After waiting for a long time.

Still no bone soldiers came out, Hong Yi couldn't help picking up a white ball.


Turning to look, sure enough, there is no ghost master in the classroom.

With a gloomy face, Hong Yi picked up all the white balls on the ground and silently put them in his back bag.

This cursed ghost...

Flow batch!How dare you fool the poor monk with white marbles!


At this moment, the door of the classroom was kicked open, and Nan Ling took the long sword and rushed in first.

All the members of the Supernatural Bureau poured in.

Hong Yi waved at them and said:

"Amitabha, send these students to a safe place first, and the poor monk goes after this cursed ghost master, how dare you play the poor monk..."

"30 minutes later, the poor monk will bring people back, you all go first!"

After he finished speaking, Hongyi walked out of the classroom without turning his head, and with his supernatural powers, he disappeared into the darkness in an instant.

Chapter 201 I Can't Get Behind! (2 more)

Chapter 201 I Can't Get Behind!

"Nan Ling, why hasn't this Hongyi come back yet?"

Downstairs in the Lingyi Bureau, Qin You said with a worried expression:

"It's already been four hours, didn't you say you'll be back in half an hour?"

"Could there be an ambush by that cursed ghost master?"

Ever since he was in the health school, Hong Yi said a word, and immediately flew away and disappeared.

Qin You led everyone in the Spirituality Bureau to settle all the students properly, and then returned to wait for the news of Hongyi.

"Director, I've called just now and said it's coming soon!"

Nan Ling took out her phone, looked at the time again, raised her head and said:

"However, there shouldn't be an ambush. There's nothing wrong with listening to Hong Yi's voice!"

Qin You nodded, turned around and prepared to enter the hall of the Supernatural Bureau.

"Ah ah ah ah ah……"



Suddenly a shrill scream came.


Then, a black shadow fell heavily from the sky, instantly smashing a big hole in the concrete in front of the supernatural game.

Qin You and others, who couldn't figure out the situation for a while, slowly moved towards the big pit.


A pair of hands with black blood stretched out from the pit and tightly held the edge of the cement floor.

"Be careful..." Nan Ling pulled out the silver long sword and said solemnly to everyone.

The team members next to them all nodded, took out their firearms, and aimed them into the cement pit.

"Ah ah ah ah..."

"Is there any humanity!"

"How old is this master... I can't help you..."

A burst of miserable screams came from the pit, and close to it, a unkempt, blood-stained old man crawled out of the pit.

"do not move!"

Nan Ling scolded, and the long sword in her hand was instantly in front of the old man.

"who are you?"

This black light is blinding, an old man fell from the sky, smashing such a big hole, is it okay?

Can still climb out.

This is definitely not ordinary people!

"I..." The old man raised his head for a moment.

Nan Ling hurriedly took a few steps back and let out a coquettish cry.

"It's a ghost! Quick..."

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