"Amitabha, the poor monk is not very clear, this requires the poor monk's master to come in person..."

I have already asked Master Chen just now.

Moreover, Master Liaochen has also counted with the white turtle once.

The range is vague.

However, according to Master Liaochen, if you can do divination at the crime scene, you may be able to calculate the specific location of the ghost's next action.

After Hony recharged 288 coupons again, it promised to reimburse all expenses.

Master Chen resolutely packed his bags and set off!

"I don't know when the master will come to Nangu?" Qin You asked again after listening.

"Amitabha!" Hong Yi smiled and said:

"Should be leaving now. The poor monk will rush to the airport and should be able to pick him up soon."

"Okay..." Qin You nodded, turned around and said to everyone in the Spirituality Bureau:

"This supernatural incident is no trivial matter. It can control 40 people at a time. This ghost should be very powerful... Everyone..."

After Qin You Balaba spoke a bunch of words again.

The meeting is over!


South Valley International Airport.

"Hongyi, how old is your master?" Nan Ling, still wearing a black OL outfit, stood at the exit of the plane and kept looking inside.

"Are you sure you remember correctly?"

"The plane should have arrived, why hasn't anyone come out yet?"

"Amitabha!" Hong Yi also widened his eyes, looking at the exit, frowned and said:

"This, the poor monk does not know, the poor monk master is 73 years old this year."

Now, Master Chen will not be lost!

The plane is not late, it's been almost half an hour, and I haven't seen it yet...

"73 years old... so old?" After hearing this, Nan Ling stretched her neck again and kept sweeping away from the crowd.

Not to mention the seniors.

I didn't even see a bald one!

"Is your master bald?" Nan Ling asked again.

"Amitabha!" Hong Yi turned to stare at her, and said angrily:

"Nonsense, the poor monk master is a monk, he must be bald!"

"Hongyi disciple!"

Before he could finish speaking, a familiar shout came from the front.

Hong Yi turned his head to look.

Immediately froze in place.

Amitabha, is this the poor monk master?

I saw Master Chen with a bright face, pulling a silver suitcase with silver-gray hair on his head, wearing a colorful short shirt, white trousers, and leather shoes!

The weirdest thing was that there was a curly-haired girl with a curvaceous figure and black sunglasses holding Master Chen's arm next to her.

Both of them waved at Hong Yi and walked over quickly.

"This is your master?" Nan Ling opened her mouth wide and asked in disbelief:

"Isn't your master a monk? Is he still vulgar?"

"Also, this body looks 70 years old?"

"Amitabha" Hong Yi said dazedly:

"This, the poor monk doesn't know what's going on."

"Haha... Disciple of Hongyi!" Master Lu Chen came over in high spirits, opened his arms and embraced Hongyi in his arms, reached out and touched Hongyi's bald head, took two steps back, and said with a smile:

"What do you think of being a teacher? Is there a lot of style?"

As he said that, he pulled the curly-haired woman beside him to the side.

"Look who this is? Do you still know him?"

"Master... Do you still know me?" The curly-haired woman gently took off her sunglasses and gave Hong Yi a wink.

Hong Yi looked up and remembered who the girl in front of him was.

Isn't that the witch hunter Guan Ning!

When did you come back to Huaxia again?

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