"The old man was forced to be helpless just now."

Hong Yi hurriedly helped her up and said a little embarrassedly:

"The poor monk didn't know about the old man... this..."

The old lady waved her hand and said with a smile:

"It's okay, I'm a ghost, and I'm afraid it won't hurt. Compared to the torment of the ghost master, it's nothing!"

After speaking, the old lady sighed.

"Alas, all the people buried in this mass grave are from our village."

"Now the world has changed...more and more ghosts are starting to come out to harm people!"

"Pity the people in our village who were killed by this resentful ghost master."


Hong Yi took a deep breath, pondered for a moment, and said:

"Old man, would the poor monk recite a rebirth mantra for you?"

"I hope that all the villagers can be..."

"Thank you, little monk..."

The old lady sat quietly in front of the tombstone, staring at the tombstone in front of her for a while.

Hong Yi took two steps back slowly, sat cross-legged on the ground, put his hands together, and closed his eyes.

A faint golden light lingered.

"Namo Amitabha Yeduo Tagagardoye Duodiye he Amitabha Viamiliduo..."

The rebirth mantra slowly came out from Hong Yi's mouth.

One after another, the faint golden aura continued to drift to every corner of the Mass Burial Mound along with the rebirth spell.

The silver-haired old lady only felt that the little monk in front of her was exuding a peaceful atmosphere.

The whole breath began to diffuse.


A familiar voice came.

"Giggle... Grandma Qiao..."

"Wife... I'm back!"

"Hehe, Grandma Qiao, I'm Xiaohu, I'm out of school..."

Over the entire mass grave, there were scenes of deja vu.

All the villagers looked at themselves with a smile.

The old man standing at the front also smiled and stretched out his hand to him.

The silver-haired old lady couldn't hold back her tears and put her hand in the old man's.

"Come... my wife is here to accompany you..."


"Hongyi...why are you unhappy?" Nan Ling couldn't help but ask Hongyi, who came back on a horse with a deep expression:

"Isn't this horse back?"

"Amitabha! The poor monk is fine..." Hong Yi let out a breath of turbid breath and said with a slight smile:

"Come on, come up! We should go!"

Nan Ling, who was sitting behind the horse, couldn't help but look back at the mass graves.

Suddenly startled, he couldn't help pulling Hong Yi.

"Look, why is this mass grave disappearing..."

Hong Yi glanced sideways, and saw the silver-haired old lady leading all the villagers waving to him.


Hong Yi smiled and nodded.

Suddenly all the village names slowly dissipated in the air.

"Nanling benefactor..." Hong Yi turned to Nanling and said:

"Don't hold the poor monk so tightly..."

"The poor monk is almost out of breath!"

"You have put your hand into the poor monk's robe, take it out quickly..."

Chapter 196 The Curse Game (1 more)

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