, dizzy, and buzzing in their ears.

The first few ghosts with weak strengths were directly roared by this sound, and they were shocked to death.

The Golden Armored Ghost Lord shook his head.

Couldn't help but look forward again.

I saw that the corpse soldier just now had disappeared, replaced by a bald monk in a white cassock.

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