"System, will the poor monk still dare to use the golden-topped Buddha lamp from now on? This is too much for a ghost, and you won't even give a point of excess value?"

"Host, you think too much. There are very few ghosts like King Chu who can still maintain their righteousness after death. Basically, it can be said that there are no ghosts. The reason why ghosts can form is because they absorb all kinds of negative emotions. If you can maintain a righteousness, it can be said that you will meet such a once in your life..."

"Amitabha, if you say that, the poor monk is relieved!"

"King Chu..." Hong Yi turned around and smiled at him, clasping his hands together.

"Just here, the poor monk left..."

"This white horse..."

"Even if the master rides, this horse can follow the master, it is also its good fortune!" The king of Chu waved his hand and said boldly:

"Master has the grace to recreate us, what is a mere white horse!"

Hong Yi nodded.

Chong Chu Wang waved his hand, turned around and patted his horse's butt, and ran towards the helicopter.

Before the helicopter!

"Amitabha... Ladies and gentlemen, how is this poor monk?"

Hongyi rode to the front of the people in the Spirituality Bureau and said with a smile:

"Yo... Director Qin is also here. Director Qin, look at the poor monk's horse? Does it look like a white dragon horse?"


"what happened?"

I saw that everyone in the Spirituality Bureau looked at him blankly.

Hong Yi couldn't help but looked down at himself.

Nothing is wrong!

Still so cool!

"Hongyi! What's your situation? Those were the corpse soldiers on the battlefield of death just now?" Qin You slowly came to the side of the white horse and said solemnly:

"What do you think about you and them?"


Is it because of this?

Scared the poor monk to death!

"Director Qin, the poor monk has successfully stopped the ghosts and mythical creatures, and... these corpse soldiers have been influenced by the poor monk... They have successfully abandoned the darkness and turned to the light, and they are new soldiers, and they will never take half a step out of the battlefield of death."

"Also, these are no longer corpse soldiers..."

"The poor monk has successfully reached a consensus with them, and it will be regarded as a peripheral force of our Nangu Spirituality Bureau in the future. Moreover, the kind that doesn't need to be paid, Director Qin doesn't need to worry..."

Qin You looked at the monk who was talking eloquently in front of him, and his mind went down for a while.

What did the monk say?

Has the ghostly beast been resolved?

Solved before it broke out?

And... these corpse soldiers have been successfully influenced by you?

After Hongyi's efforts to explain, he finally explained the ins and outs of the matter.

"Hongyi... So, these corpse soldiers will no longer attack humans now?" Nan Ling said in surprise:

"However, what ghost-devouring emperor you said will erupt again?"

Hong Yi shook his head and said, "I don't know about this poor monk, but the poor monk is also looking for this Ghost Eater Emperor. It's really abominable! He actually likes masculinity... It's really worth overdoing it!"

"Hongyi, I have a question that I am not very clear about." At this time, Director Qin, who had been pondering for a long time, said:

"What exactly is your cultivation base now?"

Hearing what this monk said, he killed a bunch of ghosts by himself, including a ghost master.

Moreover, that ghost master even knelt down for you, shivering.

Why does it sound a bit like a blowout batch!

Hong Yi touched his bald head and said with a distressed expression: "This... the poor monk is not very clear... I haven't met a person who can't do it yet!"


I really don't know!

Ask the system, the system will not say.

What other people are extraordinary... shackles... free world!

This is good for me, there is no realm at all!

Qin You: "..."

Listen, how crazy young people talk!

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