"It's really unexpected!" Hong Yi gently blew out a lamp in front of him and said with a smile:

"I don't even need electricity, are vampires so poor?"

He stretched out his hand and slowly pulled a strand of golden hair, lifted Anna's head from the ground, placed it gently on the table, and glanced at the stunned vampires.

Gently patted Anna awake.


"The benefactor, do you see that they are waiting for the poor monk?"

Feeling the constant slaps on her face, Anna slowly opened her eyes and stared blankly at all the familiar people in front of her.

Suddenly shouted loudly.

"Ah ah ah ah..."

"Kill him, kill him, he's a devil! Devil!"

"I must kill him...kill him..."

Hong Yi smiled embarrassedly at everyone, put his hand on Anna's head gently, and said:

"I'm really sorry, in such a high-end place, the poor monk immediately told her to shut up."

As he said that, a golden light flashed in his hand.

Gently squeeze your fingers.

Suddenly Anna's head was like a watermelon and was crushed by Hong Yi.

All kinds of red and white liquids splashed out instantly.

Chapter 206 Sacrifice a thousand years of life! (1 more)

Chapter 206 Sacrifice a thousand years of life!

The whole banquet hall was terribly quiet!

All the vampires froze in place, with their mouths open, staring at the little monk not far away.


Hong Yi bent down and picked up a silver western food knife on the ground, inserted it directly into the chest of a vampire in front of him, and said with a smile:

"What? Poor monks are not welcome?"

"Aren't vampires very polite?"

"Why not even a word of welcome?"


With a loud noise, the entire long and narrow banquet table was instantly shattered!

"Dare... dare... bastard!"

Hong Yi looked at the angry old man in front of him, the corners of his mouth twitched slightly, and jokingly said:

"Presumably this old donor is that marquis?"

"Prince Dracula's butler?"

"The poor monk wants to ask this donor, what is the matter of trying to attract the poor monk?"

"Amitabha! Do you want to eat?"

Turn around and gently put the backpack down, and pull out the silver-white revolver.


In an instant, a vampire collapsed in front of him.

"How many times? Ah..."


Breaking the head of a blonde again, Hong Yi wiped the blood on his face and said again with a smile:

"It's endless? Do you know that the poor monk is usually very busy..."

"Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah……"

The old man in front of him roared fiercely, his eyes changed, and they were scarlet.

The white candle light kept flickering, and the blood-colored fog instantly enveloped the entire hall.


A pair of purple wings spread out from behind the old man.




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