"Amitabha!" Hong Yi squinted and stared at the top of the village for a long time before asking:

"Don Nanling, shouldn't all the villages in the Nangu Mountains be relocated?"

Hong Yi saw a faint ghostly aura hovering over the village through his psychic eyesight.

Only then did Nan Ling raise her head, look sideways through Hong Yi's shoulder and see the village in front of her, she said in surprise:

"Yes, there are no villages in the entire Nangu Mountains... Could this be... a ghost village?"

Hongyi didn't say a word, and slowly walked towards the village on a horse.

The whole village is not big, Hong Yi took a look, there are at most dozens of houses, but the buildings are very modern, all are two-story single-family houses, and the houses are neatly arranged.

There was even a small garden in front of each house.

Wait until the two come to the entrance of the village.

Hong Yi turned over and jumped off the white horse, looking up at the village monument standing in front of him.

"Overseas Chinese Widow Village!"

Hong Yi touched his bald head and couldn't help but turn his head and ask Nan Ling:

"Amitabha, are you so straightforward in naming your Nangudu village?"

Nan Ling looked at the name of the village and was a little puzzled.

"I've never heard the name of this village before! But this is..."

A village widow?

Some evil!

"Go... go in and have a look!" Hong Yi tied the white horse at the entrance of the village, turned around and walked into the village.

Although every household in the village was brightly lit, there was no sound.

Terribly quiet!

"Ah..." Suddenly, Nan Ling exclaimed, pointed to the garden of a nearby family, and said in a trembling voice:

"Look, what is that?"

Hong Yi turned his head to look, and saw a humanoid creature covered in ** in the small garden in front of the house next to him, quietly leaning on a stake.

"It doesn't matter!" Hong Yi patted Nan Ling lightly and whispered:

"The poor monk come closer and have a look!"

After Hongyi walked in, he could see the things in the garden clearly.


Couldn't help taking a breath.

The humanoid creature in front of him should not be considered an individual.

Because it's just a human skin.

Hong Yi only saw that the human skin in front of him was completely peeled off, and it was stuffed with all kinds of cotton, as if it was made into a doll.

Even the hair is real.

Hong Yi gently lifted the head of the human skin doll and couldn't help sighing:


This human skin doll's head turned out to be real, and even the blood on the corner of the mouth has not dried up.

"What's going on here?" Nan Ling glanced at the human skin doll in front of her in horror, pulling Hongyi's cassock tightly.

This is too cruel!

Peel other people's skins and make them into dolls!

Also on your doorstep!

"Amitabha, the benefactor of Nanling, follow the poor monk..." Hong Yi gently put the human skin doll away, and said solemnly:

"Let's go for a walk in the village!"

Just after the two turned their heads.

I saw that the human skin doll just now raised his head slowly, a strange smile appeared on his hideous face, red light flashed in his eyes, and he lowered his head again.

The two of them, Hongyi, walked over to the door one by one, and their expressions became more and more solemn.

There is an identical human skin doll standing at the door of every household, and the strange thing is that every human skin doll is male.


"Is anyone here?"

"Amitabha, the poor monk is a passing monk and wants to borrow a glass of water to drink..."

Hongyi stood in front of a family's door and kept knocking on the door.

Just waited a long time.

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